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Old 02-22-2011, 07:31 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 9
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Default Silicone bracelet

Silicone bracelet (English silicone bracelet), also known as silicone wrist circle. Environmental protection silicone material of high quality refined is a green jewelry. Silicone bracelets jade bracelets with the traditional process would be similar, more jade sunglassesmaker Wonderful beauty can not be compared. Engraving, printing, thousands of designs, thousands of colors, the trend of fashion.
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Early 2005, a small number of charitable organizations through the sale of printed words in particular to raise funds to bring the plastic hand, but the general effect. Until mid-2005, plastic hand with the promotion of the celebrities we have Oakley sunglasses today's most popular accessories.
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Silica gel silica gel by dehydration mSiO2 · nH2O appropriate particle size different from the porous material. Has an open porous structure, specific surface area (surface area per unit mass) is very large, can absorb a lot of material, is a good desiccant, adsorbent and catalyst carrier. Silica gel adsorption is mainly physical adsorption, can be regenerated and used repeatedly. In the ray ban wayfarer sunglasses metal silicates (egg sodium silicate) solution, adding acid to make it acidic, and then adding a certain amount of electrolyte stirring, the silica gel formation; or doctrinal adding acid or sodium silicate solution ammonium silicate gel can also be generated. Silica gel to put it aside for a few hours so that the aging, and then wash with hot water soluble salts, in the 60 ~ 70 ℃ oven-dried and activated at about 300 ℃, can be silicone. The silica gel with cobalt chloride solution then dried and soaked in the activation of color silicone available. Use it as a desiccant, the water front is a blue to red after gucci sunglasses water, the color change can be seen from water level, and the need for reclamation. Silicone is widely used in vapor recovery, oil refining and catalyst and so on.
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Silicone bracelet (silicone wristbands, silicone wrist band) was first popular in the United States, the world's first silicone bracelet is yellow "LIVESTRONG", all the people wearing the bracelet is resistant to diseases common goal of cancer, so life is more mens prada sunglasses ! Rubber hand with the trend of this stock is from the U.S. citizen cyclists Armstrong led the famous sports goods company Nike has produced the assistance of five million printed 'live STRONG' word yellow rubber strap to one dollar for each dollar the price sale is intended to Lance Armstrong Fund (LAF) to raise funds. Later a number of charitable organizations to follow the special LAF English words or words printed on the plastic bracelet, in addition to raising funds can be used in addition to the promotion of the organization's beliefs. This trend started by the United States, and soon after in Europe this trend has also been infected. So far, plastic silver tiffany jewelry with Europe and America is still the most popular accessories. This new trend and the recent visit Georgia, and U.S. chain McDonald's fast food restaurant introduced in some tiffany engagement rings Countries, with a redemption scheme rubber hand, greatly among young people, this trend towards greater heights. Thereafter, the silicone bracelet with green, non-toxic, tasteless and good elasticity, easy to wear advantage, and gradually developed into a popular jewelry, loved by young people, now the epidemic has spread to the world. Silicone bracelet more activities with various organizations, brand promotion, sports, and associated with, a good design can convey a tiffany necklace profound meaning.
Human knowledge in general, the jade bracelets are green, in fact, this is not right. In fact, jade and purple hand-gong, the red, according to jade it can be divided into six categories: Gods bracelet, Violet bracelets, jade bracelets gold species, covered tiffany charm bracelet Red bracelets, green jade bracelet white flowers kinds of jade green bracelet. The six jade bracelets "haze" to meet the different preferences of different President will have more beautiful women dress well.
The so-called Gods bracelets, referring to the most Gee Chen bracelet has red, green, purple and three colors. This is a relatively rare three colors. Chinese often these three colors as a "health (longevity), Executive, rich," the sign, so very fond of, especially when the proper distribution of three colors (three colors that each 1 / 3, or green occupying more, such as green, 3 / 5, red and purple each 1 / 5), is sought. Of course, depends on the depth of the three colors and fresh tiffany earrings degrees. If the red, green, purple tri-color distribution of the appropriate color and very bright sun, along with species of good, quality is good, this can be said to be priceless jade bracelet, be difficult to find in nature.
Violet color of the bracelet, which can be purple with pink (called purple), or a bluish purple (known as blue-violet), in between the purple, with some gray as eggplant purple. Purple Jade, on the whole of its light color are relatively short, mostly species of beans, purple beans the most.
Purple bracelets, colors are new Gucci outlet Relatively light, the color distribution is very uneven, kind of relatively dry, the quality bean relatively thick purple bracelet. As long as the species of blue-purple or pink and purple bracelet is slightly better, their prices have to be on the Yuan, while the bright blue-violet color is slightly dark, purple bracelet, even if the color is uneven, as long as the kinds of good (the ice species), its price will rise to a hundred thousand dollars.
Jade bracelets gold species, refers to the distribution of green filamentous parallel to the bracelet. Its gucci bags can be read two ways, on the one hand to see the "silk", "article" is a wide or narrow, and its density is large or small (that is, the share of the total green area), and of course also take into account the color is bright; On the other hand look at its bottom is clean, it kind of transparency, the quality is fine.
Covered with red jade bracelet is very rare. However, whether it is 1 / 3 of the red or 2 / 3 of the red, as long as gucci shoes Bright red, while the species more thoroughly, and then its value will be high quality, but even this is rare jade bracelets.
Species of white jade green to the bottom with a white, bright green spots for the feature. Jade can be made bigger because the original stone, it is usually used to make bracelets. However, the white youth of the species are generally not gucci sunglasses transparent, relatively dry, and color change is high, species with a white jade green bracelet, the price difference is relatively large.
Cyanine species is the most common kind of emerald jade bracelets. Any color is uneven, can be the difference between a gucci mens belt
Of green and can be called species. Evaluation of this bracelet, mainly from the color, the bottom two fronts.
From this, a variety of jade bracelets, different people have different preferences, as long as you like, wear comfortable, fine processing, and can afford the price, buy one day one Gucci means wallet
Earlier experience to bring you the joy of Jade and satisfaction.
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