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08-03-2011 05:30 AM

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l1oe3tr3sbon 08-03-2011 05:30 AM

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2010, there were what most of the joke?
satisfied with the answer:

1, There was a cucumber, she felt too many pimples, put his attaining the slice.

2, the Bulls saw a cow in the running in the grass by the roadside, eager for the cow,zoom kobe v, said: Experts are not people?

3, Hot Pot City in order to solicit business, advertise in Mop wrote this sentence: She carries 30 dollars, led the class of 50 children came to the hot pot city.

4, a child asked a rich man: Sir why are you so rich it? Rich said: I was young like you have nothing, my father gave me an apple, so I put that apple sold, with the money earned to buy two apples, and then sold to buy four apples. Children thoughtfully and said: sir, I seem to understand. Mr. Rich said: You know your sister, ah, then my father died, I inherited all of his legacy.

5, a loyal party member died, God in heaven do not want to accept the atheist's soul, then sent him to hell. A month later, sweat running for the King of Hell: asked God:

6, the day before yesterday and chat with friends, he has no girlfriend, I asked him why. His words re-deal to say, I love to die as early as in kindergarten! Then he points with the smoke, then I like girls, one day I bought some candy! She to me and seems to want to eat the way, I said I'll give you one, you let me give you a kiss, she said yes! So I gave her one, she ran away, since I no longer believe in love!

7, cup the meaning of the letter: A cup-Airport: Airport, B cup-Barely there: there is almost no, C cup-Can do: make do with, D cup-Damn good: looks good, E cup -Ecstasy: ecstasy, F cup-########: ########, right? G cup-God: Days ...

8, Xiao-Ming asked Dad to give him a story. Dad says you have to listen long or short? Xiao Ming: long! Dad: There was a fly, Wengweng Weng Weng Wengweng Wengweng Weng Weng Wengweng Wengweng Weng Weng Wengweng Wengweng Weng Weng Wengweng Wengweng Weng Weng Wengweng hum hum ... Xiao Ming: Dad, you're still speaks short of it! Dad: Once upon a time flies, Om, pah!

9, Chinese leaders and U.S. leaders are more loyal than anyone else's bodyguard, U.S. leaders ordered bodyguards jump from the 10th floor, kneeling bodyguard, said: President relented. China's leaders ordered guards to jump off, apart from anything else the Chinese guards would jump. U.S. President scared quickly pulled him. China's bodyguard, said:

10, has a very high coconut trees, respectively, four animals, orangutans, apes, monkeys, King Kong climbed pick bananas, which do you think the first pick? Measurement is the kind of person who you are.
answer is: 1, monkey is the most typical 250; 2, the orangutan is Shaogen Jin mentally handicapped; 3, the ape is the Alzheimer's precursor; 4, King Kong is the head of the fool to be caught in the door; you seen coconut trees Long banana it?

11, a child, the teacher told me: the human body has a hard villain and a lazy villain when you hesitate when they fight. Primary school, often lazy villain villain hard caned, junior high school tie, and the high school is often lazy villain won. But to the university I suddenly found that they do not fight, the hard villain mother was killed.

12, ha ha hee hee and a pair of good friends, very good friends. One day, ha ha died. Hehe sorry, he went to the grave ha ha say

13, four hearing heard today, the most clear one: now invigilator turn out the tape side B to continue to listen. . .

14, beggars: sister, I have not eaten in two days, give a little cake? Sister: cake? I am here only rice. Beggar: If the usual no problem, but today is my birthday!

15, had a woman ask a man, Woman said: Yeah,lebron james vii, her sister is? Man said: Jane Ta Masha.

16, blowing dust storms in Taiwan as saying. Many elderly people took to the streets with open arms, looking at the sky 45 degrees, tears, take a deep breath, excited and said: 60 years, 60 years, and finally smell the smell of home soil.

17,lebron james shoes, my brother went to play basketball in a primary school, a low-grade girls asked to hear a low-grade boys: 3 yuan, of which five have so you take two snacks,nba basketball shoes, and you say me if I love you.

18, there was a chance to add clothing in front of me I do not have to cherish, until a cold only regret, if God can give me a chance to start over, I would not hesitate to with all my clothes.

19, was spreading you an oil,kobe bryant v, to say to you: Do not worry, there are subtle automatic! You supposed to? Called his impotence, and said,

20, three men propose marriage to the woman's parents: talk about their situation. A: I have 10 million; B: I have a mansion, worth 20 million; the woman's parents are very satisfied, and asked C, what is your home? C: I have nothing, only one child. Now the children in your daughter's stomach. A,nike lebron, B silent, and left. This case tells us a simple truth, the core competitiveness is not money and the house is in the key positions, have their own people.
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