buisness0243 |
04-23-2011 09:11 AM |
Office 2007 Serial Windows 7 Build 7048 does not e
Vista House (www.vista123.com): Windows seven Construct 7048 does not exist - RC edition nonetheless have to wait legendary February eleven is the Windows 7 Build 7048 RC candidate ? Regrettably, the most recent news from modern point of view, this version does not exist. Arstechnica contacted a Microsoft employee confirmed the advancement , doesn't this version of Windows seven Create 7048 , Office 2007 Serial, that is however to begin RC stage . In fact , Office Home And Stude/nt, Microsoft is nevertheless sent to Beta testers are currently open Develop 7000, Office 2007 License, since there isn't any upgraded . is now identified : February 11 compiled edition is Build 7041 ( ie 6.1.7041.0.winmain.090211-xxxx), this week completed the latest Build 7046, Office 2010 License, compiled Edition number reduced than 7048 . is currently leaking , Office 2007 License, or the latest version of Windows 7 Construct 7032, the full edition string / p>