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08-20-2011 10:49 AM

2007-04-20 22:44
一个浙江商人立下的22条规矩 (太值得借鉴了)
要想把握经济命脉,必须关注政局,新闻联播图文并茂,有声有色,着实为中国商人的最佳晴雨表;你可以不看财 经报道,也可以不看焦点访谈,如果你不是做石油和外汇的,甚至你都可以不去管类似9.11事件 和中东局势。
哪怕合约让你的律师看过了,公证处公证了都不要轻易相信,甚至当你的客户把钱已经汇入你指定的账户以后你都 必须确认,这笔钱你能不能拿出来,能不能动,而合约以外的涉及到利益冲突的任何口头承诺与解释你都必须当他 是放屁,无论香还是臭,在对方兑现承诺以前都不要沉湎其中,更无论对方是谁,哪怕那是你交了十年的朋友甚至 是和你上了床的女人都必须如此。
你确认你一定能够做到的事情你才可以承诺,但不要夸大其辞;你如果想一直做个商人,那么你必须树立自己的信 誉!虽然你可以不在乎外界对你的争议甚至你也可以制造争议但你不能失去信誉,否则你就不是一个商人而是一个 骗子;信誉具体包括你如果和别人约了2:00见面,全讯百导,那么你绝对不可以1:50以前或者2:01以后出现,如遇交通堵塞或意外事件,那你必须及时通知对方,除 非你出了车祸遇到空难昏迷不醒或者已经死亡,否则你都没有理由爽约、早到太早或迟到太迟,而你的涵养则体现 在对待对方不守时不守承诺的态度与包容等方面;而一旦当你确认对方是在为了利益而一再欺骗你,那么你对对方 做出的一切行为都不过分,甚至你可以将计就计,反过来给他画一个饼!
在做任何生意以前,你都必须考虑清楚,如果你输了,那么你是否输得起,而不是去考虑你如果赢了会怎样怎样, 输不起的事情你最好别做!而考虑输的范围时你也不要只考虑钱财方面,作为半个商人,有些东西你永远都输不起 ,包括你爱的女人,你的家人,你的江湖地位甚至你的信誉;所以你必须在做任何生意以前全面考虑清楚你究竟输 得起输不起,如果输得起,那么OK,你去义无返顾的DO IT吧!
不要把自己手里所有的牌全部亮出来,因为牌局随时会中途停止,而对方也随时会出新的牌,不到最后关键时刻, 最好不要亮出你手里最有分量的牌,最后的赢家才是真正的赢家!
《菜根潭》上有句话说的好“毋以善小而不为,毋以恶小而为之”,说的是做人的道理,而生意也是如此:“不要 因为利润少就不去做,也不要因为风险小就去做”;而同样在中国,违背法律的事情可以做,但违背道义的事情则 坚决不能做。
无论是团队,还是个人,很多时候我们都渴望有能够和我们一起联手打天下的黄金搭档,但亲密战友是一定要慎重 慎重再慎重的选择的,慎重是对彼此而言并非只针对单方,而亲密战友一定要符合下面这些前提条件才可以成为你 的亲密战友;其一,他和你一定需要在一个战壕里一起战斗过至少一年;其二,在你没有负他的前提他对你所说的 每一句话他自己都能负责任;其三,他必须是个实在而且能塌实干事的人;其四,他考虑得更多的是你们之间共同 的利益(无论是短期的还是长期的),而这个共同利益高于个人利益;其五,关键时刻他没有躲开更没有出卖你或 者大家在他能获得比合作利益还大的更大利益的前提下,五点缺一不可,否则彼此之间的合作不会长 久。
无论是你老婆还是你父母,都不可以在以你为核心之一的商业团队里有太多插手,因为以你为核心之一的团队接受 的是你,而不是你的家庭成员,在你的团队全体成员主动接受并邀请你的家庭成员成为你们团队一员以前,无论你 的家庭成员是谁,有多大的本事,或者可以给你们的团队带来多大的前进帮助,都不能成为你让你的家庭成员成为 团队一员的理由;而当在你团队(三人或三人以上)里的异性成员一旦与你上了床,那么你必须考虑让对方立刻离 开这个团队,要么她(他)另谋高就,要么她(他)成为你的专职情人或者太太(老公),总之,她(他)已经不 能继续留在这个团队,所以在团队里不要随便考虑和异性上床或者动情。
无论谁会占谁的便宜,或者大家之间可以同时并行两种关系,都不应该与之上床,更无论这个女人有多性感,多煽 情;这样的女人包括:与你有生意往来的女人,最好全讯网,在你手下工作的女人或者是你手下与同事的家眷,甚至是管理着你的政府机构、职能部门里的女公务员,原因有 二:其一,这样的女人可以让你死都不知道是怎么死的,其二你虽然是半个商人,但另一半也不是出卖肉体的男* 。
无论这个女人是你包了的**、二奶,还是你众多情人之中的一个更或者是你已经结婚多年的妻子,你都应该不和 她们谈你的商业细节:第一,你谈了可能她们也不懂;第二,你谈的商业细节里面会有能让你入狱的内容;第三, 那涉及到商业机密;无论你有多少信任你的女人,都不应该谈太多和你有关的商业内容;还有一个无须单列的商规 就是千万不要在夜总会歌厅等色情场所给小姐和应招女郎发名片,一定要记住,全讯网ceo
不管收受你贿赂的官员多么无耻,多么不够意思,你只可以行贿而绝不可以去做污点证人到法庭举证;除非你以后 连半个商人都不想做了;而如果是你主动行贿,对方收受了而且也为你办了事情,那你更不应该由此来当做能抓住 对方小辫子的罪证要挟对方继续为你顶风开绿灯,也无论对方是政府官员还是执法人员还是银行官员甚至办事人员 的;最基本的,请客送礼吃饭洗桑拿甚至大到澳门游,这些感情投入都千万不要单独记小黑账,而财务账面上的处 理也一定要不留痕迹。
大头小尾的发票最好别开,营业税以及附加的教育基金等你该交多少交多少,增值税你更别动脑子(记得找上家要 税票正常抵扣就可以了),除此以外关税你掂量掂量自己的分量,具体情况具体对待,企业所得税是可以全部避掉 一分钱都不交的,但最好给地税点面子,少交点别一分钱都不交,交多交少你自己看着办,而个人所得税呢,视当 地政府给纳税人办了多少实事是否把咱纳税人真当纳税人人看待的具体情况而造工资表吧。
你可以给记者一些钱或礼品,但你不能告诉记者很多你的底细更不能相信记者会给你保守商业秘密,甚至你不能和 记者靠的太近且必须学会面对记者而设防,无论你面对是是否是漂亮风骚的女记者还是能发内参的大腕记者都如此 。
切记天外有天,不要在任何场合摆大,哪怕你真的很大,而当对方是个摆大而且肤浅的人,你如果想灭掉他,那么 最好随便找块砖头砸他一个跟头,然后你走你的路!但切记,这个砖头一定不是你自己的砖头,而且这个砖头最好 和你自己没什么关系。
在任何派系纷争面前都应该保持中立,尤其是在政治派系纷争面前,事实证明,把商业利益的希望寄托在有派系纷 争可能的任何一方面都是危险而且不明智的,在派系纷争之间,你必须冷静的保持中立。
切记有所得就有所失,而有所失就有所得的古训,钱没有了还可以再赚,天下自然有得是你赚不完的钱和商业机会 ,所以何妨在金钱与利益面前大度一些呢?更何况,更大的商业机会正在等着你去把握呢?基本上你应该没有时间 计较一时的得失才对,哪怕你有的是时间去品茗赏色。
虽然面子对你而言很重要,但相对于你自己的人格魅力而言,有没有名车,带游泳池的别墅,高尔夫以及你的服饰 ,甚至发型这些都会显得微不足道;当然你可以按自己的喜欢穿一双“内联升”的布鞋,甚至可以在有时间的时候 飞到异国他乡去看一场你喜欢的球队的主场或客场比赛,更甚至你可以在很多人面前抽你自己喜欢抽 的劣质香烟!
关心一下你的属于你的资本和你能控制的资本是正确的,甚至你该关心的包括你的坏帐和现金收益以及现金流量, 但这些不应该让太多人知道;而当你以外的获得一笔巨大财富的时候,你更应该学会别把这个消息告诉别人,包括 已经和你患难很久的妻子,否则她可能会要求离婚并分割你的这笔不小的资产!记住,男人的金钱应该和女人的年 龄一样永远属于秘密,哪怕有一天连女人的年龄都已经不是秘密的时候,你的金钱也应该还是秘密;除非在你临死 时即将捐献你的全部家产时,你都绝对不可告诉别人!
不要羡慕别人的成功,更不要鄙夷别人的失败,你首要应该做的是学会分析和总结现象背后的本质,找出别人失败 或者成功的全部原因,取其长,补其短,做你自己该做的事情;而国外类似微软等那些故事,离你实在太遥远,你 大可以不去管他,所以一定意义上,现有的MBA对在中国做生意的你而言并没有多大实际意义!
商业永远是商业,而商业是有商业自身的游戏规则在的,所以哪怕你确实是黑道人物,也不能随便利用黑道规矩去 解决商业冲突,同样,即将你有很好的白道背景与资源,你也不能轻易利用这些资源来解决你在商业中的冲突!既 然选择了商人,那你必须遵守商业中的一切游戏规则,愿赌就得服输!
不要把自己搞的没有时间与朋友交流,更不要让自己没有时间去泡女人和INTERNET,最要紧的是不要让自 己没有时间放松与思考,所以,应该学会让别人去帮你打点生意,处理业务,虽然,业务的核心部分你自己必须牢 牢把握;同样,把事情交给别人去做的风险你要考虑清楚并能够预防,以免你把事情交给别人去做以后,你自己又 成了一名忙碌的救火队员,记住消防和救火是有区别的,消防的口号是“消防结合,预防为主”。
可以在沉寂江湖多年以后重整旗鼓,但你不可以倒下以后就不再起来,因为你是一个男人!所以你必须给自己留一 条属于你自己的后路,后路包括藏起一个存钱罐,虽然里面只有几块钱但你将来就是要靠这几块钱东山再起;后路 也包括一栋法律意义上并不在你名下的房子(你可以有个地方一个人疗伤,恢复元气),更包括一个并不经常来往 的但很仗义而且你也给过他很多帮助的朋友(他可以在关键时候收留你,陪你喝酒,而这样的朋友一生中你能遇到 一个也已经很幸运了);如果实在没有后路,那么你就必须有去露宿街头沿街乞讨的心理准备,但那时候你只可以 去向陌生人伸手,而绝对不要向你过去帮助过的还欠着你很多债务或者人情但装做不认识你的人低头 。

2h4c6o7q2l 08-20-2011 10:53 AM

central nervous system is the strongest hallucinogen, structural formula is C20H25N3O, chemical name 9,10-Didehydro-N, N-diethyl-6-methyl ergoline-8 ß-carboxamide, molecular weight 323.44, melting point 198 -200 ℃. In 1938, the first time by ergot (a rye or other grains grown in the fungi) of the components manufactured from lysergic acid, is the semi-synthetic multi-element derived from ergot, is odorless, slightly bitter taste of the white crystal. Mixed with other excipients made tablets, pills; or made jelly, liquid drops in the blotter paper, sugar, stamps and other transfer materials like paper or dissolved in beverages; injection can also be made, or cigars, for oral,air force 1 shoes, suction or injection.
basic information lysergic diethyl amide brief history of drug LSD limited slip differential terms of lysosomal accumulation disease network method least significant difference LSD link status of Hong Kong reported paper the basic information lysergic diethyl amide Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (lysergic diethyl amide) 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, contained in the black corner BARLEY ergotamine, ergometrine, was first synthesized the lysergic diethyl amide (Lysergids, referred to as LSD). It is a colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid, a semi-synthetic alkaloid substances. LSD is the abbreviation for lysergic acid diethyl acetamide, began in Germany, which is made from ergot fungi and other substances synthesized lysergic acid derived. The first synthesis in 1938, 1943, there was a chance to swallow the LSD chemist discovered its unique role, when he experienced after swallowing now called dizziness, light feel strong. When he was close my eyes, he saw a series of very lively, full of fantasy color patterns, and the same as the kaleidoscope to see the gorgeous colors constantly changing, the process generally lasts for two hours. The average effective dose oral administration of 30 to 50 micrograms, the role of high doses of sustainable produce 10 to 12 hours. Conventional dose of LSD is about 100 to 200 micrograms. A trial of those who took in up to a certain degree of tolerance, you can take up to 2000 mg dose. 60 years into the illegal market, the general is to drop in the number of items such as sugar can absorb, and pharmacologically blot inert powder (This powder is then used to fill empty gelatin capsules), and other substrates. In the trading market on the common dosage forms are called panes, which is the common dosage forms of various size, shape, small pills, tablets or capsules, color beige, white or color. LSD itself is often colorless, tasteless, odorless liquid. Tablets varied widely, ranging from 20 to 500 micrograms, but the most popular form of 1.6 mm diameter circular tablet content were similar, about 100 micrograms. The self-service drug LSD often called 80, papier-mache dose is common in the illegal market, this time difference with the original dose matrix. The original matrix is the first dose of LSD on paper made of dripping, and the new matrix dose is immersed in the pre-printed paper prepared LSD solution, so that more consistent content, each piece is square, the size of about 5 mm, content of 30 to 50 micrograms. Ever found the drug LSD-impregnated paper with a wide variety of designs, including abstract art and animation pictures, stamps and tattoo patterns, these new designs, especially by young drug users welcomed. Psychotropic drugs lysergic diethyl amide 25, which is a potent drug, as long as taking small doses can stimulate the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The drug is a parasite on rye ergot on the extracted. In 1938, Dr. Albert Hoffman, manufactured by synthetic methods to succeed. Lysergic diethyl amide, also known as lysergic acid diethylamide, that isolated compounds, was 27 species of the same compound in the 25th, hence the name lysergic diethyl amide 25. It consists of lysergic acid and secondary amide (also known as diethyl amide) synthesis derived, colorless and tasteless when first made, in liquid state, after a certain time become whitish crystals. Lysergic diethyl amide 25 common dose is 80 to 120 micrograms, lethal dose is unclear (if taking 20 to 25 micrograms a response, while still not taking 3,000 micrograms of horrible symptoms), have not yet found that The body of drug addicts. After taking 30 to 60 minutes to reach the general blood circulation, and soon was spread to all parts of the body cells, brain cells in the deposition of small, most of the deposition in the small intestine, liver and spleen, and kidneys (deposition of brain cells, only 2%), and then is excreted body little by little. Injection of the drug, 30 to 60 minutes of early response, two hours after the most serious, 6 hours after basically no development, the pathological roles of time can be maintained to 12 hours. Lysergic diethyl amide early response in the human body are: visual enhancement, green was the warm, emotional instability, hallucinations changing around items into fantasy stuff, contour exaggerated, lengthen or shorten the distance, light and dark contrast enhanced three-dimensional visual speed of change is not law. Lysergic diethyl amide can improve the auditory, olfactory and tactile sensitivity, with this drug, people can feel the music, the sound can be heard through the light. Injection of lysergic diethyl amide euphoric phenomenon and make people have increased energy, euphoric phenomenon is reflected in the performance of quiet or noisy, more than crying. Enhance the vitality is felt an almost arrogant self-confidence power. Drug lysergic diethyl amide, in addition to serious mental disorders, but also to the physical pain, such as nervous system symptoms: ataxia, staggering, convulsions, will be paralyzed by excessive . In the cardiovascular and digestive symptoms: tachycardia, nausea, dizziness, vasodilatation, tremors, cold sweats hand, sometimes there will be trembling. Thus, 60 years after the sharp decline in its production and use is restricted to the Institute of Psychiatry. Lysergic diethyl amide effects on the human body size and body conditions. Most of the time in the rich color vision, hearing unusual, comfortable depersonalization (smokers, called some only (perhaps) once, but some recurring (smokers, called Use this drug will appear a special phenomenon, deposited in the kidney of a large number of lysergic diethyl amide molecules disappear at the same time, some have entered people's brain cells, but also in the new cells to generate new chain reaction (smokers call this process Some smokers representation of an accident or Taking lysergic diethyl amide, most of whom are also using cannabis or heroin, or other drugs,air force one low nike, they can not use other drugs have the effect, smokers are using this drug, they also know that drug Dangerous consequences: crazy, suicide, or disability. So 60 years later, again turned its attention to lysergic diethyl amide than a thousand times and other toxic potent drugs. There is a brief history of LSD hallucinogens, a small amount of take down, will find themselves into a pleasant state of anesthesia, imagination suddenly become rich, the perception of the world around them has changed. Appeared in front of a series of moving images, with a kaleidoscope of bright colors, which are ignored in daily life has suddenly become the object to life, desks and chairs seem to have a life, like to hear every voice vote in the a stone on still water, so that the color of eyes they produce a wonderful ripples. This beautiful state is the LSD (scientific name to. Three days later, Hoffman intends to take 250 micrograms of LSD, then ride a bike home with the aide, riding on the way herbs attack, because the taking of the overdose, Dr., his mind completely disordered, then would not come complete, was spinning side of the face seems to be surrounded by the magic mirror, the surrounding scenery completely out of shape. He also thought he was stuck in place, unable to move, but with the aide recalled that when he was riding too fast, the symptoms become more severe after the home, all the objects in the room turned into a terrible monster, that Dr. going crazy, as if to see his soul left the body suspended in the air, and even had a strong sense of fear, fear they will never become a madman, but fortunately woke up the next morning only to find that everything is normal, LSD did not leave What side effects. The bike trip, in the sixties LSD has become extremely popular well-known,air force 1 high, there are several first as the one. Hoffman's discovery of Europe psychologists quickly the human brain lesions to study the process and used as a supplementary drug therapy, the basic limitations of the scope in the laboratory. pandemic was able to open Pando Pull Box is famous, it can be said that the notorious CIA (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency) involved in LSD research. The story goes back to World War II, U.S. intelligence began research on chemical weapons mind control. the spring of 1942, U.S. military recruiting six leading experts in the field of neurophysiology has set up a research group was trying to invent something to make you a prisoner confessed to a drugs, especially in their purified active ingredient of cannabis, and is known as completely ignorant who will try out, unable to speak, this degree is difficult to control, so the practicality of drugs is very low. World War II, the U.S. military's more intensive study of weapons, especially the establishment of a relatively independent unit, started . Scientists want to heroin as a there is a cover up, code-named Imagine the nerve of the CIA so interested in how weapons might miss LSD. Initial tests prove that LSD can make people relax vigilance in terms of supporting the trial promising. According to a confidential report, CIA had to a senior U.S. military officials were taking LSD,nike air force one low, and he confessed, a top military secret. Even better potency over his behavior after he completely lost his memory. But further trials have found that subjects produced LSD can cause paranoia, the contents of the confession all likelihood not true. So scientists have suggested that CIA's LSD as the They envisaged that each carry out all the undercover agent that LSD, once captured on the dose of exposure, then you can safely start nonsense. At that time the consensus is that the U.S. scientific community can make those who took LSD to become a schizophrenic moment, so can be used as a tool of schizophrenia drug. But the CIA thought that LSD seems that the best cold medications, except when the anti-trial drug use, they also plan to leaders of hostile countries, or any public figure dissident poisoned, so that they fool in public, the planned poison objects include Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and Castro. But the CIA soon discovered that taking on the efficacy of different situations will produce different effects, must be large-scale non-experimental conditions to find the law of human trials. First, the subjects were prison inmates and hospital patients, and later took servicemen and college students to experiment, describing the state of a new word poison - Still later, CIA went so far as to take one of us cut, without notice to prescription of internal staff, and then observe their performance in a variety of occasions. One year's CIA Christmas party, a collective internal medicine! Large study of high purity, of course requires a lot of LSD, the CIA declassified documents found in a note signed by a senior CIA approved the purchase from the 瑞士桑多斯 10 kg LSD, this number can be mad for the 100 million people each time, Sandoz company can not afford to produce such a large dose, so the CIA instructed the United States, a major pharmaceutical plant, At the same time, many people have the right or the money that LSD has a role in emancipating the mind, holding to the idea of human beings over to help, from the early 1950s, a religious-like fanaticism to the United States and Canada who are interested in distributing all LSD, and free, which directly led to its widespread popularity in the private sector. LSD first folk who accepted where there are Huxley mind control technique very early interested in eating cactus extract from South America after the completion of hallucinogens famous . This theory suggests that the nervous system is not the source of perception, it is merely a filtering effect from the door, blocking the perception of huge real world. Some hallucinogens can open the door and let people see a new and more extensive real world. This book was a lot of young artists, psychedelic rock band, After the consumption of LSD, Huxley and the British psychiatrist Humphrey cooperation began a potential of LSD psychotherapy research. They believe LSD has a Therefore, in Humphrey's clinic, the doctor often has to take a small amount of their LSD, and the patient went into the state, so that the other sense of security, using hypnotic language to encourage patients to imagine good things. In fact, this treatment is not new, indigenous tribal shamans, as well as the ancient rituals in the West are very popular until the 4th century AD, after the popularity of Christianity, this ritual was banned because it and Westerners Reason But in the late 18th century, with the development of industrial civilization,air force one shoes, rational criticism of over-produced intellectuals, Paris, The United States in 1960, the film stars Cary Grant, Jack Nicholson, Peter Fonda, almost all of the Beat poets and jazz musicians have all been taking LSD. 1950's, when artists circle of the most popular drug cannabis, LSD little known. But by the 1960s, a Harvard psychology professor Timothy deviant. Leary LSD in contact after the Harvard professor's name began to invite celebrities to a wide range of take home, including a painter named Mary Pinchot, her husband senior officials of the U.S. CIA, through that relationship, President Kennedy also offered to take over Timothy LSD. In less than a year after the Kennedy assassination, Pinchot was also murdered, and her mysterious disappearance of a diary also. Timothy spread LSD because the benefits of this only, but then no mention of the acts that endanger dissatisfaction Harvard, Harvard fired his collaborators first became Harvard's first teacher fired,nike air force one, followed by dismissal of Timothy, But the billionaire William Hitchcock (with the great director should be no relationship) to provide its own estate near New York as their LSD Research Center, New York, celebrities flocked to Texas, Timothy rely on LSD into the upper class, and married a beautiful Swedish model as a third wife, the model was remarried, gave birth to Uma Thurman. Timothy is a strong proponent of, so LSD into a social and cultural concepts and the whole era of insurgents, the first is the involvement of a group of writers and obsession, such as Kairouan Solskjaer, Allen Ginsberg and other, later pop music session with representatives of its dependence and believe in, they come from the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead, and other famous bands, until after the hippie era of people trying to get rid of drugs, began to seek spiritual guidance than LSD ...... limited slip differential
LSD, Limited Slip Differential is the abbreviation of Chinese can be translated as limited slip differential, the south area is called the Powerlock, in fact, are the same as things, the role of the simple point that is one can limit the speed difference between left and right wheels of the device. However, to indicate that in the original car is usually called the differential, while LSD and more with the original call for action that is completely different, and with a limited slip differential design. Original car in general, in fact, has differential (Differential) the device, or transmission of modern automobile is a necessary component, and its role is to be steering in the car, close to the outside than the inside of the tire will produce tire faster speed, if the differential is not installed, so because the rim will be formed under the same adhesion of two speed, turning movements of vehicles can not be completed, and as if in the go-kart (KART), on not install any of the differential unit (engine power through the chain, the only one directly on the shaft), once the speed exceeds limits of the rear wheel will be in the post because of the role of G-FORCE thrown out This is a flick. It is because in ordinary cars driven on the street, tail flick for the driver or pedestrian movement is very dangerous, so the differential to become the inevitable original car equipment, as long as the side of the wheel spin occurs, the differential will the engine output power transferred to the other one wheel, the wheel remains in the idling idling and the car lost the ability to travel, so we often see in car repair factory workers as long as a wheel off the ground, to be carried out in situ normal driving status check, because at this time in the idling wheel off the ground, and the ground side of the wheel is no power; in vehicle cornering action, the reason is the same, the inside wheel and the centrifugal force by the body weight of oppression (G-FORCE) in the dual role, reducing the load on the tire to bear, this time differential will be measured power transfer to the outer wheel, so the speed will be reduced. As part of the limited slip differential conversion (LSD or Powerlock) the role and structure of the original differential is entirely different. Youyi road, or the actual example it, when driving a car with LSD, which occurred while running a wheel, LSD will be limited to two wheel power output of the action, so the wheels will not continue to eliminate idling idling, while the other wheels are able to maintain enough momentum to help the vehicle move forward; in cornering, LSD device also limits the speed difference between the two driving wheels produced by power distribution phenomenon, but with ordinary differential difference LSD will try to transfer power to the wheels rather than the differential lateral transfer to the inside of the wheel-like, because the characteristics of timing, LSD can help drivers increase speed while cornering, but the depth can be controlled through the accelerator bend the body posture in order to enhance the handling. Lysosomal accumulation disease LSD-Lysosomal Storage Disorders LSD

is a lysosomal accumulation disease (lysosomal storage diseases) abbreviation. There are four mechanisms causing the disease: defects in lysosomal enzyme degradation pathways, lysosomal degradation product transfer protein defects, defects in lysosomal protein expression, lysosomal cofactor deficiencies. First known about 36 species of these diseases. Include: Gaucher disease (Gaucher disease), Tay foolishly familial (Thailand - Sa Jakob disease) Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) (10 types) sialic acid storage disease cystinosis I-Cell disease and more sulfate enzyme deficiency saposin GM2 activator protein deficiency diseases such as lack of network terminology refers to his message for the forum, the first of a message Least significant difference method LSD: Least-Significant Difference LSD t test is completion of the match between the comparison group mean method, in many mathematical software (such as SPSS, Matlab, etc.) are included in this way. LSD LSD Hong Kong Hong Kong political parties Referred to as LSD or LSD connection; English: League of Social Democrats, LSD) is a practice of social democracy in Hong Kong's leftist political organizations, and the only clear indication of its political ideology, the concept of political parties. Its purpose is Hong Kong Legislative Council is now in the pan-democratic camp, a member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong's sixth largest political groups. Link state packet LSD = link state datagram OSPF database description packet

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