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辞职跳槽时五险一金怎么办? 五险: 养老, 失业 工伤, 医疗, 生育 一金:公积金 缴费标准:养老(单位20%, 个人8%) 生育 (单位交) 工伤(单位交,个人不交) 医疗(单位10%, 个人2%*基数+3) 失业单位1.5% 个人0.5%) 公积金(今年最高不超12%以前年度不超10%,Timberland Shoes,单位个人各一半) 1. 养老保险是可以中断的, 中间中断无所谓,最后是累计年限的, 不过交得越多,当然养老金也越多拉. 办理转移手续: 在老单位打出转移单, 交给新单位继续上就行 2. 失业保险虽然必须要交,但和我们没有多大关系(如果你是学校毕业的, 属于干部身份,档案可以存人才的), 断不断不要紧, 我们失业了也领 不到失业金,除非发疯了,把干部身份转为工人身份, 以后退休按工人待遇领退休金. 失业保险只有在街道登记的失业者才能申请(工人身份的档案放在街道, 干部身份的放在人才或单位) 办理转移手续: 不用办理, 到新单位继续上就行. 3. 医疗保险比较重要, 规定是中断三个月以上就失效, 三个月以后看病就得自己掏钱, 小病无所谓,大病就惨了, 中断三个月以上的到新单位重新上. 每个上医保的有一个存折,终身使用, 不管单位是否变化, 单位应该每月把一定比例的钱打入存折, 个人可以随时提取. 用途不管. 每个上医保的有一个蓝本, 就是医疗本, 医疗规定门诊费用2000元以上部分才可以报销, 比如花了2500, 只报销500的50%-70%(医院不同,报销比例不同),如果住院报得就多了. 看病的时候要告诉医院开医保的单子, 住院要带上. 4. 公积金单位把给你的钱和你自己的钱都存到你的公积金帐户,比如工资3000元, 单位给你300, 你自己扣除300, 所以你每月公积金帐户应该有600元, 只能一年取一次, 要去公积金中心取, 需要买房或修房. 可以自取或委托单位取. 办理转移手续: 先在新单位开帐号, 拿帐号给老单位,让老单位把原来帐号的钱转入新帐号. 公积金中心每年六月会给单位发每个员工的对帐单, 显示你的帐户现在的钱. 另外, 每年四月左右是调整下年度养老\失业\医疗基数的时间, 每年六月是调整下年度公积金的时间. 下面再说说现在市场上一些不规范的情况 1. 很多单位不按本人工资给上保险和公积金, 比如按北京市平均工资上, 个人就吃亏了. 所以找工作的时候要问清楚. 2. 现在很多人才都规定养老失业和大病是捆绑的, 要么都不上,要么都一起上,而且必须档案在人才的才给上. 如果个人在人才上, 就必须把单位的钱和个人的钱都自己交 , 挺多的, 据说按最低标准, 每月也得交一千多, 而且没有多少钱到个人帐户上, 建议如果比较年轻, 身体还好, 只是暂时失业, 不必自己交了, 以后到单位再上吧. 3.有钱人可以不上养老保险, 穷人最好上,指 望能有点钱养老.有人说自己存着, 但国家对养老金还是有所保障的,会根据经济情况上调. 4.有些单位以档案不在本单位,不给上, 是不对的, 因为档案和保险不挂钩 5. 外地户口的同样,应该给上所有的保险和公积金, 和户口没关系, 以后如果去其他城市, 都是可以转的 养老保险: 一般要交满15年,到退休的时候才能终生享受养老金,所以想拿养老金的人请务必在自己退休前15年就开始交 。如果到退休年龄交养老保险不满15年,那等到你退休的时候国家会把你个人帐户上存的8%的养老金全部退给 你。那单位给你交的21%到哪里去了?国家把单位为你交的21%的钱全部划到国家的养老统筹基金里了。国家 规定,退钱的时候只退给个人自己扣交的钱,单位为他交的钱全部都为国家做贡献。退休时候的养老金是怎么算出 来的。养老金的算法很复杂,国家每年都会把缴费基数变一次,:如果你现在30岁,你现在的缴费基数是300 0元,而退休年龄如果是55岁的话,那你必须在你40岁以前就开始交养老保险了,而如果你现在从30岁就开 始交,交到55岁是25年,那首先肯定你能享受养老金了,其次,如果25年后你交的 3000块的缴费基数已经变成了6000,那你55岁的时候首先每个月可以拿到6000×20%=1200 块的基本养老金,这是国家给你的,此外你的个人帐户上的钱在25年里也积攒了不少,把缴费基数平均一下好了 , (3000+6000)÷2=4500,那么你这25年里个人帐户上应该有4500×8%(你缴纳的养老保 险的个人比例)×25年×12个月=108000元钱,除了之前的1200块以外你每个月还能拿到1080 00÷ 120=900块, 这样你55岁开始每个月起码可以拿到1200+900=2100元的养老金,当然每年国家的基数还在往上涨 ,这样每年除了你自己的900块,你退休以后每个月都会拿到比1200块更多的钱,那你的养老金当然也会越 来越多的所以说交养老保险交得越多越好,你交得越多你退休以后享受的也越多,而且,国家每年调整基数以后你 拿的钱也会越来越多,现在交1000十年之后拿1500都是有可能的。但是,不管你在哪里交社保费,等你退 休的时候你都只能回你的户口所在地享受当地的退休待遇,所以,在基数高的地方交社保但是退休回基数低的地方 享受养老金的人那就亏大了。为什么这么说呢?如果你年轻的时候在南京工作,交了20年的社保然后退休了,但 是如果你的户口在黑龙江,那你必须回黑龙江享受养老金.如果你在南京交了20年的平均基数是3000,而当 你退休的时候黑龙江的缴费基数才1000,那么你退休的时候只能享受 1000的待遇!这是很亏的!一句话,如果你在富地方交社保但是退休的时候回穷地方享受社保,那你一辈子交 的很多但是享受的很少!交3000 块可能只能享受1000块!这是很恐怖的事情,但是没办法,国家就是这个政策,所以请所有目前户口在基数低 的地方但是在北京或上海等基数高的地方工作交社保的注意了,你要么就在西部交社保,要么就在退休前把户口迁 到北京或上海,否则你就是在做人生一笔巨亏本的买卖。也许你会说,如果在基数低的地方交钱,退休的时候回基 数高的地方享受高福利。错!你以为劳动保障部门会随随便便就让你享受么?一般这种情况下政府会找个理由直接 拒绝你转入!到时候你就聪明反被聪明误了:在黑龙江享受不了,在南京也享受不了!不过有些地方对这样的情况 有了一些缓和的规定,比如南京允许你在退休前5年从基数低的地方转回南京,再在南京继续交5年南京的高基数 ,之后允许你回南京享受养老金.这个政策各个地方估计都不一样,有打算转的人最好现在就去你当地的劳动局把 这个问题搞清楚,免得退休时候发生你意想不到的意外! 医疗保险 单位每月给你交的是9%,你个人每月交的大概是2%外加10块钱的大病统筹,大病统筹只管住院,而那11% 里国家每个月会往你的医保帐户上打属于你自己的2%,如果你每个月按照1369元的最低基数交社保,那么1 369×2%=27.38元。就是国家每个月打给你个人的钱,这个钱可以积累起来直接刷卡去买药或者看门诊 ,剩下的9%国家就拿去算到医疗统筹基金里了。按规定,如果你从2008年1月开始缴纳医疗保险,那么从2 008年2月起你就可以刷卡买药或者看门诊,从2008年7月起你住院的费用就可以报销了。如果你2008 年8月1日住院了,住的是南京市最好的三级医院,住院期间用的都是医保范围内的药,手术+住院等费用一共花 了5000元,那么报销的时候医保中心首先扣除1000块,这是起步价,剩下的4000块医保中心可以报销 4000×86%=3440元,你个人只要付4000×14%=560元就可以了,加上之前的1000元起 步价,你花了5000块自己只要付1560元就可以了,而且这1560元还可以从你的医保卡里扣(如果你平 时不怎么用那卡), 所以实际上你住院花不了多少钱。医疗保险对于我们年轻人来说比养老保险重要多了,毕竟看病住院实在太贵了, 这也是参加社会保险的意义。不过南京市规定医疗保险必须交满25年才能在退休以后终生享受,所以如果你55 岁退休,那最迟30岁起就必须开始交医疗保险了。 工伤保险 用得少,需要提醒的是你如果在工作的时候或者上下班的时候出了什么事,这个险就用得上了。但在实践中很多人 出了事不注意保存证据,导致自己无法享受工伤保险,这是很可惜的。如果你下班的时候被车撞了,那应该赶快报 警,让警察来调查记录并拍照采集证据,警察处理完以后会给你开个事故鉴定书之类的东西,你就可以拿这个去单 位要求报工伤了。如果你出了事就随便让人跑了而且还不找证人还不报警什么的,那没证据的情况下一般不会被采 纳为工伤的。工伤还有个时效问题,如果你2008年7月1日出了工伤,那你必须马上报告单位,把警察出具的 证据和事故鉴定书以及你出工伤以后去看病或住院的病历交给单位,叫单位拿着这些材料去做工伤鉴定,你的单位 必须在2008年8月1日之前把你的有效材料送到工伤鉴定中心,如果距离你出工伤的日子超过了 一个月, 那工伤可能就鉴定不起来了。如果你单位不去给你鉴定,那你自己可以拿着材料去鉴定中心鉴定,最好也不要超过 一个月,否则会很麻烦很麻烦。 生育保险, 南京从08年6月1日起执行新政策。一是报销比例提高;二是建卡的时候必须出示结婚证和医保卡 等相关证件,Timberland Mens Roll Top Boots,所有的费用从建卡开始到你生完小孩结束,院方同医保中心实时结算,个人只需承担生育保险不保的费用。至于 生育津贴如何发放可能仍然需要单位出面办理,具体可以咨询下劳动保障部门。看看老政策,因为现在是7月,新 政规定6月之前建卡的仍然按老政策执行,可能某些同志还需要了解。例如,如果你是女生,每个月工资为100 0元,2008年1月1日开始交生育保险,缴费基数为1369,而你2008年3月怀孕,2008年12月 底生了孩子,2009年1月出院,那么你出院以后要赶快把结婚证(未婚生子的报销不了)+独生子女证(一般 来说生2胎的报销不了)+病历+建大小卡检查和住院和手术费用的所有发票+住院清单+出院小结这些所有的材 料交到公司,如果你怀孕时候检查花了500块,生孩子的时候住院+手术花了2000块,一般来说,公司在医 保规定范围内基本上可以给你全部报销,报销以后给你的钱包括:500块检查费+2000块住院手术费+13 69元/月×4个月=7976块, 1369元/月×4个月这是医保中心特别为报销的女生补贴的。只有女生报销才能拿的到国家规定女孩子报销生育保险的时候 必须给4个月的平均工资,所以你生孩子报销的话不仅不要花钱而且还可以赚4个月的工资!如果你基数交的比工 资高,比如拿1000块交的是1369,那么你还赚了呢。生育保险起码要交一年才能享受,切记切记。此外还 有个问题,男生也交生育保险,是否可以享受生育保险呢?如果你是男生,你老婆没工作或者工作单位没交保险, 而她生孩子的时候你交生育保险也已经超过了一年,那么你也可以报销生育保险,UK Timberland Boots,但以之前的例子为例,你只能报销500块检查费+2000块住院手术费的一半=1250元, 补贴的1369元/月×4个月的工资你就享受不到了!这是只有女生报销的时候才可以享受的哦~同样的花费,女生报销就能拿79 76块,男生报销只能拿1250块,这大概也是中国少有的”歧视男性”的政策。所以说,女生要生孩子之前最 好计划一下,提前一年开始找个单位交生育保险,可以赚呢!而男生如果要娶老婆,最好娶一个生孩子的时候已经 交了一年生育保险而且缴的基数还比她本身工资高的女生哦!不过如果她实在没保险也没关系,你还可以给她报销 生育保险,不过你没补贴的4个月工资拿,而且该报的费用你只能拿回来一半。 失业保险, 要交满一年才能享受,一般交1年拿2个月,交2年拿4个月,但一辈子最多拿24个月。南京市失业保险金月标 准601元,市区最低标准为518元。如果你2008年1月1日开始交保险,2009年1月你被公司辞退了 ,那你可以让公司给你拿2个月的失业保险,如果这一年你都是以1369的基数交的保险,那你2个月起码可以 拿到1000多块钱或者你2008年1月1日开始交保险,2009年1月你和公司合同到期了,你们都不想续 签合同的话那你也可以在离开公司以前让公司给你去拿2个月的失业保险,也是800多块。就是说合同到期或者 公司辞退,你都可以按照一年拿2个月的失业金的比例去要求公司给你办,如果公司不给你办你可以去告它,一告 一个准。但是如果你是合同没到期自己辞职走,那就算你交满了1年也享受不到失业保险只要是自己辞职的,别说 交1年了,就是交10年的失业保险到辞职的时候你也拿不到一分钱。 住房公积金, 如果你每个月公积金交300块,那么公司每个月也往你帐户上打300块,你买房子的时候这就是600块了。 如果你一辈子交了5万,那你帐户上就是10万了,这种好事大家一定不要拒绝啊。公积金可以用来买房子,还贷 款,装修什么的,如果你自己家可以找到地皮盖房子,那盖房子的钱也可以从公积金里付如果你一直不用这钱,最 后退休的时候貌似可以把钱全部取出来。 A Quick Rundown Of Hummer Hummer was a brand name of trucks developed and marketed by Normal Motors. H1, the original style, was based on the military's Humvee while Hummer H2 and H3 ended up the civilian . related links: CS游戏警匪人物身份资料大起底 |
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Photoshop to the detailed process of cartoon characters painted the colorful illustrations Photoshop lighting effects synthesis Photoshop3D function to draw the real head of the Earth Photoshop design website for the legs navigation MM Photoshop Tutorials splicing effect of making the design software industry Photoshop tutorial website template fonts Photoshop Tutorial: making metal rust text effects Photoshop montage synthesis of fictional scenarios Photoshop painting to design donut bags tutorial Photoshop Photo Synthesis of children the baby turned out for the Angels Photoshop tone dark tone commercial visual effects Photoshop painting company logo Photoshop Adobe bring up a black and white texture of ice beauty Photoshop image processing application and calculation of an overexposed photo Photoshop Summer Song of Love wedding film production deal Photoshop Basics: Several clear fonts make use of alternative Photoshop signature tutorial Photoshop make color signature streamer Photoshop tutorial making a simple graph paper effect Photoshop Fire Pictures Tutorial: Crystal glass ball Pictures production Photoshop Tutorial: Pictures production center of the cloud matter Photoshop Basics Tutorial: Image Processing of The light tone, middle tone, dark tone select Photoshop synthesis submerged Statue of Liberty Photoshop stunning photos of people transferred out of the cold gray effect Photoshop Detailed knowledge of basic tools Photoshop Introduction the photos turned into cute cartoon illustration Photoshop effects to create realistic wood frame pictures of people using Photoshop to handle the profile-type illustrations Photoshop to design a beautiful Mid-Autumn Festival cards Photoshop software simple drawing PS feathers Photoshop making a slight turn to the picture painted Photoshop tutorial design promotional posters Photoshop mall deal in turn hand-painted background processing tutorial Photoshop effects create cool characters Photoshop design lava Mid-Autumn Festival with a beautiful poster Photoshop to draw nice retro-style accessories Photoshop to draw a transparent coffee table photo icon Photoshop transferred to MM Photoshop sketch effect recall sunset character under the effect of men Photoshop-style production of blue tones to the character Photoshop web templates cool decoration design a fashion line Photoshop ribbon page navigation Photoshop effect of drawing the chain winding sound effects Photoshop Recall green color Photoshop beautiful crystal clear drawing RSS icon Photoshop to create the 60th birthday of the Chinese posters Photoshop design beautiful patterns drawn WordArt tutorial Photoshop effect Resident Evil 3 poster Photoshop to the beautiful photos Whitening (keep details) Photoshop tutorial to draw lifelike jade National Photoshop design posters Photoshop shock enhanced color photos of children in the garden beautifully produced Photoshop Windows logo Photoshop simply cutting out pictures of children's hair Photoshop templates to do with cute baby calendar Photoshop to create the geometry of decadence Photoshop text effect in making blue navigation tone crystal color photos Photoshop to adjust dim into the aesthetic effect of Photoshop effects produced by peeling off the plaster production 20093D text wallpaper Photoshop tutorials Photoshop Tutorial: easy to understand the calculation of the command to do constituency Photoshop Tutorial: Make a light tone Photoshop Effects Tutorial Under the green color of the sky car Photoshop tutorial type design of marine blue crystal Photoshop to create cool 3D cube effect Photoshop quickly let your baby has a soft white color Photoshop to create picture in picture effect duckling Photoshop drawing lovely bird font icon Photoshop Tutorial: Design of distortion effect F ornate pinnacle of PS: MM is such a beautiful drop Photohsop recall the birth of living according to the retro purple tone Photoshop Pictures Tutorial: \> Photoshop Night Elf characters make a simple animation effect sign production: I'm still your prince Photoshop making three-dimensional super-cool 3D icons Photoshop produced results Photoshop, 3D characters make the founding of 60th anniversary of the posters Photoshop Tutorial: pictures of people switch to hand-painted detailed tutorial Photoshop digital photos made with synthetic envelopes Photoshop burning car on the track recall Photoshop color effect beautiful blue sky and green layout Photoshop Tutorial: The best comfort typesetting tutorial Photoshop cartoon drawing fresh produce beautiful watercolor picture Photoshop Tutorials Photoshop change the general picture for the second generation ID card effect Photoshop tutorial to draw more people blush Photoshop photo to black and white sketch of the effect of synthetic spectacular Photoshop CS4 tutorials Photoshop BP produced beautiful results Photoshop pencil sketch made after the vampire effect of broken glass, making fashion LOMO effect Photoshop Photoshop production abroad, making the rainbow flag Photoshop tutorial-style folding paper LOGO tutorial Photoshop effect of making a real zipper pendant Photoshop tutorial making pixels (mouse painted words) Photoshop pictures for the characters effect Photoshop patterns to add photo light baby handling skills Photoshop recall being of contrasting color photo images Photoshop + Illustrator to create digital smoke effect tutorial Photoshop bring up fresh green wedding tune Photoshop Classical soft drawn boy Photoshop to add a picture of sunlight effects Photoshop classical pattern making wood frames Photoshop layer styles to use the car for making a beautiful color Photoshop vinyl records Photoshop optimize the interior color cast photos Photoshop crush magnificent desert location recall effects Potoshop effect of making the text embedded fonts Photoshop tutorial making a beautiful Photoshop Basics: deep analysis of channel dermabrasion Method application Photoshop signature Tutorial: Meteor wish - live into sign making Photoshop effects to create dark green of the classical portraits to indoor portraits Photoshop dermabrasion Photoshop whitening and synthesis of cool posters of female visual Lucky effect Photoshop synthetic characters holding posters Photoshop tutorial with a pattern to decorate the fonts in the spray Photoshop revel in the synthesis of beauty Photoshop to design a music festival posters Photoshop adjustment a landscape picture of the sunset colors Photoshop Tutorial: Black and White command to create the beautiful costume ink effect Photoshop montage using multiple illustrations Photoshop synthetic material change models clothing fabric Photoshop texture and gorgeous light gold production production of advertising tone Photoshop tutorial Photoshop animation set to sign Snow to build a green beer sales poster Photoshop poster Photoshop creative synthesis of the natural blues tune out pretty detailed explanation of the artistic effect Photoshop Layers mixing, channel, calculation, select and load the high-light district Photoshop Synthesis Using material produced beautiful ancient ruins Photoshop effect dreamy landscapes draw the piercing eyes Photoshop simple Photoshop to the figures Untitled whitening Photoshop tutorial Photoshop reality check into living according to the MM whitening and chemical makeup Photoshop to draw blue tones Photoshop Volkswagen logo painted a silvery gray mouse Volkswagen talk about the novice how to learn PHP (new learning must see) Photoshop arbitrary mixing device with a good channel to draw Pepsi LOGO Photoshop Tutorial Photoshop + Illustrator 3D character tutorial Photoshop make a simple layout making Pictures posted Photoshop create a beautiful effect Photoshop suture material combinations with a variety of fantastic murals Photoshop making beautiful bamboo word Photoshop tutorial website logo design efforts to reach the carrot produced beautiful blue and white Photoshop porcelain button effects Photoshop animation production birds chirping made Photoshop Teacher's Day posters Photoshop color negative impulse transferred out of nostalgia Photoshop Tutorial 3D text effects create beautiful tune out pretty Photoshop The effect of sugar MM Photoshop is preferred to the temperament of the beautiful hand-painted handle Photoshop transferred transferred out pretty warm Photoshop photo-realistic rendering of Nokia 5310 mobile phone Photoshop turning waste into a beautiful picture transfer Dream recall effect Photoshop tutorials autumn purple tone mixed with the Photoshop layers to the synthesis tool tips landscapes Photoshop Tutorial: Blending intuitive understanding of channel function device color correction Detailed Photoshop Pen Tool Tutorial Photoshop dress with a material to the mysterious magician Photoshop beautiful decorative lighting effects with the girl dancing in the color rendering Photoshop art of command processing according to results Photoshop Tutorial mouse painted Photoshop digital SLR cameras matte metallic effect rendering the computer chassis painted a basketball player Photoshop tutorial Photoshop mice rural scenery painted a graceful landscape Photoshop production will do nothing archaic turn into a classic hand-painted sign Photsohop photo Ink results Photoshop recall effects Photoshop European and American classical temperament of a simple character design of the human body whitening Photoshop Tutorials Photoshop segmentation recall and dream like landscapes drawn purple tone simulation results Photoshop plastic effect of synthetic web navigation Photoshop arm was cut production of light radiation effects Photoshop text effects Photoshop effects produced by lava ball Photoshop cool retro design posters to Photoshop tutorial landscape into effect Photoshop ink carriage Street transferred out of the dark yellow light perception effects (HDR effect) Photoshop Camera Raw plug-color examples Photoshop beautiful synthesis of human and robot battle Photoshop material into the stone with a real person Photoshop and desktop production of The Dark Knight logo matting Photoshop Tutorial: Gamon version to the Cubs with a brush background Photoshop to design a deserted city scenes Photoshop Production Dream dazzling sunset effect Photoshop brushes mask detailed explanation of the use of synthetic retro background Photoshop photo effects models produced Photoshop ink border effects Photoshop lifelike color ribbon Photoshop How to do with the path to adjust the fan Photoshop color photos dermabrasion treatment Photoshop tutorial making beautiful hand-painted sign painted mice Photoshop tutorial e-book: De Zhen Photoshop tutorials CG painting drawing e-mouse Book: Oriental month tour series Photoshop illustrator beautiful synthesis of the trend of people to draw a beautiful illustration Photoshop effect of three-dimensional droplets Photoshop Basics: a detailed explanation of the production of materials with the performance of Photoshop pattern Ministry of Tribal ingredients inside the totem Photoshop, 3D rendering orange box and paper Photoshop to create a cool poster of star-like effect of Photoshop drawing delicious chocolate ice cream Photoshop Using the red side view curve correction According Photoshop black and white recall the command for the costume MM Ink lattice effect production of digital maps Photoshop effects (examples demonstrate) Photoshop design bubble text effect tutorial cool folding design Photoshop font effects Photoshop simple tutorial color film production location married Using Photoshop Background Eraser to make an adjustment to pull the hair out of beauty Photoshop photo effects Photoshop LOMO production of crystal texture of a simple correction of the word Photoshop Tutorials yellow man photo Photoshop and lighting to create a magic hand pk MM Beautiful skin Photoshop for the synthesis of a beautiful body painting beautiful effects Photoshop Using the letters S production lines Photoshop to create realistic fashion Night Posters show effects artistic effects with Photoshop to create photo (4 methods) Photoshop fixes a serious color cast photos cat photos Photoshop to bring up MM, cool colors Photoshop effect of adjusting the soft light cyan Photoshop warm mellow tune out tune out the blue gouache Photoshop effects Photoshop design Saussurea WordArt effects Photoshop gel drops produced ������ font Photoshop teach you to do the word of ancient stone tablets Photoshop design bending LOGO fonts Photoshop font effects Photoshop making gold production of midnight orchid production of crystal light effects Photoshop simple drop in purple Photoshop simple tutorial Photoshop to draw a simple fire ball drawn to the colorful starfish Photoshop tutorials Photoshop black and white photos to color photos to create a dream for the MM results Photoshop create beautiful personalized micro-light hand-painted effect Photoshop Layer Styles and the path to draw UI icon photoshop bright tone with a soft yellow tone Photoshop Beauty Tutorial: beauty make-up post-processing to the snapshot Using Photoshop color to black and white photographs of classical women Photoshop painting tutorial mouse Photoshop Basics: Details simple analytical calculation tools Photoshop tutorial Photoshop plucked out of transparent glass with a beautiful hand-drawn illustrations tablet Photoshop to figure beauty, color and detail on the production of sugar makeup MM Photoshop Tutorial Photoshop are two ways to tune out the snow effect Photoshop vector drawing style hamburger Photoshop to create Valentines Day Poster Photoshop drawing tear the mouth of the potato chips of plastic packaging William CG and hand-painted painting tutorial electronic transfer Liu Yifei book Photoshop to create effects Photoshop to create vector style of water color effect tutorial Photoshop Jacky Cheung, Intel Core i7 reflection of the flag made Photoshop to adjust the deserted location photo cyan MM effect Photoshop to MM Photo Meng Meng cold blue tone effect of ash channels Photoshop alternative filling method produced color film Photoshop design dynamic effect of the strong optical flow design and colorful light Photoshop text design beautiful Photoshop tutorials Spray paint gun tutorial Photoshop make do with spot light emitting wallpaper Photoshop button Photoshop making synthetic textures and moving story of a scene using Photoshop remedy underexposed and backlit all kinds of photos Photoshop tutorials color pink recall figures Photoshop to enhance the color of dark light,长沙团购网, clarity Photoshop people bring up photos of people faint powder blue Photoshop simple visual style to create characters Photoshop HDR wind fresh produce in Europe and America blue and yellow ICON Photoshop lighting effects make the characters pretty Photoshop fashion design lovely children to draw the desktop Photoshop Tutorials Google Chrome browser Photoshop LOGO channel classification, function, Alpha Channel, etc. Detailed Photoshop add artistic effects 3dmax synthetic cream dripping MM Photoshop to turn photos into vector life Photoshop tutorial fashion with a pattern of synthetic material produced posters bubble effect Photoshop text effects Photoshop Using Pen retro curves produced using Photoshop to create a 3D scene Photoshop text design with a stain made of three-dimensional character Photoshop font Photoshop effect snow making production of cold light gold flame text Flame Text Photoshop Tutorials Photoshop recall the old movie style, tone Photoshop Basics: Levels of specific adjustments made use of Photoshop CS3 detailed tutorial flash the word Photoshop produce authentic rock carvings to the people Photoshop text tutorial grind more natural skin making tutorial Photoshop Tutorial Photoshop Vivid Ways Logo crow feathers, black and white color illustrations make use of Photoshop to design a MSNBC style background Photoshop tutorial design a flame fish Photoshop design a fallen angel Photoshop making a steam punk style illustrations Photoshop tutorial and detailed design brochure design Photoshop word amazing effect of milk Photoshop to create a unique text effect --------------------------------- 20091104 ------------- -------------------------- decile cut using Photoshop slices in Figure Photoshop techniques how to solve the problem of aliasing Photoshop filters in black and white film produced during the war produced beautiful results Photoshop photo effect of the dynamic page Photoshop filters to create magical effects of the characters light color illustrations make Photoshop simple effect of sun exposure Photoshop to create black Web Photoshop to create classic classic vista style web Photoshop to create amazing wallpaper music wallpaper Photoshop create beautiful gradient background Photoshop to create a four-frame capture LOMO photo effects to create petal border + tutorial + ribbon roll sense of [the three tutorial] Photoshop filters to the color of skin resurfacing Photoshop simply tune the fuzzy cell phone photos super thin clear Photoshop to figure dermabrasion ��5ive \ \ 's proprietary design of texture color blue �� ���� ----- mice switched from painting to play more word recall ------ Photoshop tutorials fresh beautiful blue tones Photoshop is a beautiful tune ruddy face Photoshop to create the mysterious fire of hell Photoshop text effects bring up water of the Rouse results wedding processing using Photoshop Levels dark mood to make a landscape photo Photoshop cool sewing sewing simple production of 3D signs Photoshop text effects Photoshop Fe-Cr-made hunting club wallpaper Photoshop filters DEC Tools correction color cast photos Photothsop create brilliant ad banners 3D Photoshop brook gurgling water produced dynamic effects Photoshop fashion design style bags of printed text Photoshop dates draw Posters milk effects Photoshop texture mapping a black switch button channel filling method using Photoshop production of alternative black and white photographs Photoshop Basics: hand-painted in the eyes transfer method Photoshop to create photo real doll made of SD effect Photoshop vector drawing good-looking production of crystal flowers Photoshop Effects Tutorials Logo Font Tutorial third of China released a welcome comments ��5ive \ \ 's unique character of natural landscaping design method �� ��5ive \ \' s exclusive design simple and fresh color �� HG The Sunshine Boys - Hongo played more ��5ive \ \ 's exclusive design�� [sugar] production of the entire sign ��5ive \ \' s exclusive design�� Nishikido signature gray tone and elegant prints produced imitation Photoshop Lab mode to photograph becomes clear Photoshop Classic Effects Using synthetic material into the image tune Photoshop ice blue color Photoshop perfume poster advertising three-dimensional pattern made Photoshop Tutorials PS tutorial text �� ��turn into drops of ink spent anyone is capable of making gradient comparable to the beautiful wallpaper beautiful wallpaper comparable gradient (Reprinted) Photoshop to create a beautiful rainbow flying fonts effects Timeline animation using Photoshop to create the rotation of the earth Photoshop to color cast photos of beautiful women transferred out of the overall landscaping Photoshop beautiful green, sad feeling Photoshop synthesis night of terror haunted house effects Photoshop Pen Detailed analysis tool instance Photoshop filter plug-in switch to Mountain View, according to results Photoshop ink painting create static park real estate advertising posters Photoshop to Shen Ao Jun gray color cast photo color correction Photoshop synthesis of holding the guitar DJ Using channel mixer partial loss of the details of the reduction of photo effects Photoshop droplets cool the machine synthesis of frog Photoshop effects to figures made of paper arts scene photos Photoshop to adjust color Change transparent beautiful Photoshop drawing Skype buddy icon Photoshop filters to adjust the white balance disorders Photoshop to create fantastic pictures misty effect Photoshop layer styles and shapes with drawing tools guitar Dynamic Signature Images cute (lots of material) Photoshop tutorial making a warm Photoshop signature characters to space constraints Photoshop pictures break the Korean style of making beautiful Photoshop to create a cool label The football player poster Photoshop design beautiful pages Photoshop 3D effects make colorful production of printed text pages Photoshop hollow retro face Photoshop quickly create lighting effects Photoshop light effect people Practical Course Photoshop filters to create watercolor effects tutorial picture making personal wedding website Photoshop Photoshop watercolor portraits produced results Photoshop creative synthesis of ideas produced beautiful smoke ring effect Photoshop Tutorial classical signature Photoshop tutorial making hand-painted sign made Photoshop edge into signing Photoshop dream recall figures elegant retro color tutorial Photoshop recall the elegant white people tutorial Photoshop CS4 Production Gothic Portrait tilt correction with Photoshop tutorials building quickly create a panorama using Photoshop photo tutorial Photoshop tutorials to design a business logo the most natural way to use Photoshop to create characters whitening Photoshop rainbow effect of color figures recall Photoshop tutorial Photoshop sky blue hue popular hip-hop tune out the cool color effects |
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