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Old 03-21-2011, 10:41 AM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1
Hence is on a distinguished road
Default Japanese Nuclear Radiation! Potassium Iodide Is Selling Out!

United States west coast folks are in a potential danger zone from the Japanese Nuclear Reactor Explosion experienced as a result of the 3/11 massive 8.9 earthquake followed by a catastrophic tsunami. This unforeseen disaster is truly devastating for the Japanese people and has become a global concern. As news develops we are seeing floods of articles and information posts from media and government officials as well as professionals. The BIGGEST concern is, "Will Nuclear Radiation make it’s way to neer by countries countries?”

Japanese officials have already started distributing Potassium Iodide tablets to its citizens to help protect them from the radiation. Although some say Potassium Iodide will help to prevent this Nuclear Radiation some are still holding to a more skeptical view point. Regardless of opinions from differing parties Potassium Iodide is flying off the shelves like crazy and retailers are hard pressed to keep it in stock! Many concerned United States citizens are now flooding the Internet market hoping to find anyone who is selling it no matter what the price.

None of us want to be on the wrong side of Nuclear Radiation but with retailers selling out where do we go to find it? Living in an “Instant Microwave” society has caused problems like this before but be assured that there are still internet companies that have this product in stock if you are willing to wait for shipping.

Here is a list of online Potassium Iodide Retailers - in stock as of 03/17/2011.

Always do research before taking supplements.
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