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Old 03-24-2011, 09:19 AM   #1
Commander In Chief
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sandy7827 is on a distinguished road
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ight until the end of August. And again I had to ask if his girlfriend knew he had called me. He said that their relationship had ended. She had just been stationed in El Paso and left the day before.? He started contacting me very frequently. It pretty much went back to how we were before.?It was the third week of October. I was flying back to San Antonio to attend a reunion. I ended up staying at his place and needless to say our relationship became more involved. Soon after that I was flying him to meet me at different places every other weekend; a?weekend in Orlando womens nike heels,??a weekend in Mobile authentic louis vuitton backpacks, a weekend in Pensacola louboutin zigounette, New Yews in New Orleans and occasionally I would fly into San Antonio to see him.? Our relationship had become more then that of friends. I had met his daughters. My stigma for him had disappeared. I saw the way he loved and cared for his kids and the awesome father he was.? He would drop anything for them.? A true family man.? I could see myself in a long term relationship with him. I knew the reason for his divorce. He was the victim of a cheating wife.He then found out that he would be deploying out to Iraq in a couple of months. And I was faced with the decision to stay in the long distance relationship or take some time off from work and see what hyilai:
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