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Old 03-09-2011, 12:29 PM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 91
sd9fdsf1t is on a distinguished road

诺里梅韦尔 than the passport.

Generally speaking, each person's ID card in addition to male ###### column is female, no other options, but this really was the world's third choice exists. British media reported on the 15th, 48-year-old was born in Scotland than 诺里梅韦尔, born a male, 7 years old to migrate to Australia in 1990, received a ###### change operation to become a woman, but since the hormone injections stopped,农夫背着家人捐募造血干细胞, the promise found not want their own man, do not want a woman, decided to become
confirmed in the two doctors could not determine from the physical to the psychological Nori of the men and women, the Australian authorities then will promise in the birth certificates, passports and other identity documents in the ###### column to . In Nori view, the concept of male or female is not suitable,技校男生为救溺水同砚双双身亡, therefore, see my identity card, eye color has changed, she said it was a good choice.
Australia confirmed the judiciary, which is the country's first officially recognized cases of non-gender case, even those that exist between men and women on birth ###### organs born babies have not been followed this special case.
Australian members of a transgender husband Tracy Ouqi this case called the gender revolution,患心脏病老太在修建工地打零工挣钱救孙(图), especially those from childhood to young people began to doubt their own ######, many cases in which doctors and parents can not determine their ######, the result often is that they operate.
Some people think that more and more people oppose the presence of men and women who gave birth to a baby pick any ###### organs ###### practices, which means that more and more possible future According to Information Times
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