Office Pro 2010 Keygen 3 design tips for great hol
In the Office Show Holiday episode, we had to create a "pretty and festive" holiday party invitation really quickly. But you don't have to be a design guru to do the same for your party. Microsoft Office helps you get great-looking results, Office 2010 Home And Student 32bit, whether your work hangs in ################## or you can't draw a straight line. Just keep these simple principles in mind: Be inclusive. For most holiday parties, choose an image that everyone can relate to, Microsoft Office 2010 Cd Key, such as a seasonal plant or something weather-related like a snowflake. Keep it simple. Pick a single image and one or two fonts and colors to use in all your designs. Personalize to make it memorable. Include elements like names and photographs that are meaningful to your guests. If you want to create a set of complimentary seasonal stationary - invites, cards, Office Pro 2010 Keygen, banners and decorations for example - using consistent colors, Office Professional 2010 Keygen, fonts and images will help build a strong identity for your event, Office 2010 Professional Plus Activation, and make it more appealing to your guests. If you're short on time you can always use templates. There's a nice variety of holidays templates available on that are sure to get you in the festive spirit. Here's a quick tip to make that template personal. Many holiday themed templates - including this one - support themes. That means you can choose one of the many set of complimentary colors and fonts already built into Word 2010 and apply them to your template. Download the template and open it Click the 'Page Layout' tab Click the 'Themes' button - it's the first button on the left of the ribbon A ############## will appear and you can preview the themes right in your document by rolling your mouse pointer over each thumbnail Click whichever thumbnail meets with your approval (I like how 'Waveform' keeps the holiday colors but really makes them pop!) Have a happy and well-designed holiday season! -- March Rogers <div