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Network of veins namely money apt amplify a web o
success on the road, a network of more important than knowledge. Development of interpersonal relationships should be your highest prerogative task. The book includes many practical tips to keep you through the relationships and prosperity.
keep the core of the following is a synopsis from the book of 106 tips. Practice these skills in practice, turned into a successful and realizing life, master of communication. 1, to help others is the essence of a successful social been used successfully in manifold forms to help others. Sharing out your knowledge and resources, time and energy, friends and relationships, compassion and love,Vibram FiveFingers, which continued to provide value for others, while increasing their value. 2, to make their pay more than the return Because you will provide value for others, others will contact you. So much to consider others and not themselves. 3, do not keep do not think friendship is limited. This investment will be more coil and more. 4, the key to success is the charity of the social manoeuvre not just for the sake of advantage, merely generous. 5, a remove goal of your life you can and want the intersection namely your internal enthusiasm. What is your most exciting thing? What you do while you feel the baby boom quickly? 6, apparently know what they want more clearly what you want, you can find methods to achieve more. 7, used to set goals for themselves make you different is the easiest way to set goals. The nightmare into a goal in life, and then broken down into smaller goals. 8, set the plan for the development of interpersonal skills to build communication networks is a process, your intend should comprise the following third: 1. your 3-year target, and the progress every three months . 2. lists can help you achieve the goals of each person. 3. how to point 2 listed contact person. Once you set up a goal, you often see spliced to the location. 9, to create your personal They are your friends, not potential customers. 11, and you know to maintain good contact starting to focus above your present social network of people. 12, a quite daring gallantry magic. to the development of two similar, there may be different simply because the thickness of the nerve. 13, willing to turn to someone else willing to get can create opportunities and you should be as willing to help others, as willing to others upon request. Remember, to make people mention pieces of precarious things, there must be farmed, there are completions we must take risks meantime act nobody is only mediocre. 15, respect for others esteem everybody, regardless of tall and low. 16, Transparent open heart is a serviceable and renowned attitudes. 17, make friends agreeable by social person, not in the is a natural result, not well-designed target 18, ready to work you want to see who? how see? see you after what he outlooks to you? these can not be ignored. 19 , and you know how to contact people you know enough about your contacts who can beyond his field, a vocational talk with them you can accessible be appreciated. a rich and deep to find mutual ground, then you can contact and can easily impressed. 20,Women Vibram FiveFingers Sprint, to understand other people's interest Aiwujiwu, you will presently become portion of their life. 21, not a person to eat meal is very effortless to easy communication. and eat with the others, is an efficacious usage of communication. 22, manage your information effective information treatment is very important if you are organized, focused, adhere to that no one will leave your communication network. 23, listed according to their own list of target category (such as potential clients, potential owners, etc.) put together their own list, not only to list the pertinent units, There are likewise lists the element the right to speak people. 24, recognize the authority of your field of expertise order to achieve the target, you know you are busy in the field, who is the best. lists the current authority in the field . 25, lists the people you yet know you already know list of people: relatives, campus students, elapse students, instructors ahead, before my colleagues ... .... 26, flexible systematize information the way you administer the list to be amenable. by location, by industry, close of ... ... 27, using someone else's contact list, add your own list of others is your resource. 28, to establish a complete strangers (Cold Call) stranger when you need to cry, how many you will be some alarm. equitable bite the bullet. just absence to own will be successful. get to know current people is a dare and an opportunity 30, insisted If you connect with others, others no reaction you should continue to contact them you should take the initiative. alternatively even combative. 31, contact person related with indirect (Warm Call) with the following four rules to 1, statement of reliability: the reference to the relevant person or entity. 2, made valuable: you can do for them? 3, inform the urgency and Convenience: In most cases, the only intention is to suddenly call an assignation. 4, ready for a compromise solution: the start of positioning higher, leaving room for dispute. 32,Vibram FiveFingers Flow, the guard seeing as allies rather than enemies guard should also be respected. not to incense them. 33, never lost remember in the establishment of social networks: First, never disappear. fade aggravate than failure . 34, to remain visible and spirited booked your social, meeting and events almanac and you have to begin a network of friends and relations remain visible and active. 35, many things will be laid together you contact others in array to succeed you must work, but that does not average you have to spend a lot of time can be arranged to retention time for the same event, such as invitation to meet with people who all want to see. 36, found fun communication is interesting, is not a consume of time.. 37, share your passion share your interests is the foundation of any relationship when you really interested in something when it is very appeal.. 38, accented that the quality of time spent friendship, based on both the quality of time rather than amount. 39, follow-up or failure to interact with After a meeting, to make people remember you. follow-up is the key. 40, instantly follow up later you meet with them among 12-24 hours should continue to follow up. E-mail is the quickest way. 41 Do not forget to follow up afresh a month later, to give others a information. keep in touch. 42, spent time meeting with people aggregate meeting be misunderstood as a place to find ideas. bad! meeting is only one advantage: it is to provide a place to make like-minded people. 43, the meeting organizers do not only do the participants ; do organizer. information well in advance preparations: See who plan to , how to see, where see. 44, public speaking is to let others speak remember your 1 of the most uncomplicated and effective way.. 45, not as much as possible throughout the follow-up Meeting with the inseparable best friends. as much as feasible to emulate others. 46, maintain contact and communication expert some people who we know much more than these people are the kernel of each network. If you can be friends with these people you contact with thousands of people, they are only by the individual. 47, as much as possible with acquaintances (acquaintance = understanding, but not particularly close to people ) routinely the most important network of people who are those acquaintances. Why? for of our closest friends and we know virtually anything, so more people met, the more powerful you 48, get to know people in all areas we not only know thousands of human, and understand thousands of folk in another fields. 49, commute contacts with others to distend your surround of friends The most effective way is to put your circle and the circle of people chained. 50, to build your union council politicians, broader exposure to the world, it is to find a way to go first to a central diagram as your anybody, in any circumstance the competence to communicate trust, which is a common feature of many successful people, while the aptitude to get according with others, for personal advancement, more important than everything else. 52, true to yourself to be impressive, unique is the key. to certify that different, to do the real you. do what you have magnetism you peerless is your strength. 53, submission initiate conversation not so hideous. 55, learn to use non-verbal communication others see you, as long as 10 seconds to decide whether unconscious will like you, so that decrees are based on the language communication. 56, ready to talk about the material ready to talk about things. attention to current events, develop some hobbies. 57, learn to hear first to comprehend others, can be understood. 58, to memorize people's labels nothing more than his name sounds more comfortable in the. 59, no mistrust sincere, others want to be seen as a special person You must let people think he is very special in your eyes. 60, try to find distinct power when you first communicate with others, you can find every other's power and their power is based on common three: make money, find love, to alteration the world. 61, to help others achieve their soul's appetite initiative to help others solve their fussy issues, granting them to be very close relationship. 62 so that they become indispensable to others who indispensability is very important. To indispensable, you need to keep your own information, social relationships, good communication to the people as much as possible.. 63 to think about how you can make everyone around them to succeed When something tells you that he met point problem, you have to muse there is any access. The solution comes from your experience, your wisdom, and your friends, your help 64, the initiative to provide help Do not wait until someone another made a help, to take the initiative. 65, advertisement of knowledge When you have fiscal and personal connections not for a long time, in order to profit through social networking is possible, which is is to pass the knowledge you can easily learn your personal network in the dissemination of knowledge. 66, the success of others amused in interested in the success of others, you can change within 2 months of the more successful you can cost two years, so that others interested in your success. (Dale Carnegie) 67, from time to time a small contact 80% of the relationship is only maintained by a small interlock to you to keep contact, contact, contact ... ... never stop and you want to keep for your network of people feeding system to ensure its not wither. 68, repeat, repeat in idea to get good people mind you, there is a very critical way: Repeat.. 69, set up to establish the scoring system scoring system allows you to preserve the relationship easier, such as: 1. br> 3. in the name of If possible try to make all information to your own name. 72, do not forget your birthday birthday should be the best networking opportunities. 73, and the we older and wiser, more seasoned people to build a relationship between these people is the br> In truth, everyone you encounter will inquire themselves the answer like this: without reservation of perennial learning and sharing your content with others different, you must mercilessly learn, share, sell your content. 77, get someone else's content Sometimes you can get easily to other people's minds into their own content and then the guiding share, the petition of these ideas. 78, to provide your own content other times, you must take brains to provide their own content and you need to understand a variety of information, and then string them up different. 79, but with attention a resonance, it will attract attention and you have to attempt is simple: the thespian story. 80, an expert To become the person creating the content, the most common way is to do an expert. do experts do: Put your expertise to teach others, addressed to someone else, say others. 81 to educate the things you want to learn to teach others , this is you learn and understand the best way. 82,Vibram Fivefinger, with a story to express your content powerful anecdote in the fashion of content accustomed to express, you tin assist objectives. When you differentiate a story, use your feelings to let those skeptics trust 83, to establish a strong brand personal brand very competitive, but it is all to provide products based on value rather than a portrayal way. good personal brand can do three things: to let others feel genuine, unique, can be trusted. 84, so that their unique expression of your brand you can provide something to express why you are special, to tell others why they keep in touch with you. 85, increasing the value of in a brand, you need to focus and you have done and continue to mushroom value,Women FiveFingers Performa Jane, which means you need to often go further. 86, establish a personal brand VI When people listen your name read, you want people to think? your logo should include advert of others to all of you will use the word. 87, packaging your mark To see valuable, you have to see professional but light, so why not build a personal website? 88 promote your brand If you do not promote themselves, others will not. your success depends on how other people recognize your work, it also depends the quality of your work 89, and the media Contact you and the media by and by we must keep in touch, rather than waiting for the story you actually want you to tell them when to look in them. 90, so hard to promote content, rather than the inventor you promote to everyone's sense of mission should be in your center, no your pride. 91, co-writing If your writing capabilities are penniless, you can jot with the others by such co-writing, you had many contact person, can make your personal network pedal exponential growth. 92, write treatises write treatises can greatly assist your career development. you become in a short time was concerned. 93, continue writing to convert good writers become good writers To: When you are achieved, persist writing very different. 95, confidence-building trust with these authoritative near apt the opener so that additional people believe you apt contact them without anyone ulterior motive. let others put their trust in you for an ordinary human prefer than the star 96, to partake in a variety of associations Association Now whether you want face to face with those influential people, you must first become a participant. 97, set up your own union Sometimes you want to participate more invaluable club, do not participate for various causes, why do not they do clubs do? develop their own outreach procedure to establish a new organization to invite those you want to see people to join your organization. 98, modest arrogance is a ailment, it will make you forget the real friends, forget the magnitude of friends in your progress, stay menial. progress with you to help other people, even more than you. 99, review your past regularly reiterate your past, and those from an early age is important for you to maintain contact 100, detect a few mentors find material, experienced, and compliant to provide period to help mentor your progress, rather than based solely on salary and reputation to resolve their own career development. 101, take the house long 3 from everyone nigh you there are numerous people can study. 102, to establish a good mentoring relationship successful mentoring relationship requires effect and passion. efficacy manner that you can let the teacher can see his shock on you. passion method that you The instructor will progress to your investment. 103, find a few disciples When you keep up the evolution efforts, we must come behind to help others and you ambition learn from your student body a lot. 104, adhering to principles communication should be forward, not behind compromise with people must not work opposition their own values. 105, do not attempt to balance your professional and personal life You should be the occasion for the people of different customs provide the same value instead of working life is divided into two parts of life. 106,Vibram FiveFingers New Styles, to create a close friendship how many people can enter your family, they open the fridge to find eat? have close friends, will make you elated. |
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活动开展 呼吁宠物主人负责任 亚洲动物基金亲亲狗医生步行日活动在成都举办已经到了第四个年头,头两年都是狗医生“独领风骚”,渐渐 地范围扩大,在去年的活动中,在地震中参与救人的义犬和警犬均拿到了这一“狗界”大奖。同时该活动也迅速地 积聚着人气,去年的举办地为广州、成都两地,今年却是联合北京、广州、深圳、厦门、成都、重庆、昆明、南京 、南宁、西安等全国十大主要城市的动物福利和保护团体,共同举办了本次评选。其中,成都是这十大城市中参加 人数最多、规模最大的一站。 到昨日上午10时,活动现场百米见方的大草坪已经挤得满满当当,获奖狗狗的主人被安在前排,还有站着的 、直接坐在草地上的、被兴奋的狗狗拖着到处跑的……真的是好不热闹。有关负责人称,他们希望向公众传播“伴 侣动物是人类最好朋友和帮手”以及“做负责任宠物主人”的理念,他们特意安排了“亲亲狗医生环湖行”,参赛 者必须和自己的狗狗一起在园区的6个隐蔽地点收集6个不同颜色的爱心贴纸后返回起点;全国首家无障碍小学― ―都江堰友爱小学的7位小朋友,还带来了精彩的舞台剧《我们是朋友》,以儿童天真的方式呼吁大家不要食用猫 狗肉。 明星故事 残疾“拍档”拿大奖 当然,“2009杰出犬只”的颁奖活动最为引人注目,分为“特别贡献”、“相伴一生”、“爱心家庭”和 “感动心灵”四个奖项,并被11只狗狗所瓜分。18岁的狗狗和其主人吴阿姨获得“相伴一生奖”,北川“客串 ”搜救的比利时马林诺斯犬“猴子”和其主人赵胜获得“特别贡献奖”。如果说这些奖是名至实归的话,当年过半 百的残疾人夫妻曾光明、龙廷芳拄着拐杖、抱着14岁高龄的残疾狗狗“豆豆”走上领奖台时,更是为活动掀起了 高潮。 因小儿麻痹症落下残疾的龙廷芳说,她家住成都市营门口,“豆豆。”是1998年11月朋友给的,“当时 家里总是掉东西,但是它来后,小偷就再没来光顾了。”她和“豆豆”的感情特别好,平时出门,它总是寸步不离 地跟着她。1999年的一天,她前脚刚过马路,一辆汽车刹车不及,nike air force,将她身后的“豆豆”撞上,air force one shoes。听到一声惨叫,等“豆豆”从车下跑出来,右眼汩汩流血。虽然经过医治,其右眼还是报废了。2000年,“ 豆豆”感染病毒,light up shoes for men,本来经济就不宽裕的一家人倾尽积蓄为其治病。最近两年,“豆豆”排便不畅,龙廷芳猜测它得了 肾盂肾炎,cheap nike air force one,坚持对症下药给它买药医治。 经记者证实,nike air force one,这对残疾人夫妇和残疾狗散步的温馨画面已成为该小区一道特别的风景线,正是感动于他们和豆豆之间的深厚感 情,他们的邻居在网上向亚洲动物基金进行了强烈推荐,并最终获得“相伴一生”和“爱心家庭”两 项大奖。 记者 张欧 摄影 李祥云 |
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