sangma07 |
03-09-2011 02:08 PM |
windows 7 professional serial key Microsoft won't
We’ve all known for some time that Microsoft plans to use its Zune client software as its iTunes equivalent for Windows Phone 7. no secret that this is the way Microsoft plans to get users to sync their Windows Phone 7 content they purchase and the updates that get pushed to them from Microsoft for their phones. In fact, windows 7 professional serial key, Microsoft rolled out this week its 4.7 update to the client to prepare for the kick-off of sales of Windows Phone 7 devices (next week in Europe and starting November 8 in the U.S.) also known that the Zune client (codenamed Dorado) only works on Windows PCs. Microsoft officials have lobbed the trial balloon in the past that they might make the Zune client available on Macs, office 2010 pro x86 key, but nothing has happened. the Zune client is the doorway to Windows Phone 7 updates, what are any Mac users who might buy Windows Phones supposed to do to get the updates? October 12, cheap microsoft office 2007 generator, a Microsoft marketing rep tweeted that Microsoft was, indeed, microsoft office Professional Plus 2010 serial, doing something for those users. Neowin grabbed the tweet before it (not so) mysteriously disappeared. It said: “I’m glad to confirm that Mac users will be able to use Zune on their Macs to sync with #WP7. More details soon.” asked Microsoft about the tweet. Late on October 12, office 2010 key, Microsoft issued this official statement: in 2010 Microsoft will make a public beta available of a tool that allows Windows Phone 7 to sync select content with Mac computers. “ this mean Microsoft is finally making the Zune client available on the Mac? No word. This statement is all we’re getting out of the Softies for now.