kjrtaqoea |
03-26-2011 08:18 AM |
Office Standard 2010 Keygen Directory Programming
Directory Programming .NET >> Basic Discussions >> Lively Directory/ADAM LDAP Dis... >> Conditions with ADsOpenObject operate on windows2008 Hello, Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate Key,I've met predicament when I run my plan on windows2008 server.The system is always to query person knowledge from AD, Office Standard 2010 Keygen, and I utilised ADSI functionas beneath:HRESULT hr = ADsOpenObject( L"LDAP://IPadress/rootDSE", L"CN=Administrator,CN=Users, Office Home And Business 2010 Key,DC=Domain,DC=com", Password, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION, Office Home And Business 2010 Activation, IID_IADs, (void**)&pRootDSE);Calling to ADsOpenObject always returns 0x8007203b(LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR) on windows2008, but successed on windows XP and Windows 2003.The program is build with VC6.0 on windows XP. And I have tried the latest SDK fromIs there anyone who met the same issue , Microsoft Office Home And Student 2010, or can someone give me any hint about howto make clear about this issue?Very appreciate your help!