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05-02-2011 11:57 PM



  【新民网・晚报推荐】组织这次炉西峡探险之旅的是上海高远户外运动俱乐部。今天上午8时46分许,一个 名为“小爱”的“驴友”在俱乐部论坛上发出题为“8月15日炉西峡事件经过”的帖子,这是亲历此次事件的“ 驴友”第一次完整地讲述当时的情况。

  小爱在帖子里说,本次活动共18人,10男8女,计划线路是郑坑至林圩。出行前他询问过领队当地天气情 况。领队表示已经查了当地天气预报,两天都是多云,并已经向当地的向导了解,向导也认为天气没 有问题。

  8月15日下午1时许,队伍在一个浅滩休整午餐,午餐后继续前进。没多久天就转阴,不一会开始下大雨。 小爱走在队伍的第一个,走了一段之后领队追上来把小爱叫住,告知由于天气原因,取消接下来的行程返回桂远村 。向导说只有渡过河才能返回村子,并在河边找了一个水流相对比较平缓的地方渡河。领队要队员们先别动,他先 去观察,系好绳子做保护,并下水尝试过河,水位在其膝盖位置。这时雨势变小了。领队觉得没有危险之后,让女 生先过河并在固定点与岸边之间逐个扶着上岸。过了两三个人之后,张林等队员提出留在最后策应,让小爱先过去 帮助女队员过河。小爱过去之后,把剩下的女队员扶上岸。


  张林是最后一个过河的,他拉着绳子走了二三步,水势突然开始变急。向导和刘诺和刘宇杰两位队员正在水中 央的一个浅滩上接应他。突然张林滑了一下,没有站稳被水冲走。由于他手上抓着绳子,浅滩上的向导、刘诺和刘 宇杰看到后立刻拉绳子,想把他拉上来。但是此时浅滩也由于水的暴涨而淹没在了水里,他们几个人也被水冲的站 立不稳,绳子从手中脱离,张林不一会儿就消失在水中了。

  张林被冲走后,领队马上指示岸上的队员打电话报警。小爱则沿岸往下游跑,想去找点树干或者长点的东西去 捞他。在小爱找东西的瞬间,张林还是被冲远了。小爱赶紧往下游跑,领队也紧跟着跑下来。跑到很远的一个大转 弯处,下面是很宽阔的水面,已经没有路了。小爱和领队找了一会儿,没有看到人,领队当即决定回去看还在浅滩 上的2位队员和向导是否安全上岸。


  等小爱和领队回到渡河处,水势已经涨到了依然在河中间的队员和向导的胯部。其他在岸上的队员还在打电话 报警和求救。在队员们紧急尝试各种救援方法时,red wing work boots,路过的一个苏州队队员提到过他们有绳索。领队马上让小爱去向苏州队的队友借绳子。小爱到那里后,苏州队立 刻给了小爱绳子并派了2个强壮的队员协助救人,但是返回后发觉借来的绳子不够长,够不到3个人所在的浅滩位 置。在此期间大概有30分钟水势没有继续上涨,队员们依然试着营救。突然,几秒钟的时间里,河中间的队员和 向导就被冲走了。大家都眼睁睁地看着这一幕,接着都沉默了。

  之后,领队要求剩余的队员立即返回村子,继续想办法救援,在跟苏州队的向导老杨商量之后,由老杨带着大 家一起返回村子。


  在“小爱”的帖子发出之后,一个从业将近10年的户外运动专业人员李纯刚对其描述的信息进行了分析,并 提供了领队邵辉的情况。

  “这次活动的领队邵辉是我认识较早的上海领队,经过中国登山协会的培训和考核,持有攀岩教练员和户外指 导员两项资质,这点我从中国登山网站上公布的教练员名单中证实了,资质都经过了最新的年检,在 有效期内。”

  “邵辉给我的总体感觉是一个责任心比较强、有良好组织能力、经验丰富的领队,这在圈子里应该是公认的。 2002年从事户外领队工作后到此之前7年内未发生过责任事故。感觉他还是个挺靠谱的人。”

  帖子中,还包括从中国登山协会网上获取的两项证书截屏。一为2009年5月28日发布的“攀岩教练员已 取得资格证书一览表(初级八期)”,一为2009年5月31日发布“户外指导员已取得资格证书一览表(初级 十八期)”,上面都有邵辉的名字。

  李纯刚还认为,从“小爱”讲述的经过里,领队基本上做到了应该做的准备。关键问题可能在于对当地情况的 不熟悉和对灾害性因素的估计不足上。“户外无小事”,即使有向导,事先了解过天气情况,作为领队也要用更谨 慎的头脑去怀疑。看到好天气,依然要做好最坏的打算。

05-03-2011 12:17 AM

Among the list of huge san francisco spa cell mobile phone location pursuing software is that you could find released who stole your current phone when it can be stolen. Currently, thefts possess never been recently higher; when you are not careful in your head, it might get taken. Just like we certainly have car pursuing services, now we have phone pursuing services. Although this particular software enables you to do a great deal more, but Let me like to pay attention to how you should utilize it to uncover where your current phone can be if in any way it receives stolen. The mobile phone location pursuing software might be installed in any cell phone and once it's installed, it can keep tracking the positioning and movements belonging to the phone by means of GPS. With all the purchase of the software, you're given some sort of username plus password with that you choose to can log right dedicated server to find out the GPS DEVICE location information. You can easily install this particular software in your spouse's or even children's mobile phone too to recognise their area at any opportunity. With this particular software installed in your phone, in case it receives stolen or even lost, you can possibly return the laptop or computer, log throughout and see the positioning of his phone live.
You will definitely get the avenue,convert vob to avi, the town, and your state information. You can even be assigned details of what lengths the phone could be to you. Keeping this, you can possibly drive right down to the location belonging to the phone plus claim precisely what belongs for your requirements. Although your thief could be smart enough to hold the mobile phone dead for 2 days, don't get worried, the moment his phone comes in, you could possibly get details belonging to the location and considering that the thief can not know the good news is cell mobile phone location pursuing software installed about the phone, she or he will not have the capacity to delete your software. With this, you can possibly retrieve precisely what belongs for your requirements instead associated with to get another mobile phone. The software is extremely affordable and it is usually downloaded throughout seconds. It takes only about five to 12 seconds to setup too just as soon as it can be installed, the career becomes that belonging to the software following that. Be very careful however that will read person reviews internet before downloading to make sure you are venturing into the proper software. There will be so many out at this time there and exactly like you should count on, there will be ######## ones while in the pack. Will not just get anything you discover first, you should definitely scrutinize when you download.

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