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Here is a map exhibiting the oil platforms across the U.S. Gulf Coast 2010
Source: Ecosquared web site.
Category: Oil
From PESWiki
A directory of data referring to the ecological influence of oil.
one Treatments Well being Cures for Coverage two Ecological Effect 2.1 Gulf Oil Gusher
2.two Fracking Poisons Drinking water and Air
two.3 Other Effect Conditions 3 See also Solutions Highlighted: Oil > Ecological Effect > Gulf Oil Disaster > Treatments >
Hutchison-Lazaryan frequency generator clears polluted Gulf waters - Famous anti-gravity researcher,Pandora Silver Beads, John Hutchison, and his associate,Pandora Jewelry, Nancy Lazaryan, have come up with a device that emits a combination of audio and radio frequencies that have the impact of clearing waters polluted by oil and dispersant in less than 24 hours, bringing the native life back. (PESN; Oct. 27, 2010) Health Cures for Coverage Wellbeing / Oil > Ecological Impact > Treatments >
A Short Benzene Toxicity Primer –How to Stay Healthy (pdf) A. True Ott, PhD,Tiffany Earings, talks about the dangers of BP or “Benzene Pollutants”, and how people are exposed to it in a disaster such as we have now in the gulf; and a natural remedy for cleansing the body from exposure to it. (May 26, 2010) Ecological Affect Oil > Ecological Effect >
New Oil Spill 100 By 10 Miles Reported in Gulf of Mexico - The U.S. Coast Guard is currently investigating reports of a potentially massive oil sheen about 20 miles away from the website of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion last April. The Coast Guard said that it received a report of a three-mile-long rainbow sheen off the Louisiana coast at around 9:30 a.m. local time on March 26. (ZeroHedge; March 19, 2011) (Update; TheWeek; March 24) Gulf Oil Gusher
See Directory:BP's Gulf Oil Volcano - separate page

Featured: Oil > Ecological Affect > Gulf Oil Disaster > Cures > John Hutchison >
Oil Cleanup Confounds Coast Guard with Hutchison Solution - A report published last Friday by the US Coast Guard says they've reached a point where the disruption from their clean-up efforts is on a par with just leaving the oil as it is. They have ignored John Hutchison's scientist-validated success in clearing the h2o back to a near pristine condition using a non-invasive method of radio frequencies and sound waves. (PESN and BeforeItsNews; February 13, 2011) Featured: Earth Changes / Geoengineering / Weather Control >
Crazy Weather: stalled ocean currents, jet stream diversions - The weather is tripping, with unusually hot and cold regions, persisting longer than normal. Are the planet and mankind reaching a tipping point? Ruminations about the rare coincidence of the lunar eclipse and winter solstice. (PESN; December 22, 2010) Oil > Ecological Impact > Gulf Oil Disaster > Poisonous >
Scientist Confirms Gulf "Oil Rain" Is Real - Leifer thinks this oil rain is an unprecedented oil spill phenomenon - a combination of the Gulf's high humidity and the columns of thick smoke from burning oil. "...They showed up as if they had almost a millimeter of oil in the cloud.. and ... when they reach land - would in fact rain oil. Air sampling that was conducted both on a boat and by NOAA in the atmosphere showed that this plume contained numerous toxic components." (BeforeItsNews; February one, 2011) Fracking Poisons Water and Air Oil > Ecological Effect > Fracking >
Drinking drinking water in thousands of homes 'contaminated with harmful levels of methane' - Scientists collected 68 consuming water samples from near gas drilling sites in Pennsylvania and New York. They found potentially harmful levels of methane in the water due to its proximity towards the process of hydraulic-fracturing, or fracking. (Daily Mail; May 10, 2011) Oil > Ecological Affect > Fracking >
Gas companies blamed for more than 30 earthquakes in two cities in four days - "We have a disposal nicely right here just outside of the city. People are suspecting that to be causing it." A total of 700 earthquakes have occurred in the region in the last six months. Drillers free up the gas by using hydraulic fracturing or 'fracking' — injecting pressurized water to create fractures deep in the ground. (Daily Mail; UK; February 17, 2011) “What The Frack Is Going On?” - Suzy Williams, diva on the west side, beach and bicycle activist, who wrote this song in response to the documentary film “Gasland“. Oil > Ecological Impact > Fracking >
The Horrors of Fracking (video) - Must-see 21-minute excerpt of Josh Fox' "Gasland" documentary gives a glimpse into the horrific world people face who live in vicinity of certain fracking operations, with drinking water that catches fire; severe headaches and neurotoxicity; hair falling out; animal, fish and human deaths. Fracking imposes the most severe environmental degradation of any energy type; and is replete with criminal cover-ups of its dangers. (YouTube; February 4, 2011) Oil > Ecological Influence >
Fracking for Natural Gas and Oil May Have Broken the Law - More than 25 conservation and community organizations from across the United States asked the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and a congressional committee to investigate whether natural gas and oil companies broke the law by injecting diesel fuel underground in a controversial process known as hydraulic fracturing. (Distributed Energy; August 5, 2010) Oil > Ecological Influence >
F*&#ing Gas Fracking: How the Oil Industry Poisons Our Ground H2o and Air - An HBO documentary, Gasland, coming June 21, addresses fracking, which involves blasting water, sand and chemicals, many of them toxic, into underground rock to extract oil or gas; made exempt from environmental laws -- through pressure from Cheney, Halliburton, and other oil and drilling companies -- creating a siege of hydrocarbons spewing from deep below ground, polluting water and air. (LA Times Weblog; June 18, 2010) Other Impact Situations Oil > Ecological Effect >
27,000 Abandoned Gulf Oil Wells May Be Leaking - More than 27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells lurk in the hard rock beneath the Gulf of Mexico, an environmental minefield that has been ignored for decades. No a single - not industry,Pandora Charm,Tiffany Necklace Brief Downtime for Server Upgrade Monda, not government - is checking to see if they are leaking, an Related Press investigation shows. (CBS News; July 7, 2010) Oil > Ecological Influence >
UK firm Octel bribed Iraqis to keep buying toxic fuel additive - The company admitted that in a deliberate policy to maximize profits, they bribed officials in Iraq and Indonesia with millions of dollars to carry on using tetra ethyl lead (TEL), despite its health hazards, is banned from cars in western countries because of links with brain damage to children. (Guardian; UK; June 30, 2010) Oil > Ecological Influence >
Nigeria's agony dwarfs the Gulf oil spill -- ignored by the US and Europe - With 606 oilfields, the Niger delta supplies 40% of all the crude the United States imports and is the world capital of oil pollution. More oil is spilled from the delta's network of terminals, pipes, pumping stations and oil platforms every year than has been lost in the Gulf of Mexico. (Guardian; UK; May 30, 2010) The Costly Compromises of Oil From Sand - The oil that is extracted from Canadian dirt is being portrayed as saving America from energy dependence on the unstable Middle East, or an environmental catastrophe in the making — depending on the perspective. (Energy Tribune; Jan. 10, 2009) Indonesian Tsunami Possibly Tripped by Exxon-Mobil Works - Exxon-Mobil's one cubic mile of natural gas extracted every four years at epicenter Aceh facility presents a smoking gun for man-made factor in 9.0 earthquake with accompanying tsunami that killed more than 225,000 people. (PESN; Jan. 24, 2005) Shell Oil May Have Spurred Gulf Quake - Extraction of oil, gas, and brines can trigger earth movements. The epicenter of the 5.2 earthquake on Feb. 10 coincides with Shell Oil's Brutus field. Could the Gulf Coast be priming for an Aceh-like tsunami? (PESN; Feb. 15, 2006) Alberta Oil & Gas Collateral Damage: She Can Light Her H2o on Fire - Jessica Ernst lives east of Calgary. EnCana, a big oil & gas company, is operating close to her house and "fraced" the underground aquifer where area landowners get their h2o. Tests on her water revealed high levels of methane, ethane and several other fossil fuels. It also showed signs of heavy hydrocarbons, like the ones used in drilling fluids. (TreeHugger; July 15, 2008) Gas-Drilling Permits in Rockies Outstrip Ability to Tap Resource - New drilling rig resources stretched thin as newly opened areas are made available. Increased oil flow not resulting as predicted due to previous nicely dry-up. (WashingtonPost; April 28, 2005) A Cause of Earthquakes and Bad Weather - Robert L. Cook, alt energy inventor, addresses oil extraction and earthquakes; global warming and ice cap water redistribution stresses; atmospheric pressure modifications. (Jan. 25, 2005 comment about this treaties published ~5 years earlier.) On Oil Extraction and Earth Wobble - Inventor Robert L. Cook compares the earth's recent seismic flurry to an out-of-balance washing machine, due to your un-equal vast volume of oil extracted. (Cook Inertial Propulsion; March 16, 2005) Future of Oil - Future technologies associated with oil discussed. Genoil Hopes Hydrogen to Boost Energy from Oil - Improving hydrogen use at conventional oil refineries can increase yields of oil products from heavy oil by as much as 25 percent. (Reuters; Jan. 31, 2005) Rocket Fuel in Consuming H2o: Perchlorate Pollution Spreading Nationwide - Drinking h2o for more than 20 million Americans is contaminated with a toxic legacy of the Cold War: A chemical that interferes with normal thyroid function, may cause cancer and persists indefinitely in the environment, but is currently unregulated by state or federal authorities. (Environmental Working Group) Wilma Probably a Sleeper Where Oil is Concerned - While it will stir other problems, there are no significant oil platforms at risk -- unless it veers left into the Yucatan. Alt energy would free us from fretting so much. (PESN; Oct. 18, 2005) Gulf Oil Disruption Likely to Cripple U.S. and World Economy - The damage done to your Gulf oil and gas infrastructure is tremendous. Gas is in short supply in the region,Pandora Charm, further hampering restorative efforts. Snowball impact of this aorta of U.S. commerce is likely to be felt worldwide. Long overdue time to look at alternatives to oil. (PESN; Sept. 2,Tiffany Pendant, 2005) Gulf Oil Disruption Likely to Cripple U.S. and World Economy - The damage done for the Gulf oil and gas infrastructure is tremendous. Gas is in short supply in the region, further hampering restorative efforts. Snowball result of this aorta of U.S. commerce is likely to be felt worldwide. Long overdue time to look at alternatives to oil. (PESN; Sept. 2, 2005) Update on Hurricane Katrina's Damage towards the Gulf Oil Patch - Repercussions of ominous hurricane influence on the Gulf oil infrastructure. Treatments discussed, including emergency spending on alternative energy technologies. (PESN; Sept. 11, 2005) Rita Headed for Houston- Could Take Out Key Remaining Refineries - The biggest remaining part of our oil refineries and offshore and near shore recovery of oil and gas is now in the bull’s eye. This could take the USA nicely below the capacity of the EU and others to even ship us supplies. (PESN; Sept. 20, 2005) Decades of Hurricanes Threaten US Offshore Oil - Oil companies in the United States are pinning the hopes of the nation's energy future on big oil finds in offshore waters even as scientists predict the Atlantic will spawn more powerful hurricanes through the next two to a few decades. (Reuters; July 7, 2005) Unfeasibility of Rebuilding New Orleans - The river is moving away from the city. The city is sinking because of its weight,Tiffany Jewelry, because no upbuilding by new muck for many decades, because of becoming cut off from the fresh drinking water, because it is sliding off a cliff (the Continental Shelf), and because the Oil and Gas Industry is extracting oil out from under it. It is actually a city that for all intents and purposes is now Sea domain. Spend the money on developing alternative energy options instead. (PESN; Sept. 23, 2005) Oil-Dependence Predicts Famine - Food production need not depend on fertilizer derived from natural gas. Natural sourced minerals are a valid alternative, but strong political action is necessary to reclaim lost rights to save genetically-unmodified seed. (PESN; Sept. 12, 2005) See also
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