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christian louboutin shoes 四川联体女婴手术分离后状
儿外科主任向波说,经过分离手术的姐妹俩顺利闯过了耐受关、切口感染关、肝功能恢复关、呼吸机撤离关和 重症感染关5大关卡的考验,向康复迈进了一大步。 华西医院ICU护士唐颖琳写下数十篇护理日记,记录下了小姐妹康复过程中的点点滴滴。 手术当晚两姐妹在医护人员的密切看护下病情稳定。 昨天,广受市民关注的联体女婴华华、西西姐妹,挺过了“分离”后的危险期,身体各项指标正常,由川大华 西医院ICU病房转入了普通病房。目前,姐妹俩精神状态良好,louboutin shoes,估计一周后就能出院回家。 在小儿ICU住了近四个多月的联体姐妹―华华和西西,顺利转入综合病房。现在,华华和西西各方面的情况 都很不错,体重都达到了6.5kg,看到她俩健康的成长,我们都替她们感到高兴。两小家伙似乎知道即将和大 家分开,满脸的不高兴,tods shoes,忧郁地看着每一位阿姨,像是在依依不舍地和大家告别。 护理日记记下康复过程 前段时间,周兴好回了趟老家,除了给小孩上户口,还专门找到老家一位老先生,请他代写了一 封感谢信。 因为这是四川大学华西医院的第一例联体婴儿,所以医院的医护人员也为她们取了小名――华华(光头)、西 西(西瓜太郎)以表爱护之意。 “信写好了,ugg clearance 民警为防小偷开锁发明防插片器 社区盗,做了镜框裱起来。岑主任、安琪教授、曾教授、向主任、唐护士……要感谢的人太多了,不晓得感 谢信往哪送,christian louboutin shoes。”周兴好一直在为这事为难。 姐妹俩都上了户口,还认了很多“妈妈” 手术经历了12个小时,非常成功。术后患儿的妈妈非常兴奋地给两个女儿分别起了一个有意义的名字作为重 生的见面礼――周易腾、周易�。 8月16日星期一雨 手术终于临近了。今天天上下起了大雨,让我的心情更加紧张,在紧张严肃中终于迎来了孩子们 的术前讨论。 联体女婴姐妹俩从来到华西医院的那天开始,air max ltd,就得到了医护人员特殊的照顾,特别是在监护病房期间,护士们都围着两姐妹转。刚生小孩不久的儿外科护士蒋 婷,还手把手地教姐妹俩的妈妈张海兰育婴知识。 我们怎么忍心让这对殷切盼望的父母失望?最终手术定在了8月18日星期三,是一个吉祥的日 子! 华西都市报记者程渝摄影杨涛 12月1日 乐 2010年7月10日星期六晴 手,有时候会经常看着对方,asics gel,有时候会去拉一拉、碰一碰对方的小手,1个多月的相连,让她们习惯了对方。妹妹西西非常喜欢笑,乌黑的大 眼睛经常会随着床边医护人员的身影而移动,还时不时调皮地蹬蹬小腿跟人“打招呼”,姐姐华华则比较安静,除 了吮吸自己的小手外,kobe shoes,多数时间都是把爸爸妈妈望着。 “刚开始我都不敢抱娃娃,一点不像当妈妈的,幸好有那么多的护士妈妈帮我,christian louboutin shoes 女子自带太师椅坐公交被称自助姐(图)。”张海兰说,还有一名大学生专程来医院认华华、西西当干女儿。 在保证密切监护的同时细心地为在暖箱内的他们擦除身上的污渍和血迹,头部的、腋下的、背上 的…… 昨晚11:00我们小儿ICU收治了一例特殊的患儿,应该说是两例吧,因为这是一对胸腹联体的双胞胎婴 儿,christian louboutin sneakers 父亲因家庭贫困先后卖掉两个女儿。 父亲周兴好看着术后平安的两姐妹,喜不自禁 手术前的联体姐妹(资料图片) 这两小孩自昨天上午出生后,被她们父母从云南连夜送到了华西。 喜 昨天上午,在川大华西医院综合病房里,已经“分身”三个半月的华华和西西身上没有了各种管子和监护仪器 ,医院专门安排了一张高级婴儿病床给姐妹俩睡。“娃娃这样背到,不会磨到伤口啊?”见孩子的父亲周兴好手抱 一个,背上背一个,同病房的患儿家长紧张地问道。“莫的事,娃娃肚子上的伤口恢复得很好,医生说可以背了。 ”周兴好笑嘻嘻地回答道。 目前女婴两姐妹各项指标正常,预计一周后将出院 迈过5大关险情一一排除 8月18日星期三雨 |
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340576 2010 年 12 月 06 日 15:17 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: food, health care the world's super hard to find the prescription for the parents keep ... ... 1, high blood pressure: The ear of corn to be on the boil water drunk as a tea, half Jiyu. 2, bronchitis: large tofu drink water, drink more consecutive days; magically eradicated; Buddhist interpretation of empty forever available. 3, Arthritis: Beijing Doctor: Zhang Jianming wrapped with a field line cannabina joint, multi-layers,red wing motorcycle boots, 3-for-one, in exchange for a few times, joints gradually improved. 4, red dysentery: Shanghai Doctor: Li governance sesame 120 grams,red wing store, 120 grams green beans, mashed the two drugs blunt, 1, 3-5, Jiyu. 5, Diabetes: Shanghai Doctor: Masan Lin gourd dishes were a sub-7, plus 1 for each money alum, boil 1 day, 3 Jiyu gourd boiled 21 days, no salt. 6, stomach: Shaanxi Province: Rui Shi Dan 12 package, Cyperus rotundus half a catty, research plane 20 minutes, 3 times, each time a package, two Jiyu. 7, esophagitis, laryngeal dumb: Xiao Xun County doctors: Kim Tae application burnt briquettes 2, put the basin broken box, grasping the two sugar water into the two, set fire to simmer for 20 minutes, morning and evening to drink three days Jiyu. 9, pneumonia: Taiyuan: Beam Zhengxintai Houttuynia a few days eating stewed egg pockets can be more. 11, rheumatism: Xi'an Doctor: Lee Fu cream loofah vine 500-1000 grams, drying research side, 3 times a day, 1 2-3 grams of brown sugar water blunt. 12, limb numbness, nerve pain: Xi'an Doctor: Zhong Ming six kilograms of chicken, duck manure jin, a warm place for drying 1 kg of vinegar, then into the bag, the good will of a couch , more couch several times. 13, back pain: Lanzhou City: Yang Xiaozhong leek half a catty, boil drinking water, vinegar, salt, without refueling, 3-5 days Jiyu. 14, dizziness and headache: Shaanxi, MD: Wang Baokui Xanthium half two, add brown sugar, 1 two, Jianshui drink, 7 days Jiyu. 15, toothache: Henan doctors: gypsum powder 1 CHAN two people's livelihood, the two half Jianshui ephedra drink, two Jiyu. 16, chest pain: Luoyang Doctor: Liu Guangbo star anise burning ash, Aconitum two to send money to boil water for a cup under the immediate pain. 17, cough: Luoyang Doctor: Huang ** eat oranges in hot sesame oil poured into three times a day, every 1-2 months, three days is good. 18, asthma: Shanxi Changzhi: two semi-Ren Zhang Zhili, honey, twelve, Shuijianbi no rule of asthma. 19, full Duteng: Baotou City: King of strict research with millet a drying surface and the water mixed with food. 20, hepatitis: Huaxian old shop Doctor: High rule out the use of pig gall to drink the water boil to open and one recovered. 21, Shao Baitou black hair: Chinese Medical Association (1) Bo shell fitted pillows, pillow six months from the black. (2) couple of fleece-flower root, black sesame seeds and brown sugar water to boil two or three finish in three installments. Ate a half months later, white hair gradually black. 22, face mole removed point method: Luoyang: Talk on lime, white base of each half into a paste with alcohol, which points out the mole for a half day. 23, psoriasis: Lanzhou Doctor: Zhu mind (1) with their own urine wash 7 days Jiyu. (2) elm with knifed even wipe out the water for seven days. 24, women, infertility: (from Yang, Guangdong University Medical Chang Xiaowei new recipe) six money Angelica, white peony root seven money, Chuanxiong three money, two money safflower, peach kernel four money, Zeeland four Qian, Qi Zi one or two. Pangolin four money, habitat eight money, Cyperus rotundus four money, Shuijianbi menstrual clean every day, and even served three doses. 25, amenorrhea: Qinghai doctors: Chen Yan Motherwort one or two months, Jiyu dose of medicine or a bowl add rice wine. 26, irregular menstruation: Xi'an doctors: Copper Wong, Chinese rose ten, Jianshui add brown sugar, wine, and even served half cited the more. 27, through pain: Nanjing doctors: Xu Zhixiong cottonseed a new grain mill watts for drying clothes three money immediately pain. (Effects) 28, leucorrhoea: Nanjing doctors: ginkgo fifteen Gao, stewed rice, glutinous rice food, once a day, seven days recovery. 29, under the Law of Milk odd: Shanghai doctors: Li Aiyi black seeds of the seven students sent to study water under the foam, an hour from the next. 30, more than blood: Shandong doctors: Ai-Ying Li Lianpeng shell burning ash, served on the second, each second money, hot wine dose, seven days Jiyu. 32, stool bleeding: Jilin: Zhu Zhang jin fried tofu mixed with sugar and yellow food stand only. 33, impotence disease: Henan doctors: Zhang Shaojie actinolite,red wing shoes, medlar three money, add brown sugar Shuijianbi, the effect wonders. 34, the night crying in children: Henan doctors gall III money. Usage: After research into a thin foam fried, top coat the medicine in children around the navel. Treatment in children can safely sleep the night crying. 35, a hundred insects ear: Shaanxi doctors: Jiao Guangrong insects per ear drops of urine from the cats out. (Wiping a cat nose cat biting the garlic from the urine) 36, clear the athlete's foot: Anhui doctors: Wen-Lin Li with a smoked cigarette butts, toes were caught in three days recovery. 37, clear the sweat: doctors: Zhu Yumin with tung flowers on a boil water for my feet, three days recovery. 38, dry foot rule: Hebei: Huang Tao jin of salt, six pounds of water, boil the cooking of coolish feet, seven days Jiyu. 39, foot corns, gill Monkey: Hubei: Huang Hao pockmarked with a large, cast smashed paste with plastic sheets, one Jiyu. 40, hemorrhoids effects: Sichuan: Wang Zewen nitrate twelve skin, wash the affected area Sophora japonica rice boil half a catty, external hemorrhoids treatment effects. 42, rule fire (hot) trauma: Changbai Mountain in Northeast: Taoist sheep Stan seven fire research on drying surface coated with sesame oil to reconcile the wound, Japanese painted three times, and can relieve the pain without leaving scars three days Jiyu. 43, snake bites: Kunming Doctor: Li BH pipe oil rub the wound, and then pipe the oil would be washed down with water to drink, such as sweet sleep, that should drink plenty of injuries, and if feel bitter, that light hurt should drink less. 44, enuresis, under the shower: sunflower bar with more than five years Rangzi two feet, drink a bowl of water to cook, a Jiyu. 45, enterobiasis: ** doctors: Wang Fu-liter of oil with the pipe wiping anus, insects from the dead, and never relapse. 46, open smart recipe: to provide doctors for the foam dried lotus stems, with fleece-flower root, boiling water and blunt as tea, long the wise, though to fool the mind of wisdom are also. 47, rule Tongshen edema: Sichuan: Su Guifang one with red flesh watermelon, wheat bran buried, the chaff with fire lit, fire dies after eating watermelon, eat a 3-5 days recovered. 48, difficulty in urination: doctors sorghum pole skin, the older the better, boil water, not salt, Jiyu two days. 49, stool knot disease: Henan doctors pound spinach, lard (lard) 1 two, put the pan fried food, three days recovered. 50, rhinitis: Henan doctors brick and tile on the Green Bu, drying crush into a powder, thrown into the nostril, three times a day, three days dig up the roots. 51, who itch: Henan famous doctor: application of gold too with Nepeta boil washing the affected area twice dig up the roots. 52, bed-wetting: Luoyang doctors: Son Ji Chang Road, four armed , wash foam with a new tile for drying research boiled water, served twice for the second money, seven days Jiyu. 54, otitis: otological Wuhan: East is Red snakeskin one, sesame oil ear drops hot day Jiyu. 55, common eye diseases: Luoyang: Zhou Ximing black beans twenty-two, white chrysanthemums seven money, good effect of boiled smoked eyes good. 57, after the illness, without a word: Jiyu: garlic wiping nose turtles from urine. (Prescription) 58, enteritis: Sanmenxia doctors: LI Bai in Romania with a screen seedling Jianshui feet, two recovered. 61, take back sore :**** doctors: Ha Bai Gentiana three with money, TCS II study of money transfer surface wiping milk that is good. 62, white mouth sores: Xi'an: white river of money study population II surface (urinal residue) thrown into the mouth 3 times a day or two days Jiyu. 63, sleeping more than a dream: Chinese medicine hospital in Kaifeng Angelica, habitat, safflower, Achyranthes all three money, product shell, red peony, licorice the second money, Campanulaceae, Chuanxiong half a penny each, peach four-money decoction. Two can safely sleep and dream less. 64, the fish bone from the throat of card: (prescription) slow light by one or two drinks vinegar, fish bone that is soft to swallow; such as heavy leg of the duck may weigh it down spit juice, poured into the patient fish bone from the mouth of. (Another bone with the dog saliva) 65, hair loss effects method: Yunnan doctors: Li Xiao Bai boil water wash with mulberry leaves, three days Jiyu. 66, insomnia: Guangdong doctors: Lee Jianshui long night drinking with peanut leaf,red wing mens boots, three-day dig up the roots. 67, paralyzed: Henan doctors Cassia sticks, peach branches, willow branches, piling sticks, eggplant sticks, United Jianshui three barrels were chopped. With a big tub of cold immersion, such as heat wash stand. To sweat after being sheltered bed cover, wash several times Jiyu. 68, facing down acne: (prescription) turnip foam sub-study. Add cream applied every night for several days Jiyu. 69, the surface of Black Star: (prescription) coriander (aka cilantro) decoction to wash every day, a few days removed. 70, Diao Inclined: (mouth crooked eye oblique) (prescription) the castor bean research Black painted crooked left left, right, painted crooked right, is simply pass on to the complex. 71, hernias: money out of two white, brown sugar,red wing work boots, twelve. Joint research to fine, wine delivery, the date of service twice, morning and evening. Half Jiyu. 72, Vitiligo: research with green walnut skin drying foam, sesame oil reconcile daily wipe three times, half dig up the roots. 73, purpura wind: (prescription) sulfur 3, litharge 3 points, a total of research fine flour, paste transfer surface of the skin with vinegar. 74, to eliminate many problems the new law: (effects prescription) \Hairy girls face lift because of the annoyance. Are sold all over the pharmacy. 75, never drunk law: (prescription) camphor, half and half Pueraria two make some tea, drank alcohol before the anti-drunk, drunk drink hangover. 76, a cold (special effects prescription) ginger 10, 10 slices of white radish, add brown sugar, decoction, after serving sweating. A Jiyu. 77, motion sickness: (prescription) vinegar 1 two 2 two boiling water, mix well and drink on the front of the car can be established only . 78, solution gas poisoning: (prescription) use of strong tea, a good bowl of vinegar mixture, taking three times at intervals of half an hour and a half hour later, fully recovered. 79, stand only nosebleed: Yinchuan City doctors: Ma Haimin ashes with the head of fever, inhaled, can stand only, male female hair, female parent hair. 80, set stop bleeding wounds: Urumqi, MD: Ren Wansheng feather gray painted surface of the skin, stop bleeding legislation is not infected. 81, Hydrangea Wind: Henan doctors Kushen 20 grams, Kochia scoparia 15 grams, water to cook and washing, twice daily. 82, food poisoning: Henan doctors green beans a lot, raw licorice three money. Add water to cook several dose. 85, obesity: Henan doctors bitter five grams of sulfur, brown sugar, 20 grams is a, blunt 7 days, special effects. 86, children forty-six Wind: Henan doctors Myricaria foot long, fire the middle, two out of oil, then drink a half cup. (Secret) 87, edema: Henan doctors mole cricket (day cricket, cricket cents) five, foam drying research, blunt boiled water before eating 6 grams. 88, night blindness: Henan doctors white water to cook goat liver, goat liver cooked food, not salt material. 89, myopia: Henan doctors 20 grams of raw land, 60 grams of aspartame, chrysanthemum 40 grams, 90 grams Zhi Ke, the three drugs after the inquiry into the fried yellow foam, twice a day, each 20 grams. 90, against measles: Henan doctors Willow River (river willow), parsley, 50 grams. Decoction to wash the body. 91, Flat Wart: Henan doctors cow saliva, coating the skin. 92, gallstones: Henan doctors cuspidatum 60 grams, capillaris 30 grams, rhubarb 15 grams. Shuijianbi twice daily. 93, bone hyperplasia: Henan doctors shark A 60 grams, 90 grams Eucommia, Achyranthes 90 g, a drying of shark research of bread into 12 packets, 1 packet per day, taken twice a day, Eucommia cattle After knee fried with salt, fried water 24 times, a surface delivery service. 94, acne: Henan doctors Susan Chan 30 grams, 10 grams of salt. Spend 2 hours each day Topical drug soaked, paint the affected area. 95, smoking, alcohol laws: Henan doctors research with South Guayang drying face flushing when Chahe to date do not want to smoke (smoking cessation). Horse sweat, scrape kerma Khan, 25, were mixed with 500 grams of water to drink (alcohol). 96, Indigestion: Henan doctors Gallus gallus domesticus a black ugly 5 grams. Drying and research into thin foam, 1 day, water delivery service. 97, body odor: Henan doctors old alum 10 grams, 5 grams of sulfur, matrine and 6 grams, 5 grams of snake skin. Into a thin foam spend drug research, drug coated ginger pieces dipped in the affected area 2 times a day. 98, heel pain: a hair doctors in Henan, with a cloth made of insoles, shoe pads, half more. 99, thick blood lipids: a two-Henan doctors peanuts, vinegar half a catty,red wing boot store, bubble seven days after taking it 3 times a day, every time they eat 2. 100, bad breath: Ren Kou Henan amount of white doctors. Each take one, put your mouth and chew, 3 times a day. |
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