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后来的接触中知道她有个很有意义的名字,这里说的意义不是单指名字,拒她说她妈妈还有个弟弟排行老七,可在 一次和她玩游戏时不慎摔死,可能出于内疚和思念所以出生就给她取名小七…同时她也是为数不多的 转校生,
第二天上第一节课时老师说小七要转校,大家同学一场可以放我们一节课的假去送送她,平时小七只和我一个人玩 和班上的同学关系不是太好,但还是有几个为了不上课而借口出来,当我跑到她家时她也经收拾好了行李,我本来 想大声的责问她为什么要走,你走了我怎么办我抓的鱼捉的黄善谁帮我吃…可看她眼圈红红的我什么话也说不出来 , 在接下来的日子我们像是一对青梅竹马一样,从小被外婆带大的小七,缺少父母关心的她显的过于内向…“貌似当 时只是觉得她斯文还没学到内向这个词”。每天放学后我就像大哥哥一样带她下河找螃蟹,捉知了,抓丁丁猫,小 七特别喜欢树林里面彩色的丁丁猫,但每次又不准我伤害它们,记得有次和她吵架我故意在她面前,捉了几只把它 们翅膀掐断,为此小七整整哭了一个下午,后来我用小刀给几只丁丁猫搞了一个所谓的坟墓,并答应她每年逢年过 节来看它们,现在想想都忍不住想笑,整个夏天就在我和小七的笑声中过去了 认识小七是在那年午后的夏天,知了咯咯的叫的让人烦闷…走出校门看见一个骑着女士自行车,头扎着马尾的女生 向学校过来,可能天热的原因秀气的脸上看起来红红的,就象苹果快熟了一样,让我年少蒙珑的心产生了些许异样 , 小七不停的给我介绍包里装的是什么,我发现她把我平时忽悠她而送她乱七八糟的东西都放进包里,这时心情忽然 不那么难受了,反而想笑… 09年夏天闲下无事回家玩了段时间,经过多次打听终于打听到她的消息,连夜坐车赶到她所在的城市,当我敲开 她家门时,当初那个小姑娘现在也是嫁为人妇的小七站在我面前,生活和岁月并没有在小七身上留下太多明显的痕 迹,只是从前那个天真善良的小七不见了,有的只是模糊的影子,buy manolo blahnik shoes,小七一下子认出是我,举止不安的样子不停的揉着自己我衣服角,让我又觉得回到了那个夏天,那个天真无邪, 天永远都甚蓝甚蓝的夏天, 小七告诉我当时她爸爸工作调动所以就给着到了这个城市,tods boat shoes,可再以没有人陪她捉丁丁猫抓只了,后来经过她父亲同事介绍嫁给了一个在政府上班的人,就是她现在的老公, 可去年大检查发现她老公有严重的经济挪用问题,经过多重关系工作算是保住了,但工资每月只发一半另一半扣除 挪用的公款… 走时小七告诉我当时准备送我一只钢笔可看我笑的没心没肺,就没送… 出门时我们都没说话只是彼此望着对方,我看见她眼中有泪光闪动…我知道我亦如此…­ 新学期开始我还是和小七闲下之余玩着大人们觉得幼稚的游戏,不过丁丁猫之类的我们觉得玩烦了,改成下河抓鱼 捉黄善,日子在无优无虑中我和小七也认识了一年, 忽然有天她双眼通红的跑来找我,peak online shop,我看她样子当时就毛了,问她怎么了是不是被人欺负了,可她就是一个劲摇头,Asics Tokidoki,忽然她说我要走了,我还没反应怎么回事她又转身跑了, 冬天下第一场雪时我请小七去我家玩,看着一排排一沟沟的茶园上全铺满了雪,整个世界除了白什么也没有,还有 就是小七那爽朗的笑声,以至于现在我还在想,一个内向,文静的女生怎么会笑的如此没心没肺?后来问小七,小 七告诉我说那是她第一次看雪,所以得意忘形… 过完年讨厌的学校又要开学了这让从小就厌倦读书的我很是难过…不过想到小七心里又开始期待… other article ladies football jerseys 伤男子 sheepskin tall boots 26、 零点倒计时 moncler vest women |
carried away, blindly intoxicated temporary victory. Himself to be prepared and must not claim credit arrogant, complacent. Intoxicated with the victory, which means stop pause, intoxicated with victory, means the loss of vigilance. Life on the road to never let up, victory is just a small sign. To win the final victory, as long as the efforts, more effort. Mo was confused for the moment, who laugh at the latest, who laughed the most fun.
learn to enjoy yourself, have equal access to the golden key to happiness. Appreciate that they are not insular, appreciate that they are not conceited, narcissistic appreciate that they are not to enjoy themselves more than rest on its laurels ------ some confidence for ourselves, for ourselves a little happy, smiling face for ourselves, why should we worry no life The happy?! often to their own holiday, learn to find pleasure in the mood. 14,prada bags, others grace to remember most people in life always pleasant, and placed in the external affairs attached to the secular identity. The status of every possible value,Sorry - Qzone log, property, and treatment, reputation and other things, their own once the loss of these is a heavy blow, often lose, their well-being and happiness of the foundation also will be destroyed. If they really had such a life, then happiness is quite distant from us. Why should other people to assess their level of happiness, a good grasp of their own. 11, is important enough for this life life is so short, how can thought to be wasted? wise philosopher once said: \not going to hurt people, do not be so critical of others, or in accordance with their wishes, first talk sense to learn skills. Especially in the youth learn skills to go all out, do not get distracted. 6, do not chase worldly honors everyone in his life journey, encounter a completely different, \The first is to understand, appreciate and thinks highly of themselves; second is distorted, maligned and even exclude themselves; third person and they have absolutely no relationship between the irrelevant people. The first people they have helping his career, should be respect for the teachers and friends, drop received the smallest favor. The second person on the self-inflicted deep damage, wisdom to stay away from, rather than worry and care about. For the third person to be treated with courtesy and peaceful coexistence. Understanding of different people, different treatment, Blood is thicker than water. 16, have not do unto others to have a good every day is the greatest happiness comes from feeling good every day. Worried about tomorrow's overall risk, the total erase the shadow of yesterday, today, how smug life? General comparisons are not comparisons, the total fantasy that can not be achieved,Beautiful flower every cloud - China Wind Series (, how quiet the mind today? Any unrealistic things,TO LOVE BRAVELY - Qzone log, all is the source of the pain of life is the biggest killer of sorrow and anxiety. Suffering from not fulfilling, enriching life, not cranky. Reprinted from 850228028 at 05:06 on September 3rd, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category:?? dimple 10, happiness, Woe, Woe to the Blessed 8, each person has their own living law two kinds of people will defeat the world, one person is lazy, the other is the pride of the people. What the former wants to \defamation of being overwhelmed. living in good times need to be careful, otherwise it getting too much. Proudly carried away when life is easy, a little carried away do not know what his last name, so the evil thoughts and evil deeds will Chenxi the door. Must be extremely patient in adversity, or easy to die early. Frustrated when life is easy gaffe, a gaffe not know their own future, so negative and desperate will Chenxi the door. Xiaokan ebb and flow of life, keep his heart. 13, feeling of happiness is happiness | Back to logs list recreational activities appropriate to adjust the mood,christian dior handbags, the joy is easy to turn endless benefits harm. Anti-matter is very,dior bags, few poor are changed. \Enjoy a degree is a philosophical life. Queer is not limited to entertainment, involving all aspects of life. Is associated with joy and sorrow, and joy are often accompanied by the degree will make fun. 17,jimmy choo bags, pride is not carried away, frustrated not drooling 4, hard to do their own thing to do 2, do not blindly to please things others would never have lost their joy and happiness. Vulgar comments will annihilate their own personality, its own secular pointing will make a loss. For money money to make themselves disowned for the right to make their own reckless right, in the name of the name to make themselves skillfully taking robbery. I am the real chase deliberately among the debris will become a picture of flutter in the breeze, I have become terrifying secular. to impose their own subjective will, the have been on average is a painful thing. Impose their own will to the majesty, others simply refused to accept oral and heart, and the course of time is bound to produce resistance of the heart. Impose their own stubborn will, others only implicit tacit forbearance or anger, but the course of time may be against each other. Review their own words and deeds and social harmony, can really be someone else's identity. People are not the same, not to me as the center. 5, do not always make life difficult for themselves with their own 18, should be happy in life there are degrees 1, mediocre defeated inert, capable defeated proud 15, to leave room for everything your pain yourself clearly, their own sad they understand, their own feelings of happiness. Maybe hell of your own eye, but is another man's paradise; may own in the eyes of heaven, but it is another man's hell. Life is so funny. Spring in the family do not always suspect, the key is their attitude adjustment. many people called in the deliberate pursuit of happiness; although some have been, its costs are enormous. Many philosophers say that happiness is a feeling, just as \The feeling of happiness and satisfaction with the decline, with people's state of mind, attitude are closely related. Sages have said: get the more difficult, deeper love, with happiness, often thought difficult. One can always feel happy, is his greatest tragedy. Happiness is a feeling, I do not know enough,mulberry bags uk, never be happy, No Better! 9, like his will to embrace life 7, extremely desirable Mo was a moment of gains and losses is impossible to please everyone, and it is not necessary. Please everyone, equal to offend everyone. Deliberately to please others, will only make others aversion. Others close to nature, \Have the time please, not as good as working sense, is always a risk to please others, their only real effort. because of concerns over some frequently, which led to his mental disorders; some people have because of insensitive, resulting in their indifference to everything. The former often find rational and pain, too clever by half the decline, stupid is the source of regret anything. I do not know who regret what that is, all day long sleepwalk life, living and dead is no different. 3, a good state of mind is self-created we often can not change the opinions of others, can change just by ourselves. Life is not bad other people's sins, but in our hearts to become worse. Golden Key is not to make life change for the better hands of others, give up our resentments and sigh, a better life within reach. We wanted a good life subjectively, but objectively it is not a good life, the reason is always to wait for others to improve their lives. Do not expect to change other people, own the master of life. short-sighted people are always \When ask for promises, succeeded after the abuses. The most despised people. \\Avoid burning bridges, burning bridges will break his own posterior. 12, the foundation of pleasure in himself blindly arrogant self-esteem, is proud of the life of ignorance, blindly give up on themselves, is negative and pessimistic life. Understanding of their more difficult than to understand others, like themselves than like others more difficult. Self-esteem with the appropriate mental health, will show the face of setbacks particularly strong. The temptation of the outside world is not lost self, not to deny their own temporary setback. Always cool and objective evaluation of their own, often fairly optimistic about the appreciation of their own. If you even do not love, but also to love others? Like yourself! The so-called life-long search for recognition |
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