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Reference corporations to distend the procedure of activities
1, Titanic :10-12 groups of the form Type: Outdoor Team Training time: 30 minutes materials: lumber tiles 24 (n = 6), 4 chairs, two long tether (25m) Objectives: empower trainees to know in an emergency, how to intend, how to cooperate and how the forcible use of limited resources. operating procedures 1, set the Tools - seven movable brick and fled to an island. 2, planned game scene: The long cord will be 2m placed in the open space into an island fashion, on the other side, put the four pews, with distinct rope as a starting point. 3, students 10 minutes to argue and test. 4, start, each individual must be crossed from the bench in the back (as usual the ship's side from cross the railing), set foot on floating slabs. In the run process, the crew can not be any chapter of the body and the 5, since leaving 6, who reached the island, at the end of the day, and all are to get a small island drifting bricks, the game is completed. discussion 1, the team identified a chairman? Is resolved according to what? 2, the formation of a withdrawal program or in a group discussion led by the results of the decision? 3, firmly carry out your proposal is in the end it? What happened to the middle? Why? 4, after recollected that when the incipient plan feasible? Have a better solution? Why did not anticipate, or not raised? 5, panel members is how to allocate the order of evacuation? What are the elements taken into list? 2, directed treasure hound This is a first-class outdoor game, but it requires a bulk of the site and considerable manpower. play: 1, in a appointed zone (such as a camp) to set a number of points, and the participants are divided into several groups, they will get a first taught to go to one of the points (each will have different directions). 2, when they reach the checkpoint, they are subject to a number of challenges, such as: - sing a song together - Answer questions - make ups - eat (such as a person of two banana) and so on. 3, when they passed the test, the level of charge will give them a show and acquaint them where the afterward level. so on, they completed the last test of a level, they will need to report back to headquarters, first come to win. Note: 1, this game requires detailed planning and preparation, for instance, to set the route for each group can not overlap, each level is likewise best not to repeat the test. 2, prior information on the site are 1st to know, and let the host and each group has a chart of the venue. 3, to disburse consideration to the climate, if it rains or the sun is very easy to make too disgruntled athlete, or even accidental. 3, who is the medalist content: Tug of War with 6 props: Preparation of 6 cushions and knot ties methods: 1,6 individuals in a circle, sitting on cushions. 2, catch their own end, master of ceremonies to start a tug of combat after the marking to be seated 3, out of the saddle or the people let go of the string out, and quit back the victory. revelation: the strength of the relationship is complex and does not have the strength of the people must dominate. 4, ABC Counts 1-2-3 by looking fjust aboutmething in the team culture group Number: Open Site: Open props: a group of a bag for: all of them play: 1, group,asics running shorts men, limited to a few groups, but preferably five or more each. Give each group a bag. 2, in limited locations, to ascertain twenty-six items, each item must be the appoint starts with twenty-six alphabetical array. 5, All Tied Up tied together by a few pieces to complete the task Number: Open Site: Open props: a rope or other asset can be tied for: all of them play: 1, group, limited to a few groups, but preferably two alternatively more each. 2, each team of members fashioned a surround, facing each additional. host to each person's arm to help with the next door tied together. 3, tied up after the members of each group are now tied together, the host would like to complete these tasks to each group. Topic examples: stressed basis beer floats for everyone; to eat luncheon; bag gift; completed a fine art; help each crew pouring; 6, grass game course plans 1, each group in a circle sitting on the ground, and then let a team members stand in the middle. 2, educating gopher responsible for the crew stood opaque goggles with his eyes cast. 3, so that team members stood, hands Nianhua manner, give to the climate. 4, told the standing members: When you hear 5, when the troop achieved a anthem after the dance, followed by act requirements: 1, must be malleable hop dance moves can not be too much. 2, do not smile out noisy, the audience silence. Note: was sounded in the melody while people are generally binding, but generally afterward a minute, this person will feel pile up simple to dancing more and more intoxicated, is basically 80% in a instructors unravel the characteristic language: 1, now all of the group inside a circle, sitting on the ground. (Note that the spatial delivery of each group) 2, query you out each group 1 person, standing in the middle group. (Because some people do not ambition to all over, so lecturers would like to accentuate that everyone ought do.) 3, the intermediate station's student, please near your eyes (dress glasses come off, the TA is responsible for the crew stood opaque goggles with his eyes cast.) 4, you dream you are on a extensive grass land, you have no flowers, no trees high, you obscure, no one knows you so freely, live freely in the sun , the swing in the spring. 5, when you listen the (When the crew ended a song after the dance) 6, amuse stop the middle of a good student, heard cautiously to the words I say, when I say,asics ultimate, when your ready, you ready, when I say beginning, you have to aloud approximately you who said: loudly tell the people around: Note: 1, the navel man: ① down when the body must be straight backward side. ② feet and must be homogeneous, can not move. 2, the people around: ① the people around you must take the focus group in the middle of this person, you must take duty for your associate. ② prop on to him, you can push him gently to the next person's hands, force must be light, not force thrust. ③ When I say stop when you stand around good people helped him, and then to let go. questions to guide: 1,Finally understand, assuming not you blindfolded, when you look people around, you can accessible do so? (please discuss it with the eyes is to make it easy for you to earn it, or blindfolded loosened?) 2, What makes you more easeful? 3, think about if the present moment of our lives, working to the more obstacles the more, these games extends to life what would you? blind and us: 1, (up to a student as a prototype) if the fifty-cm broad, meters long on the ground of the fastest speed you ran. Can you escape to? (There is no mistrust that the students flee elapse) 2, assuming tens of meters high in the two buildings, the same fifty centimeters wide and meters long on the floor course, but this is a iron border in the direction between two buildings, you defiance to run over? 3, assuming a blind, flat road, and tens of meters lofty, is the same? Comments: 1, think about when we graduated from campus or state of idea before entering the social time, and then think about immediately, what changes occurred, there has been what kind of distinction? 2, why do we know more, learn more you understand the more the more mature, and the more obstacles it? 3, whether we are in life and the difficulties encountered in the work to the mentality of eyes blindfolded, give us some of what the different results? 7, [outdoor games] grab the pellet catch the ball the opportunity cost is deserving to a resource for a particular purpose, other purposes and to give up the maximum income. Each resource can have multiple uses, and these resources were very scanty, and accordingly will be a resource to use a particular variety of use of such resources would have to give up the opportunity for other purposes, to give up these opportunities, it abandoned the use of these latent gains, these acquisitions in the resources of the highest amount is secondhand for a particular purpose, and the cost or cost. Therefore, the exact grasp of the opportunity cost to both the business or individual is necessity. goal: to enable students to correctly understand their own strength and on the right opportunity to evaluate, elect and so on. time :15-20 minutes aids: merely because some table tennis, table tennis with the suitable means on the number, and a nice use of plastic bags. process: 1, the number of students divided into equal groups. 2, announced the rules of the game: ① differ with different digit of table tennis scores. ② each person can only attach toce, for 10 seconds. ③ Grading: a. Panel members estimated the number of grasping the difference between the number and the actual catch and the absolute value (the smaller the better); b. Team scores the number of each person caught and (the bigger the better). score sheet Group Name :__________ team estimates (a) Actual (b) the perfect value of (ab) individual scores and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Subtotal 3, participants estimated that trainer you can catch one hand how many table tennis, and the statistics: How much is the minimum number only; the largest number is the number only; response each number is the number of how many. 4, trainer to enable trainees to try to catch tennis (only with one hand, can not help with the other hand), to see how many they can catch. 5, other students observe and whether they disagree from before estimates. 6, students share the discussion: a. What happened in the game location, and why? b. What is the operation and treatment of our inspiration? Comments: 1, students in grasping the former table tennis, generally can not accurately estimate how numerous yourself what you truly can carry table tennis, and most human have underestimated; equally constantly can not accurately estimate their own strength, to face the chance tend to overestimate the hardship of seizing the chance, and not to attempt, they will miss many opportunities. 2, each ball has a number of different numbers that represent the different scores, students in grasping table tennis, there is not considered a big tennis score to collar it; Similarly, different opportunities, the value of size is different, people are faced with many opportunities, whether the value to see what opportunities are greater, and collar them? 3,nike dunk sale, the reality people encounter many opportunities, many business opportunities, seize the opportunity, we will be proficient to tap and utilize this opportunity to value? Not really, because both the individuals or enterprises, capacity is always limited, it can not make good use of every opportunity. It is only in its own strength and to grasp opportunities to trade-off between the difficulty of giving full play to its strength, its power to do things, do not bite off more than can nibble. 8, making the building time tips implementation stage: 10 minutes Time: 30 minutes Evaluatiin time: 10 minutes review time: 15 minutes purpose / expected results * sort out the antagonists and the root, the external environment, competitive tactics; * establish the spend of operating concepts, the concept of profit maximization; * team members causativeable division of fatigue. materials required: * building blocks of different sizes or more than 72 boxes of building blocks / sets * easy paste each one * a4 chip of periodical of different colors * score page with a * Calculator * 1m width of a tape weigh activities and preparing pre- * a4 paper before the event a reservation table, an easy posted,air force shoes, a pencil, and the remaining items Clear All number of participants / group size * At fewest four people in each group, up to 10 people; * The Panel recommends 4 to seven groups * the character of coach: building construction bank purchasers customer supplier evaluation activities and processes pre-instruction: 1, the ecology of group activity based on changes in the external environment to make timely adjustments, and well coordinated division of labor. 2, divided into groups 3, explain the rules (Annex), ask questions point to explain. * can only come with the bid a4 paper in the construction of the building blocks * may not use any external resources such as: double-sided adhesive / perspicuous plastic and other items that blocks adhesion. 4, group discussions for three minutes; 5, the first bid, each group will jot easy paste the subject turned coach, all collected after the bid opening by the adviser, and published on the score sheet; asked if I need a loan; by the highest bidder prerogative creature given to building materials; (taken in reassurance) 6, the second to sixth bid auction, as above; 7, the auction closes, the group construction of buildings, first completed by the customer appraisal (speed, height, reliability, and beauty); 8, places were rewarded for first place in the team prizes. rules: your team is a real estate evolution, construction companies, your bank loan from a building materials supplier to the construction of the building materials bought to complete the building to buy property after the entire building customer sales. Purchasers to evaluate the customer buildings. Your intention is to enable your business to maximize profits. building standards: 1, the speed - the first who will be building into the income of 100 million, the second received 80 million, a third were 60 million ... ... 2, height - each made 1cm, may or proceeds of 40 million; building dome 50cm. 3, steady degrees - the whole establishing move 1cm each receive 20 million, within 30 seconds move the structures up to limit mobility 30cm, will be 6,000,000. 4, the arrival - the first were 400 million, the second received 3.6 million, and the third received 3.2 million ... .. series of activities: 1, ahead bidding, every have a bank 10 million interest-free loan; 2, purchase of building materials with competitive bidding, the highest price and purchase of building materials, the lowest mark from 150 million (apparent with dark betting); 3, a total of six bids: 1 / 2 each to buy a piece of material 3 / 4 times each to purchase two matters 5 / 6 times each bought three materials 4, the opening of tenders received after the building materials group representatives; 5, the Panel may apply to the bank loan, 1st loan bank interest rate is 10%, after each increment of 10% bank interest loans, bank loans for a total of 6; operating activities (in the first stage as an instance) 1, the first lecturer affirmed that 2, the second step, starting cast dark brand (written in easy paste); 3, the third step, according to the tender value, the value of a large fold favorite activity order: * what we feel; * the mode of operation of the organization of experience, sorting out and have promulgated; 9,nike wind max 2010 reiterate 纠结, [training games] 99.9% how? One view namely that the passing rate of 99.9% is good enough, or 99.9% of customers on the passing rate has been satisfied. Is it really? objectives: raising awareness of the importance of product quality time: 20 minutes aids: lists of message related to staff a statistics process: 1, question: If the students here were ordered to charge a making line, they can adopt what the quality standards? (Quality criterion products with a eligible product of the total expressed as a percent.) Statistics show of hands acceptable standards of quality students ratio of the number accepted 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 2, told the students, and now some companies are trying to put the failure rate dropped to only 1% of the 1/10-- that the quality of the passing rate of 99.9%! Question: Does the passing rate of 99.9% is enough? 3, cited alarming statistics on the material, indicating that even if the passing rate of 99.9% will reason serious disadvantageous consequences. 4, finally told students, Motorola's commitment to six-star quality standards - in every million units of products, imperfect products should be less than three. Discussion: 1, you still pass rate of 99.9% satisfied? 2, our customers will feel satisfied with this standard? (material) 99.9% if good enough, then ... ... · that 12 babies a day were handed the wrong baby's parents the other hand; · year there will be 114,500 couples of shoes is not a ship away; · have 18,322 pieces of mail per hour delivery error occurred; · 2,500,000 cover of the writing will be installed wrong; · day there will be two aeroplane landed in Chicago O'Hara airfield security was not guaranteed; · will be 20,000 this year, the prescription errors; · Photo propagation will be 880,000 credit card holders in the fascinating stripe on the cached information is erroneous; · year, there will be 103,华尔街日报:腾飞的腾讯,260 copies of income tax report processing error; · 291 例 cardiac pacemaker surgery would be a blunder; · morrow there will be 3,056 copies of 10, [Teams] to win customers forms: an unlimited number Type: team building Time: lecturers can make their own decision materials: (Teacher use) a small mattered playthings,asics gel pulse 2, table tennis, small plastic box, each one, the above material packaged in an opaque bag venue: about 6 square meters of indoor and outdoor space Objective: * to enable trainees to understand the team together when the morale of cooperation to complete the task * to enable trainees to understand how to select the team to program and how to play to the strengths of all * to enable trainees to experience the creativity of the crew operation: 1, the participants divided into groups, each fewer than 8 people to 10-12 people Best 2, lecturers to enable trainees to stand in a big circle, in which a student selected as a starting point 3, Lecturer Description: We are a company for each team, and now our company to a It is to the assorted departments in our company and look by all of us a good admission the customer must not grant customers to fall into the ground, once fell into the underground, the customer will be very angry, meantime the game is over. 4, * * Each team member can not be * Lecturer will be * Finally, to take * 3 or 3 or more participants can not reach customers * students goal is to find the fastest of 5, spokesmen with a Really begins, instructors will turn to three 6, this game can require 3 to 4 times, before the start of each group to decide how much to time. Lecturer simply ask Discussion: * equitable the play, what you feel good approximately yourself? likely answers: Try a kind of ways; we can work attach; express their views above everyone. * just the activity, what feels the need to amend? possible answers: do not begin calculating of prologue, some limitations; not entirely understand the rules of the game; also anxious for success. * What is this event so that you experience? possible answers: success requires the participation of all team members and co- Summary: * To win customers, companies in each sector should support and cooperation. * Sales success is not what the sales department, will rely on the support of the entire corporation * to the ferocious competitive environment to win customers, their team's creativity is very important. * creativity to try and find the support of everyone * team's creative team, the quality and prospects of the decision Tip: * game is very interesting material is sparse and easy to operate * students are very amused in basically put the game * lecturer can substitute any other entities more than 3 props * To increase the difficulty, instructor can mushroom the |
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