yongkang4760 |
03-11-2011 06:45 AM |
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have been not one but TWO interesting speakers on Microsoft's campus in the present day. Hilary Clinton was right here within the early morning, after which the infamous ######## Steve Jobs (nee Forbes editor Daniel Lyons) this afternoon.I had a meeting this early morning, office 2010 cd key sale, so I missed Hilary ... but ######## Steve/Daniel was hilarious and spoke candidly about print journalism ("You know it's bad when you're in your 40s and you're celebrating that sales are only down 2% this year."), starting his blog, and being outed. also addressed the (hilarious, microsoft windows 7 x64 key!) rumors that he was a borg (aka MSFT) shill -- I guess there are conspiracies that his book deal was part of a money laundering scheme so that Microsoft could pay him. "If that's the case," he said, office 2010 Standard license, "You guys really didn't pay me very well." whole talk was very funny, but one of the biggest laughs was when Daniel did his best imitation of the unbridled consumer excitement over the iPhone: "Look at me, windows 7 starter serial key! I bought a product! I gave them my credit card and they sold it to me! WOW!" Steve/Daniel also mentioned that Microsoft was the first company to call and invite him to speak. "I'm still waiting for a call from Apple, office Standard 2010 32 bit key," he quipped, explaining that he thinks Microsoft has a great sense of humor about itself. We all proved him right when the room erupted in giggles over a jab at the Zune. Ouch! ...But HA!