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09-03-2011 12:48 AM

Twelve constellation of favorite cover anything
Although the cause of love battles, in fact, is home. Aries people like simple, because a lot of trouble on the outside will be more at home is OK to cook easily, and if you want to treat it, Aries is also very willing to cook their own, so he will find it very interesting, so instead of an adept cooking.

Taurus seemingly honest, it does not look like lies. Taurus people usually are very realistic, pragmatic, he often let him fool you live that side, in fact,nike air max 2009, people get up to eye-Taurus, then start playing, so the start was that he cheated.

Gemini seems strong, but tears will hide in the corner. Gemini is a good strong person, often in front of outsiders performance is universal, it will not let people know when he had incompetent, so cry will not let people see.

super-adventurer, he dared to give up everything. On Cancer, the home, there are two definitions, one of the family's When he was happier that the cosmopolitan, he dared to give up everything. Cancer to the outside, will be integrated into local life, and are alone, because he has to find the heart of the home.

Sometimes Leo would look outside a state, in fact, play the fool he was, a lot of things he saw this. All the things he was very clear, but did not intervene, play it safe. Leo will be the way to play the fool or the Sahara, passed, in fact, Leo is a very intelligent, he is afraid of a lot of trouble up there.

Virgo seemingly special situation,air max 2009, in fact, very Mahogany,nike air max sale, **. Virgo will show a pair of ordinary pious, like high-sounding speech is, in fact, he often took the opportunity to eat tofu, instead letting his people can not grasp the handle, and this is Virgo people do not see the other side.


seems very generous, in fact, is a miser and 007. Libra everything looks good, but others will not actually got any benefit to him. Libra quite amazing powers of observation, he would go to observe people's daily life, as long as there is little wrong, he would know the answer.


jealousy and love seem easy to retaliate, in fact, often been deceived,air max 2010, and easily moved. While the Scorpio looks like a very smart, very powerful,nike air max 2010, smart, can see through anything, in fact, to lie to his heart is very easy. A few sweet words,air max 2010 sale, thoughtful words written on a card, it will make Scorpio is moved, all of my heart to each other.


seemingly casual, there are long-standing policy is not changed. If he has something planned in advance, is not temporary for any person to change. Hearts in Sagittarius, there is something not mess, and if it will hurt the main settlement of purchase of the matter, he would rather give up.


Capricorn seems to be dull and boring, but in fact he is very romantic the other side of sentimental. Capricorn is OK as long as mature a relationship, it would be willing to express, and his passion to know the door closes.


believe in underdog mentality, not when the boss. Usually when people want to elect people who pledge Aquarius, she will refuse, because Aquarians are very clear, when the second child of the people are her second child, but the boss may not always be the boss. Aquarians usually looks Funny, but the limelight is always not him, because of Aquarius, it is very low key.


the other side of Pisces, rational, and are workaholics. Pisces is true, there are two characters in his sentimental mist the other side of that is rational and workaholic. And Pisces work when things are very accurate, absolutely do not make money.

09-03-2011 12:59 AM


转载自 81068044 2010年07月01日 10:13 浏览(loading...) 评论(0) 分类:个人日记

蛙 泳
蛙泳配合有一个顺口溜,在讲授蛙泳动作要领之前先介绍给大家:“划手腿不动,收手再收腿,先伸胳膊后蹬腿, 并拢伸直漂一会儿。”从顺口溜中可以看到,手的动作是先于腿的动作。一定要在收手后再收腿,伸 手后再蹬腿。

  1、外划。双手前伸,手掌倾斜大概45度(小拇指朝上)。双手同时向外、后方划,继而屈臂向后、向下方 划。
  2、内划。掌心由外转向内,手带动小 臂加速内划,手由下向上并在胸前并拢(手高肘低、肘在肩下),前伸。
  3、前伸。双手向前伸(肘关节伸直)。 要提示大家留神的是:外划是放松的,内划 是使劲的、加速完成的、前伸是踊跃的。
蛙泳的完整配合动作:双手外划时仰头换气,双手内划时收腿抬头稍憋气,双手前伸过火时蹬腿吐气 ,air force 1
  1.收腿:屈膝收腿,脚跟向臀部聚拢,小腿要躲在大腿后面慢收腿,这样可以减少阻力。收腿停止时,两膝 与肩同宽,小腿与水面垂直,ナイキ エアフォースワン,脚�在水面邻近。
  2,翻脚:两脚距离大于两膝间隔,两脚外翻,脚尖朝外,脚�朝天,小腿跟脚内侧对准水,像英文字母“W ”。
  3.夹蹬水:实际上是腿伸直的进程(屈髋、伸膝),由腰腹和大腿同时发力,以小腿和脚内侧同时蹬夹水, 先是向外、向后、向下,然后是向内、向上方蹬水,就像画半个圆圈。 向外蹬水和向内夹水是持续实现的,也就是连蹬带夹。蹬夹水完成时双腿并拢伸直,双脚内转,脚尖绝对。蹬水的 速度不要过猛,要由慢到快地加速蹬水,两条腿将 近伸直并拢的时候蹬水速度最快。
自 由 泳
  游泳是全身活动,任何一个部位的运动都离不开全身的和谐配合。从名义上看,自由泳依附划水和打腿发生推动力 ,实际上,躯干的作用也不能疏忽。首先,躯干 应坚持必定的缓和度,腰部假如松软,全部人就像一摊泥一样。其次,身材的滚动可能有效地施展躯干部大肌肉群 的力气,减少阻力,进步工作后果。
  2、入水后,手、肘、肩持续前伸,使手臂舒展。跟着身体的动弹,屈腕、屈肘,手臂向 外、后方抓水;手下划到最低点后,旋转手臂向内、上、后方划水,保持高肘屈臂的划水姿势。
  3、手臂与程度面垂直时,经手领先,加速推水,手臂转为向外、向 上和身后划水直到大腿侧,nike air force 1,提肘出水。
  4、出水后,手臂天然、放松地经空中向前移臂,保持高肘姿态。而后手在肩前领先入水,开始 下一个动作。
  2、自由泳两臂配合有前交叉配合、中交叉配合、和后穿插配合3种基础形式。本图为前交叉形式,为初学者 比拟轻易把握的方法。
  单臂打水划臂动作是初学者应当重点练习的动作。如斯图,左臂划水,那么能够右臂扶板。普通腿打水10产次左 右,手臂划水一次,エアフォース。控制到一定水平的时候可以加上呼吸训练。详细组数以及训练方式,ナイキ エアフォース,咱们会在教养中具体先容。
  2、向 上打水腿从直到弯。以直腿开始向上打,脚濒临水面时屈膝,小腿上抬,使脚�露出水面后向下打水。开始可直腿 打水,但腿略放松,不要僵直,在水的压力下腿会 做作曲折。向下打水前膝关节弯曲角度约130-160度,打水幅度约为30-40厘米,ナイキ エアフォース1。打水时要绷脚(芭蕾脚),不要勾脚。

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