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8 Powerful Tips for Reconciling Dollar Store Sales by Bob Hamilton
,asics running So you own a dollar store and you��ve finished another successful day. Or is it? What appeared to be a day filled with sales and the anticipation of dollar store profits can coming crashing down as you sit at your desk examining the cash sitting before you. You discover major discrepancies between what the cash register says you sold and the amount of money sitting in front of you. There seemed to be people in your store all day �C and they were buying merchandise. You thought it was a good day �C until now. It is at this moment that you realize the importance of developing processes and procedures around the control of money in your business. You need to have very specific procedures for everything that occurs from before your store opens until money is actually deposited into the bank. One area of concern is handling of money from the time the store closes until it is deposited into the bank. In this article I present 8 powerful tips for reconciling your sales. Tip #1) Minimize the time money sits before being reconciled. When you own a dollar store it is important to reconcile all dollar store sales as quickly as possible after closing for the day. That doesn��t mean it must be done that night. However,new hogan, if you don��t reconcile sales immediately,bose in ear mobile headphones, do so early the next morning. Tip #2) Keep money in a locked safe at all times. Leaving money lying around is an invitation to employees and others to steal. It is unfortunate, but there will be someone who simply cannot pass up the temptation �C and there go your dollar store profits. Tip #3) Conduct reconciling in a locked room. When you own a dollar store there will be constant interruptions throughout your day. If you are the one reconciling sales, don��t allow those interruptions to create a perfect theft moment. Always deal with money in a locked room. If you are called away, move the money back to a locked safe before leaving. Tip #4) Have good security camera coverage anytime money is being handled. This is especially important when others are responsible for reconciling the previous day��s dollar store sales. If there is a big discrepancy the video will aid you in eliminating the money reconcilers as being involved. Tip #5) Establish a schedule and stick to it. While thieves love scheduled money handling,nike air cortez, the alternative of doing it as time allows opens the door for big problems. Make sure you have a scheduled time each day for reconciliation of you dollar store sales. Stick to that schedule. After all, you want to know as quickly as possible exactly how well your business is doing. What better indicator than actual cash results? Tip #6) Only you or a trusted party should handle reconciliation. Unfortunately this is a time to trust yourself, your spouse, and your children only. Establish strong controls when anyone else is handling your money. Every dollar store sale comes with lots of hard work. Making dollar store profits isn��t automatic. Control the access and handling of your hard earned cash at all times. Tip #7) Use a buddy system. One of the controls to use is a buddy system. While two people can work together to steal, the chances are reduced somewhat by always requiring two designated people be present for all cash handling and reconciliation. Tip #8) Double check your work. Don��t leave anything to chance - these are your dollar store profits we are talking about. If there is an error discovered, have someone else double check your counting. Make sure it isn��t a math or counting error before ever doubting any of your employees. Creating a dollar store sale is difficult. Making dollar store profits is even harder. If you own a dollar store be sure you implement a solid process for money control. Follow those processes at all times and you will be able to gain some of the control you need over your business. To your success when you own a dollar store! .Topics related articles: retails cheap north face jackets 6912 article4790 tod 3778 |
本报讯 (记者刘洋 通讯员辛祖国)公交车售票员因与公司产生矛盾,济南监控器材,用香烟引燃车辆未遂,阳泉窃听器。记者昨日获悉,24岁的北京人赵冉涉嫌放火罪,手机监听王,被公诉至朝阳法院。
公诉机关指控,去年10月8日21时许,赵冉因工作与公交公司产生矛盾,产生了报复心理。 在公交总公司第五客运分公司第五车队杨闸停车场内,赵冉故意将点燃的四支中南海牌香烟,分别放在停驶的 公交车车厢第三个车门右侧四个坐椅上,企图引燃该车辆。当公交总站相关工作人员发现时,燃烧的香烟已经导致 背向车门的两个坐椅大面积烧焦碳化,坐椅正上方内饰板软化变形。随即,火情被扑灭,避免了一场火灾,并无人 员受伤。 公诉机关认为,临沂窃听器,赵冉无视国法,为报复他人,故意放火,危害公共安全,尚未造成严重后果,应当以放火罪追究其刑事责任。据 悉,本案将于近日开庭。 相关的主题文章: 红外线透视眼镜价格 59岁连体兄弟在特制V形床睡上安稳觉(图) 派出所长打击抢劫遭多人围攻身中三刀(图) 男子携小三找妻子谈离婚事宜气死自己父亲 手机监听器 学生捡到手榴弹父亲好奇拉响被炸伤(图) 无牌新车年初一撞伤保洁员逃逸 驾驶员系酒驾 美国士兵制作冰雕替身陪家人过圣诞(组图) 东莞手机窃听器哪里有卖 近八旬阿婆坠楼身亡 疑因患病 广州皮具公司招聘打板师傅月薪可达万元 |
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