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Old 03-20-2011, 03:37 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
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mornning8303 is on a distinguished road
Default Windows 7 Enterprise Key how to setup user authent

as i wrote while in the short article on setting up ftp 7 on iis 7.0, microsoft completely rewrote the ftp service code for server 2008. incorporated in this update had been a lot of tactics to secure your ftp server versus intrusion. one of the many fastest means to safe your ftp website is to have end users authenticate rather of permitting anonymous entry, and that’s what we’ll look at today.
for this short article i will assume that you already have server 2008,Windows 7 Enterprise Key, iis 7,office 2010 activation key, and ftp installed and ready to go. now let’s secure your ftp servers.
user authentication in ftp 7 on iis 7
in our first document on ftp,Office 2007 Key, i showed you how to install and then configure an anonymous public blog. this allowed anyone to get the files located in those directories.
while this is great for a certain type of web-site, if you require greater security you can setup authentication for your ftp page. we are going to look at two types of user authentication,Familiale Premium Windows 7, 1 using windows consumers and another using iis manager authentications.
windows users ftp authentication
this type of user authentication allows the ftp web site to use the local server user accounts/groups for entry to the ftp page.
this example assumes you already have a user created for this purpose and given the account entry to the ftp directory; we are using the account ftpuser.
1. start by opening iis manager
2. right click on sites,Office 2010 32 Bits, and then click on add ftp page …
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