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Reprinted from 63777712 at 17:19 on February 26, 2008 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary write all want to love, in love and have lost a loved one Japan and South Korea do not believe the so-called soap opera because happiness can not let each other out. Ever thought you was the other's happiness. Love is not escape, is effort. Not escape the responsibility to each other happiness, but happiness to the realization of the obligations to each other. When you say goodbye in order not to hurt each other, you have to each other causing the greatest damage. Love is to work together. Do not fear each other out and understanding. Understanding is that love, not fear. Love is a duty, can not easily leave. Allows you to leave the fear for the people, not really love, even to pay more, to leave the people, after all, will leave. not think there will not understand love. In do not know, we just like to not reach the love. When exposed the shortcomings of each other after many this like it will end. Love is tolerance, love each other everything. Love do not, maybe you just love nothing more of his novel. do not believe you said you did not mind that you are too close to the person with the opposite ######. Such people are not cheating you're playing you, or you simply do not care. You will not mind your love and ###### close to the point of your existence forget it? Think know. Or, he himself would not mind a few hetero######ual deal. do not deal in a few hetero######ual. Love is the existence of two individuals, can not tolerate a third person. People who think that the right can be left holding nothing more than an online YY Novels many people. Love is a single-minded,timberland outlet, make a note of good. do not give each other a lot of pressure. Appropriate and keep a distance from the opposite ######, the love for you is good. Too close a distance, perhaps inadvertently, made a move to embarrass each other. not to cheat your lover. Remember, if you do not cheat the grasp of his life, then tell him the truth. When the lie was exposed again and again, when there may be all over. do not think appearance would be a great obstacle. 60 years later, no one can no wrinkles,timberland boots, no gray hair? Who can change the aging, the same small. You may not appearance,mens timberland boots, but you talented. Maybe you did not before, but you gentle. Maybe you do not tender, but you ....... maybe you have nothing, but maybe, he is in love with your ordinary. do not see the surrounding environment, too. Love is you,womens timberland boots, and around what is the relationship. But please be kind to each other's family and friends. A lot of things, just give yourself an excuse for Bale. love you do not think he will not leave you. Repeated damage to your, he will leave, because you do not know how to cherish, not worthy of his love. Treasure,timberland kids, to know how to love. not because the impulse to say something radical to say. No one wants to get warm for cold, take caring for injuries. Impulsive words,timberland boots sale, may have broke his heart. Nail a nail under the easy, but uprooted it, if you can hole in the fence repaired it? ? If you have said, then apologized to go with your gentle make up as much as possible, but can not determine whether it is useful. not disappeared. Frequently missing days are allowed for people without reason, it is difficult to give the feeling of stability. Also make people worry about your safety. not to trample on their dignity. You can live without him, but can not do without dignity. Remember, he does not love you, you do not see him. Do not promise. Can not promise is worse than no promise. Perhaps many men and women are like that one by one bad check, but when you find each of them can not be cashed, you will love this cheat it? not only for myself. Man does not live only for themselves. Parents, lovers, children. Maybe we'll do a lot of things we do not like to do, but to them, please do not complain. Because, love is a duty, is a play. not love Do not give any hope. Hope that the greater the disappointment will be. Maybe you just like the feeling of being loved, but when the disappointment comes, you may be because of your greed, and was the other offensive. not regret it. No matter what choice do, is not the right choice. Please do not regret it. Time can not turn the clock back, everyone is responsible for everyone's fault. Very often, miss never come back. |
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70428 2006 年 04 月 16 日 21:03 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (238) Category: Original Literature divertimento Cycle more movement by the combination of a large-scale instrumental music or musical instrument Suite Suite by several relatively independent of the instrumental music composed music Sonata Sonata refers to a similar suite of instrumental ensemble divertimento. from Haydn. Mozart later, the means consisting of 3-4 instrumental music solo divertimento (piano sonata), or a solo instrument and piano ensemble of instrumental music (violin sonata) symphony symphony large orchestral divertimento, usually with four movements. The movement of the same structure and the solo sonata concerto concerto by the one or more solo instruments and orchestra playing competing with each other and show their personality and skills of the large-scale instrumental music divertimento. sub-solo concerto, Concerto, Concertino, etc. symphonic poem symphonic poem **** ring the title of a single movement of music tone poems poeme single-movement orchestral,prada sneakers, and symphonic poem is similar to overture overture opera, oratorio, ballet and other theatrical works and vocal and instrumental music beginning divertimento. Appeared independent of the nineteenth century concert overture Prelude prelude Impromptu with the nature of the music of independent thinking, often on a strict structure of the music before or divertimento cited as a sequence, the small instrumental music. Toccata toccata fast paced, full of quick touch keys of the keyboard music free improvisation fantasia fantasia form of freedom, or free improvisation to give people a sense of instrumental music fantasy Capriccio capriccio Fu free-form format,prada sale 2011, Fantasia, the 19th century is a fanciful piece of improvisational genital __ Rhapsody rhapsody began in the early 19th century to national or folk tunes as the main material with distinctive ethnic features of the instrumental fantasia Etude study technology to improve the level of musical performers to write music Songs without Words songs wighout small lyrical instrumental music, with accompaniment voices, melodic voices, kind of like a piano song Romance Romance romance, mainly referring to the sound with the lyrical music and the rich singing of instrumental music ballade ballade rich in narrative, dramatic piano solo Nocturne nocturne popular in 18th century aristocratic society in Western instrumental divertimento, often open-air concert at night serenade serenade morning song of the symmetry. Originated in medieval Europe, the poet lover singing love songs sung by the window scherzo scherzo Scherzo. Of vigorous, fast and easy lively three-beat instrumental music or vocal intermezzo Intermezzo for the opera or theater or music in the transitions between the curved screen; the other free space is smaller than the form of instrumental music fugue fugue Latin transliteration means Dunzou. Approach to polyphonic music written in large canon canon to mimic the way the pure form of polyphony in the form Cantata round round octave with the same degree or Canon written in vocal technique Invention invention Polyphonic Structure piano ballad. Similar to the prelude or small Fugue. Bach used this name before song vocalization vocalization no lyrics but with vowels, syllables, or a roll-call vocal concert etude Rondo rondo by the same principal part of the Department and several different interpolation music consisting of alternating Variations variation repeated the theme of a series of changes, and according to a unified concept and the art of music composition march march music written with the pace of the rhythm characteristic curve character piece means the rich poetic and life goals of instrumental songs, mostly piano ditty morning song alborada originated in Galicia, northwest Spain, bucolic music pastoral pastorable originally a European country the theme of 16-17 century drama, opera's one of the predecessor. Modern music is an imitation of the shepherd of the blow pipe tunes and Christmas Xiaomu playing music or the sound of music instrumental music, from Italy. Barcarolle barcarolle songs sung by boatmen of Venice and the vocal imitation of this song and instrumental music elegy elegy sad emotional vocal performance, or instrumental music lullaby berceuse lyrical vocal or instrumental music. Description cradle swing rhythm, similar to Barcarolle. Divertimento divertimento 18 century, an instrumental ensemble joy Suite guests impromptu impromptu features occasional song lyric writing,prada outlet, the short 19th century songs were instrumental, in the form similar to the song Perpetual Motion perpetuum mobile rapid pace from start to finish through the music Pieces bagatelle light and humorous characteristics of music, often piano ditty Humoresque humoreske tranquil and full of humor,prada online, or the performance of simple, clear pleasure the delight of the instrumental music. something new song novellette founded in R. Schumann song features a piano paraphrase interpretation of music 14 - 16 century church music in the interpretation of the song is a prime song melody free processing. F. Liszt borrowed the name and called for the famous vocal instrumental music, especially opera's piano transcriptions for the interpretation of the song dance music dance music written under the dance rhythms or vocal instrumental music Minuet menuet originated in the French folk dance in triple time, small steps so named because of __ Jiawo Te gavotte originated in France in the folk-speed, four-beat dance music speed Xunji originated in Italy, feeling warm dance __ polka polka originated in the Czech Republic beat second faster dance waltz waltz Waltz. Originated in Austria, a folk dance in triple time. Mazurka mazurka originated in the mood lively Polish folk warm double triple time dance Polo is hereby polonaise Polonaise. Originated in the Polish folk solemn, slow dance in triple time habanera Habanera alpha naira. African black passed by the Cuban dance music in the fast duple tango tango originated in Africa, Argentina, after the incoming speed, two or four-beat dance tempo by one person singing, often accompanied by musical instruments or sing in the band, sometimes also employing acoustic accompaniment unison unison more than two singers, according to the same degree of relationship or octave while singing the same melody in the singing form quartet ensemble by one for each voice singing voices sound more than music and singing form. The number of points by voice or duet, trio, quartet singing lead a chorus by a crowd of people singing and singing in the form chorus chorus singer more than two groups, each held by the group of voices singing the same song singing form a cappella a cappella purely vocal concert of singing without musical accompaniment ensemble ensemble formed by a variety of instruments, often by different types of musical instruments are divided into several groups, each group serving as some of the voices,prada shoes, playing the same music playing in the form accompaniment accompaniment play the instrument from the one or more to set off the main part of the song or instrumental. Instrumental music to heighten the dance is also often referred to as accompaniment __ solo solo,cheap prada handbags! by a person playing a musical instrument, often accompanied by other instruments or band unison unison more than two players, according to the same degree of relationship or octave while playing the same tune, chamber music chamber music usually by a small number of people playing, song singing trio, heavy Cantata. Duet Duet points from the two instruments playing chamber music of two voices __ Trio Trio divided by the three instruments playing chamber music, the three-part String Trio string trio by the violin, viola, cello playing the three-part sub-chamber Piano Trio piano trio __ by the piano and the other two instruments (stringed or wind instruments) playing chamber music quartet quartet divided by the four instruments playing the four-part chamber music String Quartet string quartet consists of two violins, a viola and a cello playing chamber music piano quartet piano quartet by the violin, viola, cello, piano chamber music 3 |
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