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陈建教,男,57岁,土家族,中共党员,湖南省石门县新关镇人大副主席,省第八至十一届人大代 表。
2006年6月,为解救石门县被骗到河北东光县一“黑砖窑”打工的陈小平,陈建教千里迢迢,只身前往。由于 几次被拒之门外,他就每天趴在墙外的地上,通过挨近地面的一个墙洞暗中观察。有时一趴就是几个小时,累到不 能站立。 给邪恶以惩治,给弱小以关爱。陈建教,集大勇与大爱于一身。 使70多位农民工得到解救 陈建教之勇,在不畏艰辛,匡扶正义。暗访中,陈建教发现,这里的民工工作时间长达16个小时以 上,franklin et marshall,稍有不慎,polo ralph lauren pas cher,就会遭到殴打。于是向当地政府部门报告,几经交涉,终于使陈小平等70多位遭受困苦的农民工 得到解救。 誓不罢休的陈建教,结合自己之前长达9年的调查,撰写了《关于在全国开展整治黑砖厂的建议》直呈国家信访局 ,温家宝总理看到这个报告后作出重要批示。很快,一场整治“黑砖窑”的狂飚在全国掀起,数以万计的被骗农民 工得以顺利返乡。 陈建教曾以农民工身份“卧底”北京某建筑工地,揭露拖欠农民工工资黑幕;曾辗转黑龙江、山西等 5省市,ralph lauren pas cher,解救被骗民工,维护伤残农民工的权益,并上书国务院,推动了国家《工伤保险条例》的修正。也曾三次南下广 东随车暗访,找寻车匪路霸的犯罪铁证,奋笔投书有关部门,彻底拔掉了在湘粤国道上作恶多端的社 会毒瘤。 让175名失学儿童重返校园 陈建教之爱,在情系民生,救危济困。2008年1月,polo ralph lauren,石门县的唐晓庆因身患尿毒症而生命垂危,mercurial pas cher,丈夫又抛家别走。绝望的她试着向陈建教发了一条求救短信。在核实情况后,abercrombie,陈建教立马发起了拯救这位此前与他素不相识的普通农妇的爱心行动。 衡阳共创集团董事长谢辉闻讯后,主动找到陈建教:“老陈,这些年你为老百姓办了那么多好事不容易,唐晓庆的 手术费用我全包了。”并当即与南华大学附二医院院长罗志刚联系,罗院长爽快答应接收唐晓庆来院进行肾移植手 术,并减免部分手术费。唐晓庆重获新生! 陈建教用30年的大勇大爱写就了一部厚重的书——共达160本、堆起来有6米多高的《民情笔记》:先后接待 群众来信来访19800多人次,深入实地专题调查1730次,向有关部门提出意见、建议3505件;先后解 救被骗农民工1380人,为1935人次的农民工追讨工资和赔偿款,救助33名先天性心脏病儿童和12名尿 毒症患者,让175名失学儿童重返校园。 他也因此而欠下了10多万元的债务。在一次湖南十大新闻人物的颁奖现场,两位企业家每人捐出5万元给陈建教 还债。陈建教一转身,就将这些钱全部给4个孩子进行心脏病手术治疗。 陈建教,1995年被国务院授予“全国先进工作者”,1998年被湖南省委、省政府授予“湖南省人民满意公 仆”、“湖南省优秀共产党员”荣誉称号,1999年、2004年两度被评为“湖南省十大新闻人物”,200 5年被中宣部、司法部评选为“中国十大法制人物”,2006年被中宣部、司法部评选为“全国普法宣传教育先 进个人”,nike mercurial。(潇湘晨报) 相关的主题文章: people are happy to grasp operation between workers contest 000 people can be. . About two weeks after China's Ministry of National Defense confirmed its program to refurbish an ex-Soviet aircraft carrier, the still unfinished vessel commenced its maiden sea trial on Wednesday morning from Dalian of northeast Liaoning Province where the carrier was docked. While some neighboring countries have expressed concern over the growth of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, such as Japan's most recent defense white paper, Peter Singer, a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Washington-based Brookings Institution, told Xinhua that he didn't believe the Chinese carrier was a source that could worsen the current situation in the Asia-Pacific region. "One should not be surprised that China, whose military and economic power has grown immensely over the last decades, would want to join the 'carrier club' along with states like the US, UK, Brazil, India, France," Singer said in an email. It's an understandable ambition from a strategic and national prestige standpoint for China to develop aircraft carrier, he said. Currently, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Spain, Italy, India, Brazil and Thailand, operate a total of 21 active-service aircraft carriers. Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force currently has two 18,000-metric ton Hyuga-class helicopter carriers, although the warships are classified by Japan as "helicopter destroyers." Once the still-unnamed carrier is delivered to the PLA Navy, China will be the last among the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council to possess an aircraft carrier. The Asia-Pacific is also an area where aircraft carriers frequently cruise. The nuclear-powered supercarrier USS George Washington has been forward deployed at Japan's Yokosuka, and other U.S. carriers visit the area from time to time for military exercises, deterrence, as well as port calls and humanitarian aids. "I don't think the carrier itself is a source of tension with the US," Singer said. "I think the greater sources of regional tension remain the behavior and unresolved maritime claims." According to Singer, such sources include the conduct of the navies in the South China Sea and sea disputes between China and some of its neighboring states. China signed an agreement with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2002 at Cambodian capital Phnom Penh, which seeks regional stability by resolving disputes in the South China Sea in a peaceful way. The agreement, Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, asked all concerned countries to maintain self-restraint and not to conduct activities that would complicate or escalate disputes such as inhabiting the uninhabited islands and reefs. "Tensions between Japan, the Philippines or Vietnam were there before the carrier," Singer said, noting that China's neighboring countries may look at the carrier with some apprehension, but none should blame the carrier for tensions in the South China Sea. Chinese military scholars told Xinhua that China's carrier program was for the sake of its own maritime interests. "China's future aircraft carrier would only add stable factors to the Asia-Pacific region and the world peace," said Cao Weidong, a researcher of the PLA Navy's Academic Research Institute. "Compared with the U.S. and other carrier-savvy navies, China is just a beginner in operating an aircraft carrier," Cao said. To fuel its fast growing economy, China is increasingly reliant on natural resources imported through maritime transport routes from overseas. The PLA Navy has deployed its task forces in rotation since the end of 2008 to the Gulf of Aden and waters off the coast of Somalia to escort Chinese and foreign merchant vessels transiting. "We have learned from the escort missions and other operations, such as evacuating citizens from Libya, that an aircraft carrier is something that the navy needs," Cao said, adding that the weapon platform will also be a necessary tool for the country to safeguard territorial waters and maritime transport routes. |
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