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bb0n7lff 11-06-2011 10:57 PM

buy munich shoes the table got up and then go
Fifth, Rendanruju spinach

I think my old
I say the story is the past tense
as a child my father told me the story of each, always beginning: many,buy munich shoes, many years ago ...
many, many years later, no one will remember what happened
Perhaps he remembered, he lost the
are carried by the wind, had no news
those who missed
believe only love left in the old

so be it, began to Sichuan last story

---------------- --------------

many, many years ago ...
much a once famous Sichuan bbs, called bamboo Youqu
Perhaps many people have do not know what a bbs is a forum
fact, it may be, there is a simple chat

station in the Internet era
just have it swept over a generation
I was through it I realized that people do not know can chat

I remember the the true story of girls
end of the story is very tragic, unfortunate girl slip down from the 4th floor dormitory, certain death, leaving only his boyfriend and endless sorrow
At the time, even as a kind of literary Paul young people see the tears Cross

records and some of the essence of this article

bbs have been two well-known rogue account
long-term development of these two accounts paste the title, station fight, swearing ...
time of bbs is very pure, and even an account will be closed long position in the rotation of these two networks

a hero Inzaghi, he is naturally handsome
Another sashimi, he often met In fact, all the dinosaurs
I would often meet a dinosaur helpless guy.

If the Past 500 years ago, I probably really is the heroes
And now, I'm only a lonely scholar
One does not like school, like I play mahjong scholar
Zhang Jianzhong

called real girls call me little guy, the boys call me this is called ass
illustrates two problems:
girls are inevitably full of love for my boys
I inevitably full of jealousy

jealousy between the same ###### is often terrible
daily temperature and the book to my late, but they are nothing but girls thought I was ignorant, sleeping all day , rogue
wanted to play mahjong all day long at the girl and his ilk is Diudiu slander my results before I did very well

there is a course did not even pass the test three times, the bishop is a Male teachers
I know I look handsome inevitable guilt, but he then why bother to pay me a few times Zhongxiu Fei, is it still jealous of my youth more than gold?

such a strong jealousy, I am inevitably come down in Sichuan, four years will be the last instant, still empty-handed,
eyes of the young couple looked around the shuttle, I only get good luck sigh Notice word of people
gold sparkle, I vertical diamonds, buried in the coals in the light flashing, but no one to see.

though it is so, but I increasingly tight
that happy teachers day to Zhu Lincun home to play mahjong, I won a few harsh to
and play mahjong with me all the so-called teachers
people lost some money to me, even the people have become some of the teachers face all grim up
are revealed in the movie I want to

reactionaries face them in the classroom My education, my education at the table had their life is so unfair

and win a few to see the money drawer two weeks have been enough to eat my chicken a
intends to withdraw drift started, so I deliberately began to hum ditty
> he was quite impatient: almost shouted out: , fiercely pointing nose glasses:
good income as fast as the money drawer, the table got up and then go
less than the other three words, I have been out of the away winner, lost the opportunity to win back their money.

out laughing for a long time
see bulging wallet, actually tell the happy
love So much I want, want something, then get
difference is large Most people always want the money and then go out Piandao Shou;
emotional fool, but in the hands firmly grasp, refused to let go.
so, come to those who love it not boring tight.
true Lover is me, lying to the heart readily lost, then the second, third ...
about the same feelings and play mahjong, and never lose our shirts not hurt yourself
it not be the world I most intelligent people.

just before four o'clock, back to the bedroom to eat too early
to see if there is not as good as the Internet bubble
sister knew a day in the bbs called , or the same level as alumni
I asked him like rats do not like to drink soup?
he actually knew, very few chapters back to the name, or else all day long soak in the bedroom to read the novel if the dinosaur
beautiful college girls, where there is still time to read the novel, nature is a daily party constantly, difficult reading time
say she is the Western management system, and how will the Western beauty that Gong Kexi?

was on the bbs, spinach really hot sister online
the same time I find this is the master of seven or eight sister
chat chat with a few, but there are several sister they asked me to ask them to dinner
Now sister, Internet chat is false, Pianchipianhe
is really how I was when, after all, enjoy the chicken than a dinosaurs eat your feeling much better

refused several unreasonable entanglement after
my sister and water spinach offered to meet after dinner
time is not offered to meet her, I also intend to test him even if her gender
they meet dinosaurs, I do not ask him to dinner so costly, two dollars for a cup of cola took her solve

spinach promised, it seems he is not Simon
most likely dinosaurs, anyway I also see more dinosaur afraid she
Could I eat.

back under the net, get in my bedroom pretending to be seen Diudiu
heavy told him: Diudiu is deadpan Zhou Lemei
So I decided to head, sad to tell him, lost more than 100 today, no meals the next month.
Diudiu letter piping really is the fastest man, then quickly out of sight.

I am a person in the cafeteria to eat two chicken, also called a glass of Coke
downstairs in the cafeteria with the spinach and then called paging, voice come back to the girls I am actually very gentle
calm told her I had waiting for her downstairs in her
she said she immediately went downstairs to see me today, wearing a white skirt
then I slowly walked to the Western
women if girls bedroom not slow, it is not called a woman a
this rate I may be a little faster so
over her dress and then down the stairs,cheap ed hardy, but I came to tell her I just
I waited a long
her feeling the pinch, in turn, asked me, I could not even four dollars are saved up.

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far West will see the girls downstairs bedroom has a bustling,buy hogan shoes, Yingyingyanyan
crowd,jimmy shoes, it will have a long-haired figure of a white dress looked around
Perhaps that is water spinach it, never thought so quickly back down the
distance fairly sloppy

I changed the position of the most chic she went back to stop
called loudly: long hair, white dress on the floor exquisite
handsome face, eyes bright as moon, actually if the fairy is actually spinach general

I think then I would be completely shocked, just remember nod
see me some spinach silly, shallow smile as if the entire Sichuan
the flowers in that instant quietly opened ...

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Ue9eg9lrc1bh 11-07-2011 12:30 AM

1.口袋饼:用料:面粉200克;做法:1.面粉中加入适量的温水,充分地揉成光滑的面团,盖上保鲜膜饧2 0分钟;2.饧好的面团揉搓成条,再分成约50克重的小剂子;3.将小剂子用手按扁,再用擀面杖擀成约0. 2厘米厚的面皮;4.取一张擀好的面皮,用小刷子在面皮的中间刷上油,边缘刷上水,再用另一张面皮将其盖起 来,边缘按紧,口袋饼生坯就做好了;用同样的方法将剩下的面皮做完;5.平底锅内放油,下入口袋饼生坯,小 火将其煎黄一面后翻面,最后煎至两面金黄中间鼓起时取出,从中间切开成两个口袋饼,装上炒好的馅料即可.附 :榨菜肉丝的做法(当然,可换成自己喜欢的馅料哈)用料:猪瘦肉180克,榨菜140克;配料:青椒一个, 红椒一个,生姜、大蒜、葱、生抽、鸡精、淀粉、料酒各适量;做法:1.猪瘦肉洗净切成丝,加入适量的料酒、 淀粉、鸡精拌匀后腌制20分钟;青红椒洗净去蒂去籽后切成丝,大蒜去皮切粒,生姜切丝,葱切花 ; 2.热锅放油,下入瘦肉丝炒至变色后舀出待用;3.锅内再加入少许油,下入姜蒜爆香后放入青红椒丝,翻炒两 分钟;4.放入先前炒好的瘦肉丝,加入少许盐,炒匀;5.下入榨菜翻炒均匀,最后放入葱花、生抽,炒匀即可 。

2.葱油饼:用料:面粉150克,葱花、鸡粉、盐、芝麻各适量;做法:1.面粉中加入适量的盐与鸡粉拌匀, 再加入适量的温水揉成面团,盖上保鲜膜饧20分钟;葱洗净,切成葱花;2.饧好的面团揉搓成条,再分成4个 小剂子;3.将小剂子擀成约0.3厘米的薄片,再刷上一层油,撒上葱花;4.再将面皮顺长边卷起,揉搓成细 长条;5.将长条的两头向中间卷起,形成两个面卷;6.将两个面卷重叠在一起,用手稍稍按扁一些;7.再用 擀面杖将其擀成约0.5厘米厚的圆饼;8.再将圆饼的两面都沾上芝麻;9.平底锅内放油,下入葱花饼,小火 将其煎黄一面后翻面,最后煎至两黄金黄熟透即可.

3.南瓜鸡蛋煎饼:用料:南瓜350克,面粉100克,糯米粉50克,鸡蛋2个,水约150亳升,生姜、葱 适量;做法:1.南瓜去皮和瓤后洗净切成末,葱切成花,生姜切成末;鸡蛋打散成蛋液;2.将南瓜末、姜末、 葱花放入大碗中,倒入面粉与糯米粉,加入少许的盐(可根据自己的喜好加入糖),倒入鸡蛋液,加入约150毫 升水,充分地拌匀成面糊;3.平底锅内放油,将一半面糊倒入锅中,盖上锅盖,小火将其煎至定型后翻面,最后 煎至两面金黄中间熟透时出锅切块装盘,剩下的一半面糊按同样的方法煎熟即可。

4.包菜虾皮饼:主料:面粉200克,包菜250克,虾皮适量;配料:料酒、生姜、大蒜、葱、鸡精各适量; 做法:一.馅料: 1.包菜洗净切碎,加入适量的盐拌匀腌制10分钟后挤去包菜内多余的水分;虾皮洗净沥干水分;姜蒜切末,葱 切花; 2.热锅放油,下入虾皮,用小火将其炒至微黄后加入两小勺料酒炒匀,舀出待用; 3.将炒好的虾皮、姜蒜末、葱花一起放入腌制好的包菜中,再加入适量的鸡精、芝麻油拌匀待用;

5.香甜玉米饼:用料:糯米粉150克,玉米粉50克,嫩玉米1个,白糖适量(用量依个人口味放);做法: 1.先将嫩玉米煮熟,放凉后剥成粒;2.将糯米粉、玉米粉、熟玉米粒、白糖一起放入大容器中;3.加入适量 温水,揉成面团(这个过程是很容易滴哈!);4.将面团搓成长条再分成小剂子(我为了偷懒没有分,是随便从 面团上掰下一小块,揉圆后再按扁,不过做出来这饼饼貌似大小还真差不多哈!),将小剂子揉圆后再用手按扁, 制成玉米饼生坯;5.平底锅内放油,放入玉米饼生坯,小火煎至两面金黄即可出锅。

6.京东肉饼主料:面粉300克,牛肉250克,大葱50克;配料:鸡蛋一个,胡椒粉、生姜、生抽、淀粉、 料酒、芝麻油各适量;做法:一.馅料:1.牛肉洗净剁成肉末,大葱切碎,姜切碎成末;2.牛肉末中加入少许 淀粉抓匀,再加入一勺食用油、适量的盐、胡椒粉、生抽、料酒、芝麻油、打入一个鸡蛋,朝一个方向搅拌上劲: 3.加入大葱末与姜末,继续朝一个方向拌匀后盖上保鲜膜腌制30分钟;二.面皮及肉饼制作:1.面粉中加入 适量的温水,揉成表面光滑的面团,盖上保鲜膜醒20分钟;2.将醒好的面团揉搓成长条,再分成四个小剂子; 3.将小剂子揉圆,用手按扁,再擀成大薄片;4.从面皮的圆心位置下刀,切至面皮的边缘,将面皮的一半切开 ;5.将面皮的四分之三均匀地涂上腌制好的肉馅,注意面皮的边缘不要涂;6.将没有涂肉馅的面皮向上叠起, 再向右叠,最后将下面剩下的部份向上叠起,用手将边缘按紧;7.平底锅内放油,放入叠好的肉饼,盖上锅盖, 小火将其煎至两面金黄中间熟透时即可.吃时再切成自己喜欢的大小.

7.胡萝卜豆沙煎饼:用料:胡萝卜250克,面粉120克,玉米粉50克,糯米粉50克,红豆沙、熟白芝麻 各适量;做法:1.胡萝卜洗净去皮蒸熟,取出放入盆中用擀面杖捣碎成泥;2.将面粉、玉米粉、糯米粉放入胡 萝卜泥中,揉成光滑的面团,饧20分钟;3.饧好的面团揉搓成长条,分成约30克重的小剂子;4.将小剂子 按扁,用手捏成边缘薄中间厚的面皮;5.放入适量的豆沙馅,用虎口将面皮慢慢地捏拢; 6.收口朝下放在案板上用手按扁成小圆饼;7.在案板上均匀地撒上一层熟芝麻,将小圆饼放在芝麻上轻轻地按 压,使之两面都沾上芝麻;8.平底锅内放油,下入胡萝卜豆沙饼,小火将其煎黄一面后翻面,最后煎至两面金黄 熟透即可;

8.椒盐油酥饼:用料:面粉200克,椒盐、油各适量;做法:1.取150克面粉,加入适量的温水,揉成光 滑的面团,盖上保鲜膜饧20分钟;2.将剩下的50克面粉中加入适量的椒盐拌匀;3.将适量的油烧热,倒入 拌有椒盐的面粉中搅拌均匀即成椒盐油酥;4.将饧好的面团放在撒有一层薄粉的案板上揉搓成条,再分成四个剂 子; 5.用擀面杖将剂子擀成约0.2厘米厚的长方形面皮,再均匀地涂上一厚油酥; 6.将涂好油酥的面皮由长边卷成条,两手捏住面条的两端,轻轻地将其拉长; 7.将拉长的面条盘卷起来,将收口藏在下面,再用擀面杖将其擀成约0.4厘米厚的圆饼;8.平底锅内放油, 下入面饼,小火将其煎黄一面后翻面,最后煎至两面金黄熟透后即可.

9.什锦蔬菜煎饼:材料:玉米粒50克,胡萝卜30克,生菜30克,鸡蛋3个,面粉100克,葱、芝麻油、 胡椒粉各少许;做法:1.先将鸡蛋打散成蛋液,加入少许胡椒粉拌匀,胡萝卜洗净切成小粒,生菜洗净沥干切碎 ,葱切花;2.将胡萝卜粒和玉米粒放入沸水中煮熟后沥干待用;3.面粉中加入适量的盐,再倒入鸡蛋液,加入 适量的水搅拌成糊状;4.放入沥干的胡萝卜粒和玉米粒、生菜、葱花,再加入少许芝麻油,搅拌均 匀; 5.平底锅内放少许油,用勺子将面糊舀入锅内,一勺子面糊摊成一个煎饼,小火煎至两黄微黄即

10.家常肉饼:材料:面粉200克,瘦肉200克,香菇50克,鸡蛋1个,葱25克,姜、芝麻油、胡椒粉 、生抽各少许。做法:(一)面皮:1.先将适量的开水加入面粉中,用筷子将其搅拌成疙瘩状;2.再加入少许 的冷水,用手揉至面团光滑,盖上保鲜膜醒30分钟;(二)馅料:1.瘦肉剁碎成肉糜,香菇、姜洗净切成小粒 ,葱切花;2.将上述(1)切好的材料放入大碗中,Prada Sunglasses,打入鸡蛋,加入适量的盐、芝麻油、胡椒粉、生抽,充分地搅拌均匀,腌制20分钟;(三)做肉 饼啦: 1.将醒好的面团揉成长条,再分成若干个小剂子,将小剂子揉圆,再擀成薄片;2.将腌制好的馅料均匀地涂在 擀成薄片的面皮上,再从一端向内分四次叠起,叠好后的肉饼为四层,再用手轻轻地按压面饼,使之紧实;3.平 底锅内放油,放入叠好的肉饼,加入几勺清水,盖上锅盖,小火煎至锅内水干时翻面,再加入几勺清水,盖上锅盖 ,最后小火煎至两面金黄即可;

11.红薯鸡蛋煎饼:用料:红心红薯200克,鸡蛋2个,面粉50克,白糖适量,模具一个;做法:1.先将 红薯洗净后去皮,再切成粒,模具洗净擦干待用;2.鸡蛋打散成蛋液,加入面粉与适量白糖,充分地搅拌成无颗 粒状的面糊;3.再将切好的红薯粒放入面糊中,搅拌均匀;4.开小火,平底锅内放油,放入模具,舀入适量的 红薯面糊倒入模具内,用筷子将其表面弄平整;5.等红薯饼煎至成形后小心地取下模具,盖上锅盖,小火将其煎 至两面金黄熟透即可.

12.黄金糯米煎饼:用料:糯米150克,面粉250克,鸡蛋一个,火腿肠一条(重约40克),葱、姜各适 量;做法:一.准备工作: 1.糯米放入电饭锅内,加入适量的水煮熟成糯米饭,舀出晾凉;火腿肠切成小丁,葱切花,生姜切成末;二.和 面: 1.鸡蛋打入面粉中,用筷子将其稍稍搅拌,再加入适量的温水,揉成光滑的面团,盖上保鲜膜饧20分钟;三. 炒糯米饭: 1.热锅放油,下入姜末与火腿肠丁,稍炒几下;2.下入糯米饭炒匀;3.加入适量的盐,放入葱花,炒匀后舀 出待用;四.做面饼啦:1.饧好的面团揉搓成长条,分成小剂子,将小剂子稍稍揉圆;2.将揉圆的小剂子用手 按扁,再用擀面杖擀成薄片(厚度比饺子皮稍厚一些);3.将炒好的糯米饭放在面皮上,将面皮对折包好,边缘 捏紧,再将两个角捏在一起;4.平底锅内放油,放入面饼,小火将其煎至两面金黄即可.

13.洋葱火腿煎饼:用料:洋葱约40克,火腿肠一条(重40克),面粉100克,鸡蛋2个,水40毫升; 做法:1.洋葱与火腿肠均切碎成末,鸡蛋打散成蛋液;2.将面粉筛入蛋液中,用筷子将其搅拌成 较硬的糊状; 3.再加入约40毫升水,一边加水一边搅拌,将其搅拌成均匀的面糊(用勺子舀起面糊往下倒,面糊呈一条不间 断的线时为佳);4.放入洋葱与火腿肠末,加入适量的盐,搅拌均匀;5.平底锅内放油,倒入搅拌好的面糊, 用勺子将面糊弄平整,盖上锅盖,小火煎黄一面后翻面,最后煎至两黄金黄中间熟透后取出切块即可 .

14.香煎芋头蛋饼:材料:芋头100克,鸡蛋3个,面粉50克,火腿肠1条,葱、姜、芝麻油(没有也可) 各少许;做法:1.先将芋头去皮切成细丝,火腿肠切成粒,姜切丝,葱切花; 2.将切成细丝的芋头放入微波炉中高火三分钟转熟(或用蒸锅蒸熟); 3.鸡蛋打入碗中,加入面粉搅拌成蛋糊,将姜丝、葱花、火腿粒、熟的芋头丝放入蛋糊中,加入适量的盐、芝麻 油充分地搅拌均匀; 4.平底锅内放油,倒入拌好的蛋糊,小火煎至基本定型时翻面,最后煎至两面金黄 即可。

15.麻酱红糖煎饼:饼皮用料:面粉150克; 馅心用料:红糖、芝麻酱、芝麻油、面粉,(比例为2∶1∶1∶2);做法: 1.面粉中加入适量的开水,用筷子搅成雪花状,再加入少许冷水,用手揉成光滑的面团,盖上保鲜膜饧20分钟 ;2.将两勺红糖、一勺芝麻酱、一勺芝麻油、两勺面粉放入碗中拌匀成馅料;3.将饧好的面团揉搓成长条,再 分成均匀的小剂子; 4.将小剂子稍稍揉圆后按扁,再捏成中间厚边缘薄的饼皮(或用擀面杖擀也可);5.饼皮中放入适量的红糖馅 料,用虎口将其慢慢合拢后收口;6.收口朝下放在案板上,再用手按扁成饼坯;7.平底锅内放油,下入饼坯, 小火将其煎黄一面后翻面,最后煎至两面金黄中间稍稍鼓起时即可.

16.奶香爱心玉米煎饼:用料:玉米粉150克,牛奶150毫升,白糖适量(用量依个人口味放),一个心形 的模具;做法:1.将玉米粉与适量白糖放入大碗中,倒入牛奶拌匀;将心形模具洗净擦干待用;2.开小火;平 底锅内放油,放入模具,用勺子舀适量的面糊倒入模具中;3.等玉米饼煎至成形后小心地取下模具,最后将玉米 饼煎至两面金黄熟透即可.

17.芝麻酱千层饼:用料:面粉150克,芝麻酱、芝麻油各适量;做法:1.面粉中加入适量的温水揉成光滑 的面团,盖上保鲜膜饧二十分钟;2.芝麻酱中加入少许盐与芝麻油调开;3.将饧好的面团擀成约0.2厘米厚 的长方形薄片;4.用小刷子在面皮上薄薄地刷上一层调好的芝麻酱;5.将刷好芝麻酱的面皮对折,将边缘用手 按紧;6.将折好的面皮再用擀面杖擀开;7.将4至6步骤重复一次;8.再在擀开的面皮上刷上芝麻酱,将面 皮的三分之一折起;9.最后将面皮分三次折好,再用擀面杖将折好的面皮稍稍擀开一些; 10.再用刀将其切成5份;11.平底锅内放油,下入千层饼,小火将其煎黄一面之后翻面,最后煎至两面金黄 中间熟透即可.

18.香菇猪肉煎饺:主料:猪上肉400克,鲜香菇100克,饺子粉300克;调料:鸡蛋一个,生姜、葱、 胡椒粉、生抽、芝麻油、鸡粉、淀粉、料酒各适量;蘸汁:大蒜、生姜、生抽、醋、芝麻油、油辣椒各适量;做法 :一.馅料:1.猪肉剁碎成肉末,加入少许淀粉抓匀,再加入适量的盐、生抽、料酒、鸡粉、芝麻油、胡椒粉、 打入一个鸡蛋后朝一个方向充分搅拌上劲,盖上保鲜膜腌制二十分钟左右;2.香菇洗净后切成末,姜切成末,葱 切花;3.将香菇、姜末与葱花放入腌制好的肉末中,继续朝一个方向拌匀;二.包饺子:1.饺子粉中加入适量 的开水,用筷子搅拌成雪花状,再加入少许冷水,(冷热水的比例约为1:9)揉成光滑的面团,盖上保鲜膜饧二 十分钟; 2.将饧好的面团放在撒了一层面粉的案板上揉搓成条状,再分成均匀的小剂子; 3.在小剂子上撒上一层面粉,再按扁成小圆饼;4.一手滚动擀面杖,一手捏住小圆饼边缘旋转,将其擀成中间 厚边缘薄的饺子皮;5.将拌匀的馅料放入饺子皮中央,包成饺子;三.煎饺子:1.蒸锅中放入适量的水,将饺 子放在蒸盘上,盖上锅盖,大火蒸8分钟;2.平底锅内放油,放入蒸好的饺子,小火将其煎至三面金黄即可;四 .蘸汁:将生姜、大蒜切成末,加入适量的盐、生抽、醋、芝麻油、油辣椒,拌匀即可。

19.韩国辣白菜锅贴:主料:面粉300克,瘦肉250克,韩国辣白菜300克;配料:鸡蛋一个,生姜、葱 、生粉、生抽、芝麻油、胡椒粉各适量;做法:一.和面:1.先将适量的开水加入面粉中,用筷子将其搅拌成疙 瘩状;再加入少许的冷水,用手揉至面团光滑,盖上保鲜膜醒20分钟;二.馅料:1.瘦肉剁碎成肉末,加入适 量生粉抓匀,再加入适量的盐、胡椒粉、生抽、芝麻油、打入一个鸡蛋后朝一个方向拌匀,腌制二十 分钟,Prada Men Shoes;2.韩国辣白菜切碎,葱切花,生姜切成末; 3.将姜末、葱花与辣白菜末一起加入腌制好的瘦肉末中,朝一个方向拌匀待用;三.包锅贴:1.将醒好的面团 揉匀后搓成长条;2.再分成均匀的小剂子;3.将小剂子揉圆后放在撒了一层面粉的案板上用手将其按扁;4. 再用擀面杖将其擀成面皮;5.取适量腌制好的馅料放入面皮中央;6.先将面皮对折,将中间捏紧,再将四个角 也依次捏紧,锅贴生坯就做好了.四.煎锅贴:1.平底锅内放油,放入锅贴生坯(要摆紧凑一些),小火将其煎 一分钟左右;2.碗中加入少许面粉,倒入少许水,搅拌成面粉水;3.将面粉水倒入平底锅内,约淹过锅贴的三 分之一处即可,盖上锅盖,小火将其煎黄.4.将一个盘子盖在煎好的锅贴上,然后将平底锅翻过来,香喷喷的锅 贴就完整地到盘子里啦!

20.四喜蒸饺:主料:面粉250克,猪上肉350克,韭菜150克,鸡蛋1个;配料(四喜):西兰花、玉 米、胡萝卜、黑木耳各适量,Prada Bags Sale;调料:水80亳升,生姜、淀粉、生抽、芝麻油、胡椒粉各适量;做法:一.馅料:1.猪肉剁碎成肉末,加入 一小勺淀粉抓匀,再分次加入80毫升水,Prada Mens Shoes,一边加水一边顺一个方向搅拌,直至将猪肉搅拌至较黏稠状,放置十分钟;2.再加入适量的盐、胡椒粉、芝麻 油、生抽,继续朝一个方向搅拌均匀,腌制20分钟;3.韭菜洗净切碎,生姜切末,加入猪肉馅料中,朝一个方 向搅拌均匀;二.面皮及配料:1.木耳提前泡发,洗净后切成末;玉米粒煮熟后切碎,西兰花、胡萝卜均切成末 待用;2.面粉中打入一个鸡蛋,用筷子稍稍搅拌,再加入适量的开水,搅拌成雪花状,再加入少量的冷水,揉成 光滑的面团,盖上保鲜膜饧二十分钟;3.饧好的面团揉搓成长条,再分成小剂子(比平时包饺子的剂子略大一些 ),将小剂子用手按扁,Prada Shoes Online,再用擀面杖擀成薄面皮;三.包饺子:1.取适量的馅料放入面皮的中央,将面皮的两边对折,中间捏合在一起 ;2.再将两边的面皮也往中间对折,中间部份捏在一起,注意四个角的面皮不要粘合;3.再将每两个角上相邻 面皮的中间部份捏合在一起,形面四个孔眼;4.最后每个孔眼内各放在一种装饰用的配料,四喜蒸饺的生坯就做 好了; 5.蒸锅内放水,放入饺子,大火蒸10分钟左右即可.

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