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MBT Staka Sandals 男子劫杀2名女房主 专挑戴金首饰者
女士勿单独与看房男子见面 见20多个房主 由于被告人是朝鲜族,汉语较差,基于本人要求,庭审全部使用朝鲜语。整个庭审持续两个小时,法院表示将 择日宣判。 本报延吉讯 (记者杨威通讯员郭君辉)11月26日上午,金学洙抢劫杀害两名女子案在延边州人民法院开庭审理。被告人金 学洙认罪悔罪,并在最后陈述时对受害人家属说“对不起”。 见20多个房主,ferragamo shoes for women,才选中两个人作案。庭审时,凶手说“对不起” 最后选择的这两个受害者,是因为她们都是一个人来的,戴着金项链金耳环,而且还把他领到了 房子里,buy christian louboutin shoes,关上了门,这创造了有利的作案条件。 《以租购房屋为由 4天劫杀俩女子》续 因和房东发生争执,母亲让他找一个便宜点的房子。那段时间,他白天出去找房子,晚上就喝酒 ,特别心烦。 记者了解到,被告人金学洙是龙井人,生于1968年,和母亲在延吉市租房住,靠打零工为生。案发前夕, 房主催缴房租,他们却没钱交。同时,和他同居的女友也因他没钱,要离开,ugg classic short。 选俩单独女子作案 金学洙交代,此前,ascis circulation 77 ashore bargain 官员为改善前妻生活与满足妻子欲望受贿,他见了20多个房主,都是挑女性接电话的见面,但她们大都不是一个人来,要不就是没有找到有利时机,要不 就是她们没戴着金项链和金耳环,ferragamo heel shoes。 他产生抢劫想法 女房主戴金首饰 金学洙交代,在租房过程中,他发现很多女房主都戴着金项链、金耳环,他想如果抢走这些,应该换不少钱。 这激发了他抢劫的想法,开始寻找目标。 新闻提示 当日庭审过程进展顺利,被告人金学洙对公诉人提出的问题有问必答,salvatore ferragamo shoe,对犯罪事实全部承认,并在最后陈述时表示,自己本来没想杀死这两人,他想对受害人家属说声“ 对不起”,MBT Staka Sandals。 ■提醒 3月29日和4月1日,延吉市发生两起命案,两名出租、出售房子的女子在与看房男子见面后,被抢劫并杀 害。延吉警方奋战5昼夜,将嫌犯金学洙抓获。 由于此案社会影响较大,2007年感动吉林十大人物之一、延边州人民检察院副检察长庾成日出庭公诉。同 时,检方还邀请了部分延吉市人大代表旁听此案。记者了解到,这也是延边州人民检察院公诉形象建设年的系列活 动之一。 在最后公诉意见中,庾成日说,希望广大群众通过此案吸取经验教训,supra vaider uk 一家三代奔丧返乡途中遇车祸2死1伤,在出租出售房屋时,女同志千万不要单独和看房男子见面,以免成为抢劫的目标。 值得一提的事,在作案之前,northwardly face determine jacket 美籍华人醉酒驾驶受审认罪望轻罚,有一出租房女子逃过一劫。她接电话时表示自己一人去见面,于是金学洙准备好棒子,准备实施抢劫。但该女子 最后和丈夫一起开车来的,金学洙敷衍两句后就骑摩托车匆匆离去。 |
Bus about 5 meters high swept down the slopes
(Reporter DU Hai) yesterday afternoon, then a bus in Chongqing Expressway West Wing at the toll station ramp,2009 air max nike, hit the guardrail and plunged to about 5 meter-high slope. Spontaneous crossing of private owners of the 11 injured passengers to Chen Bridge Hospital. 5 meters high rushed down the slopes 14:10 or so,nike air max 2009, the world is a light rain, a license for Yu A299XX the bus into the West Wing exit ramp, ready for the next road after the Go to University City. Passengers told reporters that the passengers on board were injured, one seriously injured some students Manlianshixue. City Highway law enforcement detachment deputy head of the top ten teams briefed reporters Wu Changchun, this car bus crashed after more than 10 meters barrier, rushed down the slope of about 5 meters high, and finally cross roadside. passing driver to take the wounded after the accident, several students injured, a lighter Manlianshixue student rescued from the bus. . Ten team then rushed to the scene of law enforcement officers will be isolated, leaving only one lane traffic. Until 15:50, crane bus away, the traffic returned to normal. suspicion of wet weather on at the scene of the accident,nike air max 2010, the bus driver claimed the vehicle in motion the process that the brakes failed and he hit the left direction,nike air max 90, and right fight direction, seeing the red car to the guardrail, then trying to pull back car was too late. Wu Changchun, told reporters after the accident, the school where students and quickly set up their company bus incident management team, each wounded to the hospital for treatment. Site inspection from the current situation,air max 24 7, in connection with the wet weather related accidents, does not rule out the possibility of speeding. They will bus to vehicle inspection. highway to remind drivers to law enforcement friends, recently increased rainfall in case of surface water, need to be cautious driving, must not slam on the brakes. |
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