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08-24-2011 12:28 AM

-Tokyo Electric Power Company
It's unclear what became of S.H. since the blog was taken down, but his writing will no doubt be useful to robot designers and industry officials around the world who have to grapple with the challenge of using robots in nuclear disasters.

Robot pilots need fun too.
S.H. describes the difficulties of getting the team's two iRobot PackBots to climb narrow, damaged stairs and operating them when clothed in heavy protective gear such as four layers of gloves.

"I think there are but a very few people in the world who have come to operate robots so agilely. I don't think there are that many even among [the companies] that manufacture them.
Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) hired contractors, including S.H.'s employer, to help bring the plant to a cold shutdown in January, but the postings paint a picture of an inadequately equipped robot response to the catastrophe. Observers, including your humble correspondent, have wondered why robot-mad Japan wasn't prepared for a major nuclear accident like Fukushima.
The author acknowledges the frustrating bureaucracy, hardships, and danger of the job, but his tone remains upbeat. He is clearly proud of how he has mastered the fine art of piloting robots through a destroyed nuclear plant, recording the following comment in May.
He narrates how he accidentally drove an iRobot Warrior into a stairwell wall, punching holes in it, and commenting how difficult it was to get the 550-pound war machine up the stairs: "But what I'm thinking is that the Warrior was not intended for indoor use, was it???" Apparently not.
S.H. also says that the made-in-Japan Quince robot, which was deployed to Fukushima after iRobot sent its machines, was more adept at going up and down stairs than the PackBot and had better camera resolution.
IEEE Spectrum)
"Now is the time for us to show the world the power of Japan's technical and human capabilities, to be able to face this calamity, this natural disaster. I think this is also something that will save Japan and help it resurrect. This kind of natural disaster could happen anywhere. If there is a call for this same kind of work, I'll go anywhere in the world!"
The robot pilots also worked to rig a vacuum cleaner to one of the Warriors so it could suck up radioactive sand and dust in the No. 3 reactor building. While the Warrior went to work, a PackBot dragged an Ethernet cable alongside it to boost the radio signal from the remote controls (the heavy local interference in radio signals has hampered use of the machines). A subsequent survey using PackBots found an average 10 percent drop in radiation levels.
The postings, written by an author who goes by the initials S.H., began appearing after the March 11 quake and tsunamis that knocked out the plant and ran through July. Many of them detail training sessions, as seen in the associated video compilation below. The blog was deleted last month when word of it spread in Japan, but it has also appeared on the site of AIST, a government-backed research center.
Workers struggling to contain the leaking Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan have only a few robots that are able to get deep inside the highly radioactive reactor buildings and piloting them has been very difficult, according to a blog written by one of the workers and republished by IEEE Spectrum.

Screenshot by Christopher MacManus/CNET

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a9bimi9o 08-24-2011 01:40 AM

这件事情发生在8月4日早5点多,在挖土施工山包上的确挖出两条大蛇,一条已经死亡,エアマックス,另(较小)一条已无踪影,经有关部门验证,该蛇(已死亡)是稀有的蛇种,全身金,鳞片均匀坚硬,剧毒,身 长1670.0 CM,长有蛇冠子, 蛇龄在140年左右,体重300公斤,蛇尸已交国家有关部门说是要进行研究。连日来林业局及公共安全专家同 志正全力收捕逃跑大蛇(暂无结果),以免对社会造成危害。据说专家质疑为什么在远离潮湿的山冈上会有蛇类居 住。现场的情况:晨5点多,司机(在这里免去姓氏)已经挖走了2车土方,在装第三车时的第一铲时,司机看到 土中有血,定睛看,还有的物件(是鳞片),当确认是蛇时,司机瘫坐在挖掘机旁。(据司机说:上工到土岗时浑 身一阵据冷、手发抖,以为是突然来病了,想那个请假又怕领.导说,当挖第三车的第一铲时两眼睛像被什么东西 刺,又像要被拽出来一样,专心的疼,听到的也说不清是什么声音,很沉闷,很沙哑,心想着我这是真的来病了, 装完这车必须请假了,这不,就出了这个事情...)。我是排在后辆车待拉土方的司机,待领.导听说此事到来 后,在被挖蛇的土下突然窜出一条大蛇(好大,全身金黄)距离我们4人(3个司机一个工头)大概 4米远,エアマックス2010,翘着头,张着大嘴,エアマックス90,发出了很沉闷的声音,挖蛇的司机立即跪在原地磕头,air max,吓的我们(当时真的是谁也顾不了谁了)转身就跑...当又叫上人来时(主要回去找那个挖蛇的司机),挖蛇 的司机已经昏躺在地上,那条蛇已经不见了...随后就是施工人员陆续(这个工地就我们十一个人)来到了现场 ,大家七嘴八舌的出主意,最后决定和桂平联系救治这条蛇,到桂平后无法救治,在转往救治途中死亡。挖蛇的司 机因遭受剧烈惊吓突发心梗在去市一医院的途中死亡­
9号从农村回来的车上,听见一个大叔说,位于桂平族自治县境内,一条长约14米,粗约一米五左右 的 黄花松大蛇被挖掘机拦腰截断(此蛇不是毒蛇,特点浑身上下,全都是金,类似鳞片,闪闪发光,令人销魂的床上风光,长到一定时候蛇头有类似鸡冠子,),小时候再农村带过。对这种蛇有些了解。­
详情据听说施工队当时再挖一个小土坡,结果挖掘机一下掘出一条大蛇,当时开挖掘机的司机吓的当场昏死过去, 当时给在场的人都下蒙了,工程队该队老板当时也在场,赶紧着急人手把大蛇往贵港野生救助站拉,等到贵港野生 保护站工作人员查看伤势,说你还是整到北京吧,这活我们接不了啊,施工方老板又雇车又往北京拉,结果拉到半 道这个蛇断气了。(这蛇怎么处理的,就不知道了)施工队老板回到家以后,杀鸡,宰猪,跳大神,去出事地点上 供(据老年人说,这样的大蛇都有灵性,如果处理不好。灰有很大的霉运,)。­
据野生动物专家考证 ,此蛇有一百多年了,一般这样的大蛇,都会有洞穴,エアマックス24-7,不会出现在野地的,还有这样的大蛇都会有两条,一雌一雄,很多年没有看见这样的大蛇了。&s hy;
桂平挖蛇事件网友回复说:我也听说了,事情是这地,来人必看的,修高速桓永高速公路的当时有个头头,在挖出大蛇的前一天晚上他说他做了个梦,是蛇托梦给他告诉他先别动工 ,它要搬家让他们在等几天在动工,但是工头也没在意啊,第二天就开工了,然后挖沟机就挖到蛇了,一共是两条 蛇,一条蛇是被从中间给挖断的,被挖断的蛇有俩电线杆那么长,估计得有16米或17米长,他们说另一条蛇当 时就嗷嗷叫唤,当时开挖沟机的司机就吓那了当时就蒙了,oct 27th - Qzone log,エアマックス2011,另一条蛇跑掉了,被挖断的那条蛇在送往北京还大连的途中死亡,然后司机就埋怨工头,蛇托梦给你怎么不说, 工头给开挖沟机的司机赔的钱,死的蛇鉴定了120多年(估计准定有冠子,因为大的蛇都有冠子迷信点说就是不 是个精就是个仙)好几百斤重

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