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-   -   结婚后要刻苦的星座女_赵妹_新浪博客 (

04-02-2011 08:04 AM

在西洋占星的星盘中有先天十二宫,即白羊宫、金牛宫、双子宫、巨蟹宫、狮子宫、童贞宫、天秤宫、天蝎宫、射 手宫、魔羯宫、水瓶宫、双鱼宫等,而后天的十二宫则是命宫、财帛宫、兄弟宫、田宅宫、子女宫、仆役宫、夫妻 宫、疾厄宫、迁徙宫、官禄宫、福德宫、玄秘宫.s
在后天十二宫的第七宫又称作是合伙宫位,能够看你的搭档关联,也是夫妻宫,ghd purple,可以看到你与另一半的互动是否良好.
假如第七宫有以下三颗星曜之一坐守时,你算是比拟荣幸的,能在金钱或社会位置上得到老公的挹注或提拔,这三 颗星曜分辨是:太阳星、木星、火星. s
1、太阳是女性的夫星,也是官贵之星,坐守夫妻宫时,你会有个热情大方又体面的老公,有助你社会地位或人际 关系的晋升,如果他有钱的话,对你是无比大方且予取予求的,爱体面的他可不能让老婆见不得人的 ; s
2、火星是颗十足阳刚又热忱的星,有打算心又会赚钱,坐落在夫妻宫(或天秤宫或与金星角度良好)里,你会有 个阳刚味十足,会赚钱又很会维护你的老公,出手很慷慨,毫不能让你受冤屈的,除非这个委屈是他 给你的; s
3、木星是颗幸运的吉星,coach for sale,坐落在夫妻宫时,你会有个风趣幽默又大方大方的老公,他可能是衔着金汤匙出身,人际关系好、社会地位也不 错的男士. s
至于以下多少种情形的女性,可能就比较辛劳了,兴许你是个铁娘子,也许你的老公颇有著名度或社会地位,但你 就无奈在精力上或金钱上仰赖他,jordan shoes black,不让你吃亏受气未然是很不错了.(注:以下"命宫"即是星盘中的第一宫,即回升星座).s
1、其中之一是天王星在命宫或是命宫在水瓶座的,天王星是颗象征渐变的星曜,正冲夫妻宫,婚姻情感充斥变量 ,你有可能忽然被摈弃或被背离; s
2、另外就是太阳或月亮在命宫的女性,太阳在命宫,由于夺夫星,个性强、责任感重,多半本人要为家庭生涯付 出比较多的心力,月亮代表家庭及女性本身,在命宫自主性高,多半是要内外统筹,无法依附老公的 ; s
3、再来就是土星在命宫或是上升在魔羯的女性,比较器重事业成绩而且义务感与压力颇重,独力自主性高,比较 不会靠老公; s
4、还有就是命宫有海王星或上升在双鱼的女性,极富同情心又非常滥情,模模糊糊的,不理解谢绝别人,经常爱 错误人,sale paul smith,落得自讨苦吃,固然会爱一回伤一回,但每次恋爱时老是无怨无悔的付出,令人可惜又疼爱.当然,其它星曜的 角度与坐落宫位仍有交互的作用,不致那么悲凉,只是上述的情况是会有影响的.s
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g6jyu6ef 04-02-2011 08:06 AM

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139914 2010 年 02 月 22 日 10:46 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (3) Category: sentiment

once married, how simple things, two people had no opinion, the procedures to do, and can be considered married, but now, what character, family background, appearance, work, education, future, or even as a hobby is not without wondering , so come and go study, careful comparison, toss and turn, complicate the simple question, they magnify the problem! more confused the more refined results, it can not be a marriage to end!

of us born in the eighties, in terms of age, has been fast Pentium III, are also considered Laotaibuxiao, and if earlier, when the old society, children can go to the soy sauce, surrounded by friends and relatives, one by one to tie the knot marriage and children.

but we the gang, is still held back, parents are busy opened, however, mention married to twitch! do not understand why we Sipilailian of pulling the tail of youth do not get married yet?

even some who want to get married, get a lot of things, houses, cars, tickets. Mentality is a problem, no matter how good the older generation of suggestions, but think of the word for life, to tremble, afraid pampered accustomed.

Three-year-old unmarried

, or child, two-year-old marriage is to adults. This concept has afflicted the nerve after 80, so that they stop.

after free love, love the number 80 also increased, more and more of the love experience, so they do not believe love, unwilling to accept the responsibility of love and commitment. Who is afraid of the future change of heart, and out between the second-hand goods that he is so hesitant.

price increases,如安在 Windows XP 中为步伐创立键盘快捷键 - Qzone日, prices rise, some people say that marriage is the tomb of love, but if no house, love is dead without burial,转:80后糊口潜规矩,你占几个? - Qzone日记, love, when, how gentle children who, as long as the thought of marriage, no house, even how generous a man not as steel and concrete to embrace reality. Is an important point of the house.

romantic love, but marriage is real. 80 young people are basically self-reliant after graduation to start their own business, hard world, good luck, all the parents get together, the unit is good, high wages, bad luck, only myself,感谢天上的诸路神佛 - Qzone日志, love, marry, marriage, are the same. The bride price is high, even higher demand for marriage. A wedding ring and it can definitely make an ordinary young people a little after 80 on the bankruptcy.

fact, is the most bitter after 80 generations, especially the boys. Their marriage, it is difficult, after 80 girls, some are post-graduate, and some chose to take a shortcut older wealthy old man, began to earn some money, flesh, and some who only arrogant, look down on ordinary 80 men. And 90 compared to 80 after more than hard to make their own money to feed themselves, but also take into account the family.

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