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airman-magician was far more likely not to aim his bombs at civilians. But even so… Just how could he manage to go out on bombing raids and drop his explosives on people’s <a href="http://www.nikeairforce1-onsale.com/"><strong>nike air force 1</strong></a> heads, and still remain a Light One? Because he was a Light One, no doubt about that! But he almost certainly had human lives on his conscience. How did he manage not to fall back into the Twilight? What incredible faith he must mbt kisumu have in his own righteousness, to be able to combine active military service and the cause of the Light. Anton entered the Black Eagle in a gloomy and depressed mood. He immediately spotted Christian Vanover’s fellow airmen. About ten of them, all ordinary human beings. They were sitting at a long table, eating goulash and mbt sale drinking Sprite. They really were drinking Sprite. In a Czech beer bar! On vacation! And not because they were teetotalers. There were empty beer bottles on the table, American Budweiser, which Anton would only have considered drinking if he was dying of thirst in a desert. Anton walked past the Americans. There were no more free tables—another stroke of bad luck… But there was someone over there sitting on his own, maybe he could join him… The person at the table looked up—and started. And Anton did pretty much the same. It was Edgar. Chapter three —…— One thing the Dark Ones certainly had was a lust for life. Anton had never had any doubt about that. He only had to look at the way Edgar was dealing with that tasty-looking leg of pork that no dietician would ever have approved, larding it generously with mustard—the kind the Russians liked, of course, sweetish, but still with a sharp bite—and horseradish too, and swilling it down with plenty of beer. Anton had always found that astonishing. He had always been on perfectly friendly terms with his vampire neighbors, and even they sometimes looked more full of the joy of life than the Light magicians. The Higher Magicians, that was—those whose powers were at Anton’s level still hadn’t finished “playing at people.” The unpleasant thing about it was that their love of life usually didn’t extend beyond themselves. Anton lifted his heavy mug of Budweiser and muttered, “Prosit.” It was a good thing the Czechs didn’t have the custom of clinking glasses. Anton wouldn’t <a href="http://www.nikeairforce1-onsale.com/"><strong>nike air force</strong></a> have liked to clink glasses with a Dark One. “Prosit,” Edgar replied. He drained half of his mug in two swallows, savoring the beer, and wiped the foam off his upper lip. “That’s good.” “It is,” Anton agreed, a mbt online lthough he was still feeling tense. No, of course there was nothing reprehensible about them drinking beer together like this. The rules of the Night Wat mbt ch didn’t prohibit contact with Dark Ones; on the contrary—if a member of the Watch was confid cheap mbts ent that he was safe, it was welcomed. You never mbt uk knew what you might find out. You might even be able to influence a Dark One. Not turn him to the Light, of course… but at least stop him from pulling his next lousy trick. Anton surprised himself by saying, “It’s nice to f cheap mbt shoes ind at least one thing we can agree on.” “Yes,” said Edgar, trying to speak amicably and politely, so that the Light One wouldn’t blow his top over some imaginary insult or get suspicious for no reason. “Czech beer in Moscow and Czech beer in Prague are two different things.” Gorodetsky nodded. “Yes. Especially when you compare it with bottled beer. Czech beer in bottles mbt lami is the corpse of real beer in a glass coffin.” Edgar smiled in agreement with the comparison and remarked, “Somehow the rest of Eastern Europe seems to have lost the talent for brewing beer.” “Even Estonia?” Anton asked. Edgar shrugged. These Light Ones could never let slip a chance for a jibe… “Our beer’s good. But it’s not exceptional. Pretty much like in Russia.” Anton frowned, as if he’d just remembered the taste of the beer back home. But he said something quite different: “I was in Hungary this summer. I drank Hungarian beer, Dreher… almost the only kind they have.” “And?” “I’d have been better off drinking sour Baltika.” Edgar laughed. Even when he strained his memory a bit, he couldn’t remember a single type of Hungarian beer. But then, if Anton thought so poorly of it, it was better not to remember. Anton was a good judge of beer, an excellent judge, in fact. The Light Ones were fond of the pleasures of the flesh—you had to give them that. “And these… valiant warriors… drinking their slops from back home,” said Anton, nodding toward the Americans. “Peacemakers… Goering’s aces…” Both Edgar and Anton had finished their peceno veprevo koleno long ago. They’d both drunk enough beer to set their eyes aglow and their voices were growing louder and more relaxed. “Why Goering?” Edgar asked in surprise. “They’re not krauts, they’re Americans.” Anton explained patiently, as if he were talking to a child. “Aces of the US Air Force doesn’t sound right. Do you know any short, snappy term for the US Air Force?” “No, I don’t.” “All right, then. They can be Clinton’s <a href="http://www.nikeairforce1-onsale.com/"><strong>air force one shoes</strong></a> aces. At least th mbt clearance e Germans knew they were fighting airmen like themselves, but this crowd has dropped bombs on villages where the only defense is a Second World War antiaircraft gun… And they get medals for it, too. But you just try asking them if there’s anything in their lives they mbt shoes australia regard as sacred. They still think they were the ones who liberated Prague.” “Sacred?” Edgar echoed with a laugh. “Why would they need anything sacred? They’re soldiers.” “You know, Other, it seems to me that even soldiers should still be human beings first and foremost. And human beings need something sacred to cherish in their souls.” “First you need to have a soul. The sacred bit comes later. Oh! Now we can ask one of them.” One of the American airmen, a guy with rosy cheeks in a uniform glittering with braid and various kinds of trimmings, was trying to squeeze past their table. A fresh strawberries and cream complexion, the pride of Texas or Oklahoma. He was probably on his way back from the restroom. “Excuse me, officer! Do you mind if I ask you a question?” Edgar said to him in good English. “Is there anything in your life that you regard as sacred? Anything at all?” mbt shoes discount The American mbts stopped as if he’d stumbled over something. His instinct told him that a soldier of the very finest nation in the world mbt anti shoe had to rise to the challenge and give a worthy reply. He thought, <a href="http://yw.blog.familyworld.cn:88/read.php?936#topreply"><strong>Timberland Roll-Top Womens Boots Red Gray For sale | Fresh ...</strong></a> his face reflecting the painful workings of his mind until suddenly it lit up. Inspiration. A smile of pride spread across his face. “Anything sacred? Of course there is! The Chicago Bulls…” “It’s like a game of chess, you get it?” Edgar explained. “The bosses are just moving their Related posts:an attractive ghd iv mini style crystal plates Stellar – Ghd series,cheap ghd outlet,ghd australia shop ghd Iv Styler Blue this time could possibly be the ball even although in the create outlet temperature. Ghd series,cheap ghd outlet,ghd australia shop one precise botheration with issues a ghd hair straightener – Ghd series,cheap ghd outlet,ghd australia shop Cheap MBT on sale Discount Beer Pong Tables – Why You need a Portable One particular This entry was posted on July 23, 2011 at 8:57 am and is filed under article. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.