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How To Choose A Good Fitting Women's Sandal
The sandal is one of the oldest styles of footwear available and has been worn for thousands of years by all classes of people from peasants to royalty. Still,bracelet 18-carat white gold, many people do not know how the sandal should be selected for a proper fit
The sandal is one of the oldest styles of footwear available and has been worn for thousands of years by all classes of people from peasants to royalty. Still,cartier lanieres diamond tennis bracelets, many people do not know how the sandal should be selected for a proper fit. With most shoes this is not as much of an issue because the entire foot is covered and it is easy to tell if the shoe fits properly or not. Sandals are a bit different,love pendant, but the fit is very important to the health and comfort of your feet. Though you may not realize it sandals come in a great variety of shapes,cartier watch band replacement, sizes,love pendant, and colors as well as many styles from casual to formal. Some are made just for use at the beach,cartier blue lacquer foutain pen, lake or pool while others,cartier rings wedding, such as those made by Teva may be more suitable for hiking. Regardless of what you are using them for they need to fit right to protect your feet. Support is the first thing you want to be sure you have in a sandal. For many people this is the main reason that their feet hurt,leve bracelet with bolt leathern, improper arch support. Your arch is the feature of your foot that assists you with posture and makes you walk more efficiently. Many sandals have built in arch supports while others such as those made from cork will mold to the shape of your foot eventually. The sole of the sandal should be a little bigger than your foot,cartier love necklace, I know this may sound like a no brainer but it is easy to get a sandal that will allow your toes to push over the front or off the sides. You want a sandal that has enough room for your foot to conform to it properly. The sandal you choose needs to not only be comfortable but also should be protective of your foot. The sole of the sandal you choose should be fairly thick as that is the only thing protecting your feet from anything that you may walk on and they also need to absorb the blow of the footsteps. You wouldn't choose a really thin sole on a regular shoe so this should be no different. We are speaking of strapped sandals here,cartier diablo pen, not slide on flip flops so the straps should hold the sandals on your feet securely. Try to find sandals that have adjustable straps instead of elastic as the elastic tends to wear out fast and then you will have to replace it to be able to continue wearing the shoes. |
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2126222 2009 年 04 月 21 日 13:19 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary ( string reverse output) stack segment stack 'stack' ; dw 32 dup (?) stack ends data segment OBUF1 DB 'Please input SSTRING : $ ' OBUF2 DB' Please input DSTRING: $ ' SSTRING DB 64,0,64 dup (?) data ends DATAE ; SEGMENT DSTRING DB 64 DUP (?) DATAE ENDS code segment begin proc far ; assume ss: stack, cs: code, ds: data push ds sub ax, ax push ax mov ax, data mov ds, ax MOV DX, OFFSET OBUF1 ; MOV AH, 9 INT 21H ; MOV DX, OFFSET SSTRING MOV AH, 10 INT 21H MOV DL, 0AH MOV AH, 2 INT 21H MOV DX, OFFSET OBUF2 MOV AH, 9 ; INT 21H MOV CL, SSTRING +1 ; MOV CH, 0 MOV ; SI, CX ADD SI, OFFSET SSTRING +1 MOV DI, OFFSET DSTRING AG: MOV AL, [SI] ; MOV [DI], AL DEC SI INC DI ; LOOP AG MOV BYTE PTR [DI ],'$' MOV DX, OFFSET DSTRING MOV AH, 9 INT 21H ; ret begin endp code ends ; end begin (add the output of two hexadecimal hexadecimal output) ; a hex number into bits adder stack segment stack 'stack' dw 32 dup (?) stack ends data segment BCD1 ; DB 'Please input number A: $' BCD2 DB 'Please input number B: $' BCD3 ; DB 'The sum of A and B is: $' N1 DB 2,0,2 DUP (0) N2 DB 2,0,2 DUP (0) OBUF DB 4 DUP (?) data ends code segment begin ; proc far assume ss: stack, cs: code, ds: data ; push ds sub ax, ax push ax mov ax , data mov ds, ax ; MOV DX, OFFSET BCD1 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H MOV DX, OFFSET N1 MOV AH, 10 ; INT 21H MOV DL, 0AH ; MOV AH, 2 INT 21H MOV DX, OFFSET BCD2 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H MOV DX, OFFSET N2 MOV AH, 10 INT 21H MOV ; DL, 0AH MOV AH, 2 ; INT 21H MOV DX, OFFSET BCD3 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H MOV AX, 0 MOV AL, N1 +2 CMP AL, 3AH JB HB ADD AL, 9 HB: AND AL, 0FH MOV CL, N2 +2 CMP CL, 3AH JB HP ADD CL, 9 HP: AND CL, 0FH ADD AL, CL MOV BL, AL AND AL, 0FH MOV CL,belstaff jacket, 4 SHR BL, CL ADD AL, 30H CMP AL, 3AH JB HH AG1: ADD AL, 7 HH: ADD BL, 30H MOV OBUF, BL MOV OBUF +1, AL MOV WORD PTR OBUF +2, '$ H' MOV DX, OFFSET OBUF MOV AH, 9 INT 21H RET begin endp code ends end begin (decimal input, two hex output) stack ; segment stack 'stack' dw 32 dup (?) stack ; ends data segment OBUF1 DB 'Please input N (0 ~ 65535 ): ', 0AH, 0DH ,belstaff outlet,'$' IBUF DB 6,0,6 DUP (?) N1 ; DB 6 DUP (?) N2 DB 6 DUP (?) N3 ; DB 17 DUP (?) 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IBUF3 ; DB 5,0,5 DUP (?) OBUF1 DB 6 DUP (?) NB DW? data ends code segment begin proc far assume ss: stack, ds: data, cs: code push ds mov ax, 0 push ax ; mov ax, data mov ds, ax MOV DX, OFFSET IBUF1 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H ; MOV DX, OFFSET IBUF3 MOV AH, 10 INT 21H MOV BL, IBUF3 +1 MOV BH, 0 mov word ptr IBUF3 [BX +2 ],'$=' MOV DX, OFFSET IBUF3 +2 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H mov cl, 4 XOR AX, AX; ax cleared, cf = 0 MOV SI, OFFSET IBUF3 +2 HP: shl ax, cl cmp byte ptr [si], 3ah jB hh add byte ptr [si], 9 hh: AND byte ptr [SI], 0FH ; ADD AL, [SI] INC SI dec bx jnz HP MOV BX, AX ; MOV SI, 5 MOV WORD PTR OBUF1 [SI], '= D' MOV OBUF1 [SI +2 ],'$' MOV CX, 10 AG: MOV DX, 0 ; div cx add dl, 30h dec SI MOV OBUF1 [SI], dl or ax, ax ; jnz AG MOV DX, OFFSET OBUF1 MOV AH, 9 ; INT 21H MOV AH, 2 MOV CX, 16 AD: MOV DL, 18H SHL BX, 1 RCL DL, 1 INT 21H LOOP AD ; MOV DL, 'B' INT 21H MOV DL, 0AH MOV AH, 2 INT 21H RET begin ENDP code ends end begin (the sum of two decimal,belstaff coat, decimal output) stack segment stack 'stack' dw 32 ; dup (?) stack ends data segment BCD1 DB 'Please input number A: $' BCD2 DB 'Please input number B: $' BCD3 DB 'The sum of A and B is: $' N1 DB 9,0,9 DUP (?) N2 DB 9,0,9 DUP (?) OBUF DB 10 DUP (?) data ends code segment begin proc far ; assume ss: stack, cs: code, ds: data push ds sub ax, ax ; push ax mov ax, data mov ds, ax MOV DX, OFFSET BCD1 ; MOV AH, 9 INT ; 21H MOV DX, OFFSET N1 MOV AH, 10 INT 21H MOV DL, 0AH MOV AH, 2 INT 21H MOV DX, OFFSET BCD2 MOV AH, 9 ; INT 21H MOV DX, OFFSET N2 MOV AH, 10 INT 21H MOV DL, 0AH MOV AH, 2 INT 21H MOV DX, OFFSET BCD3 ; MOV AH, 9 INT 21H ; MOV DL, 0AH MOV AH, 2 ; INT 21H MOV ; BL, N2 +1 MOV BH, 0 ; ADD BX, OFFSET N2 +1 MOV CL, N1 + 1 MOV CH, 0 mov SI, CX ADD SI, OFFSET N1 +1 ; CMP CL, N2 +1 JC ; NXCHG XCHG CL, N2 +1 XCHG BX, SI NXCHG: MOV DI, WORD PTR N2 +1 ; AND DI, 00FFH ADD DI, OFFSET OBUF MOV BYTE PTR [DI +1 ],'$' SUB N2 +1, CL MOV AL, 0 AGAIN: MOV AH, 0 ADD AL, ; ADD AL, [SI] AAA ADD AL, 30H ; MOV [DI], AL MOV AL, AH ; DEC BX DEC SI DEC DI LOOP AGAIN MOV CL, N2 +1 AND CL, CL JZ DONE AGAIN1: MOV AH, 0 ADD AL, ; AAA ADD AL, 30H ; MOV [DI], AL MOV AL , AH DEC BX ; DEC DI LOOP AGAIN1 DONE: AND AL, AL JNZ DONE1 |
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