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07-29-2011 07:19 PM

kisumu sandals 老太起纠纷后凿墙放臭虫报复
  城市晚报讯 “我总能看见她早上背个兜子拿着个瓶子偷摸出去,楼下的邻居都看见她在外面抓虫子了……”53岁的乔阿姨家 住长春市开运街上,昨天早上,当她再次发现自家地上有两条虫子在爬时,差点气晕,当即拨打了报 警电话。

  一提起这虫子,乔阿姨就气不打一处来,她就认准了这虫子又是邻居故意在墙上挖洞放到自己家的,因为3年 前的一次争执,邻居曾往她家放过虫子。

  3年前 与邻居发生争执后墙上多个洞

  3年前的一天,乔阿姨与隔壁邻居曹阿姨发生了一些不愉快。那天,曹阿姨家养的大狗四处便溺,曹阿姨将脏 东西都堆到了乔阿姨家的门口,乔阿姨觉得太埋汰,就气愤地将那些东西又堆回了邻居家的门前。乔阿姨的行为引 起了曹阿姨极度不满,两个年过半百的阿姨就大吵了一架,而且一发不可收拾,在接下来的日子里,两人势成水火 ,各不相让。

  吵架后没几天,乔阿姨就发现自己家中总是出现一种名为“臭鞋底子”的虫子。这种虫子爬过的地方都会留下 很浓的臭气,Mbt Chapa Men Shoes,而且很久也不会清除。无论乔阿姨怎么清理,虫子总是出现。

  乔阿姨怀疑可能是自家床底下有虫子窝,于是将东西都搬开,Mbt Unono Shoes。最后她终于发现暖气管子外有一个大窟窿,直接能看到邻居曹阿姨的家。她当时就怀疑这个洞就是曹阿姨故意挖 的,而那些突然出现的虫子就是邻居故意放到她家的,MBT Chapa Shoes

  3年间 女子称被邻居放了上千条虫子

  指着墙角上的一个用水泥抹上的大洞,乔阿姨告诉记者,这里就是邻居那一次放虫子的地方。“这些年她往我 家放的虫子至少有上千条,那味道,臭死了。而且我总能看见她早上背个包出去,还拿着一个水瓶子,我觉得她就 是去抓虫子了。我也问过楼下邻居,真有人看见过她抓虫子。”

  乔阿姨说,这3年来,她们的关系不但没有改善,而且争吵还时有发生。“她每次骂我都骂得可难听了,我身 体不好,我觉得我都快要被折磨死了。”

  记者走到曹阿姨家门前,敲了很久也没有人应答。而当记者询问附近邻居是否有人见过曹阿姨到外面去抓虫子 时,邻居也都没有回答。

  3年后 认定邻居又开始放虫再次报警

  昨天一大早,乔阿姨再一次发现“臭鞋底子”出现在自己的家里,她回想起最近几天也有过几次这样的情况, 她差点气得晕倒,kisumu sandals,她认准了这回一定又是邻居干的,觉得是邻居新挖了洞又开始往她家放虫。乔阿姨拨打了报警电话 ,mbt shoes for women,很快,304警务区的两位民警赶到现场。因为乔阿姨家屋内的东西太多,所以一时间很难找到她口中的通向邻 居家的洞。

  见到记者,304警务区的夏警官说,3年前乔阿姨与邻居的纠纷也惊动了警方,红旗街派出所也对曹阿姨进 行了调查,最后曹阿姨承认了自己挖洞放虫子的事实,也表态以后不会再这样了。这一次从赶来处理,夏警官和同 事始终在敲曹阿姨家的门,但明明听见屋内有人说话,却没有人开门。

  (记者 陶彬/报道 田野/摄)

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07-29-2011 07:20 PM

The Wall Road Journal will be the second publication to report that Microsoft;s soon-to-be-launched coolness campaign will use the slogan “Windows Not Walls” as its rallying cry. (Here;s the first report in AdWeek citing that same slogan.)I don;t care who ad agency Crispin Porter puts in the starring role along with Chairman Bill Gates in its $300+ million campaign. Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Hillary,Thomas Sabo Collection, Michael Phelps. But I am intrigued about what kind of messaging Crispin and Microsoft think will reinvigorate Vista;s Windows; image and make Microsoft less of an Apple chump.Here are some with the themes I;m betting we;ll see in whatever kind of campaign goes live on September 4: Windows is everywhere. It;s on your PC, your mobile device and in the cloud. (It;s not really on your Xbox or your Zune,Windows 7 Home Premium X64, but that probably won;t stop the ad folks from designing these into the picture, as well. Update: Technically, you can make the case that Windows is inside the Xbox, as;s Robert McLaws reminded me.)Because Windows is everywhere,Buy Office Professional Plus 2010, you don;t need to be tethered to your desk. You can do Windows computing at the beach, on a boat, in the tub or on a moat. (Cue, Dr. Seuss.)Windows is not a closed ecosystem. There are hundreds of PC and phone makers who build Windows-centric devices. There are developers embedding Windows Live programming interfaces into their programs and services. (Don;t expect any terms as uncool as “API” or “ecosystem” to rear their heads in this ad campaign, though. I;m doubtful we;ll see any direct mentions of Apple, either. That;s just not the Microsoft way.) Just for fun,Office Standard 2010 Product Key, I googled “Windows, Not Walls” to see what came up. Reference No. 1 was an abstract of an educational paper entitled,Windows 7 Professional Key, “Writing Assignments as Windows, Not Walls: Enlivening Unboundedness through Boundaries.” There were a few refernces to Dan Fogelberg;s eighth album, “Windows and Walls.” And there were lots of ads for home construction companies that do windows but not walls (or both windows and walls). Hmm. Not a lot of inspiration there….I wonder whether the the Empire will strike back? Will Microsoft take the high but boring street and simply produce another Bill-Gates-centric spoof video? Will there be a theme song? An action figure? Free coupons for Live Search Cashback bucks? A chance to guest blog on “Engineering Windows 7“?What are you expecting Microsoft to as part of its upcoming “Windows, Not Walls”campaign?

07-29-2011 07:25 PM

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