Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise First public rele
The very first public release of Moonlight — the Silverlight on Linux project from open-source leader Miguel de Icaza and his band of coders — is out.De Icaza, Microsoft Office Pro Plus, Novell Vice President for Developer Technologies, Office 2007 Standard Key, noted the release in a blog post dated May 13. De Icaza noted the release is available to testers in two forms: A no-media-codec-based version and one which will allow users to compile FFMpeg codecs themselves.The release supports Silverlight 1.0 only. The developers plan to move to support Silverlight 2.0, Office 2010 Professional Plus, which is currently in beta and expected to launch in final form later this summer.De Icaza noted that Moonlight will work on Firefox 2 and 3, Office 2010 Pro Plus, but some recent changes in nFirefox 3 “preent Silverlight and Moonlight from working.” There is a user-contributed Greasemonkey script that provides a work-around for some sites, Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise, he said.De Icaza said in December to expect the very first release of Silverlight to be done by mid-2008.