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ritain for Rhodesia and White America for the Negroes. The feelings are passionately expressed, and deeply felt, mbt clearance although the distinction between righteous and self-righteous indignation may not always be apparent. Now this conscience is exclusively an exercise in mass emotion. It is always directed against one target at a time, chosen * A government commission of inquiry in 1969 came to the conclusion that about four per cent of all Swedish schoolchildren had tried drugs, while one per cent were regular users. Cannabis and amphetamines predominated. In Stockholm, eighteen per cent of the pupils in the senior classes of the basic school (14-15 years) had taken drugs. About ten per cent were regular users, and four per cent were on hard drugs, chiefly heroin and LSD. Brave New Sweden 341 by the intellectual and ruling establishments, and communicated to the whole population by the corporative organizations. An unshakeable unanimity is observed. At a given time, prime minister and street sweeper will display the common touch, venting their disapproval on the same recipient. Swedish conscience is, mbt shoes uk in fact, catharsis through ritual hate. It is akin to the mbt stockists ‘two minute hate’ of Nineteen Eighty- Four. Indeed, during the Vietnam war, the popular Swedish dislike of President Johnson had something of the grotesque fury against Goldstein in Orwell’s novel. ‘I feel so emancipated,’ a Swedish housewife once said in a newspaper interview after a particularly <a href="http://www.putianb2b.com/"><strong>网站制作</strong></a> violent demonstration before the American embassy in Stockholm. Of course, kindred phenomena have occurred elsewhere, but the distinction of Sweden lies in the fact that the rulers have exploited them, and the whole population has been involved. It is the controlled use of mob hysteria. Before the Second World War, foreign travel was a rarity among the Swedes, but it has been brought to the average man in Sweden, as in other affluent societies, by prosperity and by cheap air transport. But Swedish travel displays certain peculiarities. It is of the packaged and guided tour type to a far greater extent than in any Western country. Even more than the Germans, the Swedes insist on travelling in groups; and they are exceptional in not only using, but also regarding travel as a release from social tensions. Most people on holiday abroad are in search of change. The greater the strain at home, as a rule, the greater the mbt clearance reaction abroad. Excepting the Danes, who have Continental manners, Scandinavians are repressed in the field of drinking, so that they cut loose abroad. But even among them, the Swedes are distinguished for their pertinacity. Most Swedish holiday traffic goes to Majorca, the Canary Islands and certain resorts on the Italian Adriatic coast. There, 342 The New Tbtalitarians in what are usually extensions of the Swedish environment in holiday camp form, the Swedes find relief in companionable orgies mbt uk of ###### and alcohol. Once abroad, the Swede allows the criticism cheap mbt shoes to come to the surface that his inner censor represses at home. ‘There are so many rules in Sweden’ and ‘It’s wonderful to get away from the Swedish snooping complex’ are two of the common cliches uttered in discount mbt trainers such circumstances. Usually, the same people at home uncomplainingly accept everything about their society, and it would rarely occur to them to say things of that nature. On the mbt shoes sale whole, tourists of most nationalities, whatever their condition, display a rudimentary curiosity about where they are going. For that reason, travel advertising, whatever the country, features the destination. In Sweden, however, it usually concentrates on the point of departure. Where, in other countries, the customer is assumed to be going towards something interesting, in Sweden his first concern is believed to be getting away from an unpleasant situation. <a href="http://www.putianb2b.com/"><strong>莆田*生街</strong></a> Publicity, as often as not, dismisses the identity of the goal, concentrating on escaping from the Swedish situation. ‘Miserable’, ‘grey’, ‘dreary’ are terms constantly recurring in descriptions of the environment that putative tourists are invited to relinquish for a spell. The tenor of the appeal is that it doesn’t matter where one goes, as long as one gets away from Sweden. The government looks mbt shoes australia upon this, if not approvingly, at least with tolerance and understanding. Swedish foreign travel has been one of the heaviest burdens on a large and worrying balance-of-payments deficit that began to obtrude itself in the 1960s. But currency restrictions were never considered. By blocking mbt shoes online a safety valve, they would have entailed political and psychological repercussions too serious to be considered. It is an everyday occurrence for distressed customers to enter, or agitated voices to telephone, travel mbt shoes review agencies, demanding a trip anywhere, as long as it gets them away immediately, or next week-end by the latest. This is Brave New Sweden 343 not confined to a particular social class. Foreign travel has been made so accessible that a fortnight abroad costs about a fortnight’s pay for a shopgirl or a factory worker. A typist is just as likely to make her escape as a senior bureaucrat. Rules are such, in both private and public employment, that it is usually possible to take annual holidays at odd times, or to have unpaid leave of absence. Moreover, taxes are so punitive that it is customary to accept compensatory leave instead of payment for overtime. ######, culture, country cottages and holidays abroad may act as outlets for the worst of pressures, so that the political sublimation of personal aggressions has been largely forestalled. But there remain two irreducible aberrations: crime and alcohol. Belief in the perfectibility of man has taken some hard knocks in Sweden. The fulfilment of total welfare has not improved the bad Swede; it has simply <a href="http://cms.putianb2b.com/"><strong>莆田外贸论坛</strong></a> persuaded him to learn new ways of being naughty – precisely as in other affluent countries. Despite the Swedish practice of excusing misbehaviour as a product of environment alone, there is no social injustice to speak of. mbt discount Slums do not exist, and it requires some ingenuity to escape a comfortable existence. Nevertheless violence has risen, juvenile delinquency is the highest in Western Europe, and the crimes of avarice, notably embezzlement and cheque frauds have become a scourge.* <a href="http://dynastes.dy.funpic.de/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=104459#104459"><strong>nike shoes said</strong></a> Drinking has always been a burden to mbt chapa the Swedes. Through the ages, they have done so immoderately, so that the present * Between 1950 and 1966, the number of crimes reported to the police rose from buy mbt shoes 161,778 to 410,904, an increase of over 250 per cent. The figures correspond to 23 and 52.6 per 1,000 inhabitants. In the same period crimes of violence rose from 12,665 to 26,862 or 1.8 Cheap mbt shoes to 3.4 per 1,000 inhabitants. Bank robberies, which in 1950 were virtually unknown, have become common. In Stockholm, a city of about 800,000 inhabitants, they take place at the rate of about one per week. In 1968 there were 32,085 cases of juvenile delinquency, mainly petty theft and assault. Cheque frauds have been gaining popularity among teenagers. 344 The Totalitarians endemic mbt shoes sale abuse cannot exclusively be visited on political and social strains. Drunkenness is a national plague, in all classes. This again must seriously question another time-honoured theory, that alcoholic abuse is a consequence of poverty. Although the Swede is so affluent, he drinks to get drunk with the same single-minded devotion that his mbt shoes clearance poor and underprivileged ancestors did in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In fact, the ritual inebriation that so distinguishes Swedish society is by origin an upper-class custom. But in all ages, drinking has been, as so many Swedish writers have demonstrated, a means of evading a repressive society. It has been the only way of escaping from formal manners, self-discipline and social restraint. Since Swedish society has maintained those characteristics, drinking may be said not to be a trouble, but the oldest safety valve of them all. Although the State, under pressure from a strong temperance lobby, gives the impression of wanting to RSS feed © 2011 Internet Marketing Articles