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Old 03-25-2011, 06:36 PM   #1
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Default Office Home And Business 2010 Windowsxp Buttons

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Windowsxp Buttons I'd appreciate to make use of the windowsXP-like button on my internet page - BTW, FW utilizes this
button at the same time, e.g. the 'Canvas size...' or 'Image size...' button inside the
Property inspector. How do I do it? Do I need any permission from Microsoft?
Thanx for your help.

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< 1 Answer >
Answer Number 1 >> Re: Windowsxp Buttons
Hi Chang,
I had a quarter of an hour to spare so I designed some for you, hope you
like them:
Use them as you wish, they're made available under the GPL. I don't know
about Microsoft, but don't try to sell it and I don't think they'll care.
Selling is rather pointless with GPLd material anyway. :)
"ChangKchu" <> skrev i meddelandet
I might fancy to make use of the windowsXP-like button on my page - BTW, FW uses
button as well, e.g. the 'Canvas size...' or 'Image size...' button in the
Property inspector. How do I do it? Do I need any permission from
Thanx for your help.

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Windowsxp Crash Qtvr Trouble On Windowsxp Windowsxp Crash In Ps7.0.1 File Browser Disappearing Text After Pdf Export (Windowsxp) Installing Flash For Many Users On Windowsxp Can Get Files To Default To Fireworks '04 With Windowsxp What Program To Open Up Photoshop 7 (In Windowsxp)? Alert Boxes Closing Miaws In Windowsxp Indesign Cs3 On Windowsxp H.E. 2002 - Changes Monitor Settings Serial No. For Re-Installation Of Adobe Acrobat 7.0 - Windowsxp Create Pdf Stopped Working - Windowsxp-Office2003-Acrobat6 Picture Buttons (In Stead Of Text Buttons) Fireworks Buttons Disappearing When Other Buttons Selected. Replacing Ui-Component Buttons With Custom Buttons So Simple It Hurts..Buttons On Buttons Blocking Buttons Under Other Buttons Or Objects - Replacing Gif Buttons With Input Buttons (Css)... Can I..? Creating New Buttons From Existing Buttons Ie Blocks Buttons/Action Of Buttons Flash Buttons...Submit Buttons?? Ie Blocked Buttons/Active Buttons Creating Buttons, But Not Ordinary Buttons Buttons Buttons On Mx 2004 Xml And Buttons Buttons In Mx Buttons Buttons Buttons Buttons Buttons Within Fw Buttons Buttons Need Help With Buttons (Help! Help!) Help With Buttons Buttons Under An Mc Buttons Going No Where. Buttons?? Buttons Help With Buttons Buttons Help With Buttons Buttons With Css Nav Buttons Gel Buttons Two Buttons On High Of Each Other? Buttons, Buttons, Buttons
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I want to separate a problem.
But, My movie is complicated, and meets with difficulty.
I want to know the part where a similar problem happens with MX2004.
I want to learn it if there is definitely a person whom someone knows. I am the developer of director from the old time.
But, I didn't develop it for a while.
It is the first time in me to work with MX2004. Use environment -------------------------------------
Director MX 2004 Ver.10 and 10.1r11 (japanese)
Development: WindowsXP Publish: All Windows Windows error dialog ----------------------------------
AppName: project.exe AppVer: ModName:iml32.dll
ModVer: Offset:0000be62
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The only thing I have changed is upgrade to quicktime 7.0.2 pro....
I thought that quicktime 7 issues had been solved already!!!
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Any one else experienced this problem.
This is the ERROR message reported by XP.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: ACPI
Event Category: None
Event ID: 4
Date: 11/08/2003
Time: 2:51:27 PM
User: N/A
Computer: JACK-NK7Q7L001J
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Progress Parameter File
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Office Professional 2003
Acrobat Standard 6.0 In any Office ap (word, excel, publisher, etc), if I do Print/Adobe PDF/OK - I get: "Windows cannot print due to a problem with the current printer setup." I've run Acrobat "Detect and Repair".
I've uninstalled (by Control Panel) and then reinstalled Acrobat.
I've run "Detect and Repair" during the various Office applications. I've run into lots of "buzz" on the internet after googling the Error Message, and lots of other queries - but can't find an explanation or a fix. (Lots of other companies trying to sell their pdf makers by saying this is definitely a big problem with Acrobat.) I know - I should probably upgrade to the newest version of Acrobat, but I'm not comfortable that 6.0 that "worked" for years suddenly has stopped. I use my machine hours each day, and no doubt there are background updates to Norton, Office, etc. going on frequently. But don't think I've made any major changes for the system to cause this. Help? Thanks - John D
Picture Buttons (In Stead Of Text Buttons) Good day, I have implemented a button by way of 'insert > control > activeX > select > microsoft form 2.0 commandbutton'. Now I want to place a picture on that button in stead of text. The syntax according towards the helpfile is: 'sprite(x).picture = loadFile(x:myPathmyFile.bmp', but this does not work. Can you please help me? (Any solution is welcome either due to script or through the ActiveX propertybox settings)
Fireworks Buttons Disappearing When Other Buttons Selected. This is for an intranet internet page, which contains 8 standard 4-stage buttons created in Foreworks. All the links work fine, and the behavior of the windows they trigger is also fine (they call a particular function in a JavaScript can include file to pop and populate a window). However, the problem shows up when a button is clicked, window spawns, window is closed, and then another button is clicked. The previously selected button disappears. You can chain this behavior together in addition, clicking each button and the previous button and all previous buttons vanish. If the location of the button is then moused-over, the button will reappear and act normal (another state) - until it will vanish again with the above scenario. I've examine and study, fixed any whitespace problems or semi-colon problems as described in this forum - and nothing changes. This is only a problem in IE, it works like a charm in Opera, Firefox,Office 2010 Professional Plus, etc. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated...
Replacing Ui-Component Buttons With Custom Buttons Hi all! I don't have that Flash or AS skills, so i'm using the Quiz-Template to build a little test. However, i woluld like to work with my own custom buttons, instead of the provided "reset" and "control" buttons. Could anybody kindly help me out and give me a hint,Office Professional Plus 2010 Activation Key, how to aplly the (for example "reset"-)functions to them? For example: This is the Reset-function AS-Code from the Drag&Drop Quiz-Template (right?!): // 1-2: Handles reset button clicks function onDDReset(){ var router = _parent.SessionArray[_parent.session]; var len = router.drag_objects.length; for(var i=0; i < len; i++){ if (_parent[router.drag_objects[i]] != undefined){ with(_parent[router.drag_objects[i]])swapDepths(startDepth); _x = startX; _y = startY; dropValue = undefined; dropZone = false; finished = false; } } router.resetFlag = false; router.setFeedback(0); router.setComponentLabel(router.Assets.ControlButt on, router.label_state); router.setComponentState(router.Assets.ControlButt on, false); //router.setComponentState(router.Assets.ResetButton , false); } Now, how can i apply the reset-function to my custom button?? Thanks a lot for any kind of help! :-)
So Simple It Hurts..Buttons On Buttons I'm making an interactive US map where the navigation calls for the ability to click on states (to zoom in on the state and grey everything else out) at the same time as individual points of interest (like cities). To preserve city position during zooms I've pretty much figured out I need to attach them towards the state buttons but this is where my problem pops up. For some reason if I manually (within FlashMX and not via I'd eventually like to do) attach a city button to my state movieclip (movieclip with a state-shaped-button in it so I can do the click-n-zoom), the city button stops responding to anything I do. It won't change colors for mouseover even... Yet I can see it. The buttons work fine if I add them outside of the movieclip... Is my city button on the wrong level or something? Why can I see it yet have it not be affected by my mouse? Any help would be greatly appreciated..
Blocking Buttons Under Other Buttons Or Objects I have a menu with buttons on it that pops up when you roll over buttons on the main screen. Problem is, if there are buttons under the menu while you are rolling over it, they still work and cause the menu to pop again in a different spot. I need to create something within the pop up menu that will cover them up. Thanks, in advance max
- Replacing Gif Buttons With Input Buttons (Css)... Can I..? My page is presently using GIFs for its action buttons. The GIF button gets
swapped for a different image as a result of a javascript OnClick event (so there
can be described as pre-click and post-click button state that doesn't require refreshing
the page). The button also has a paragraph during the ALT text that explains
where this button goes. The downside is that I need to fire up Photoshop whenever I want to change
the dimensions or text in these buttons. Could I use CSS-controlled Input Buttons to do most of this? The CSS could
easily allow me to modify the buttons anytime I need to. But can Input Buttons have ALT text on mouseover? And could I change their appearance (color or text) OnClick without
refreshing the page?
Creating New Buttons From Existing Buttons I have been given a file which contains 2 buttons. I need to duplicate these buttons and incorporate new text on the buttons. The file I had was initially created in Photoshop but I now have it as a .png file I am struggling on how I do this. I was hoping someone might be able to provide some advice on what is the greatest way to go around creating the new buttons. I can email to anyone if required the existing file. I thank you in advanced for any assistance that can be given. Kind regards Peter Tanswell
Ie Blocks Buttons/Action Of Buttons hello all, i decidied to utilize some flash buttons in Dreamweaver then when i previewed the page it say there is "active content on this page and it has been blocked" soo then i created my oen buttons useing FW and it says the same thing please help.
Flash Buttons...Submit Buttons?? hay!
u know, u make some form and than u have a submit button.....html buttons aren,t prety he he
how to make pretties buttons with a flash help?
great tnx!
Ie Blocked Buttons/Active Buttons hello all, i decidied to implement some flash buttons in Dreamweaver then when i previewed the page it say there is "active content on this page and it has been blocked" soo then i created my oen buttons useing FW and it says the same thing please help.
Creating Buttons, But Not Ordinary Buttons Okay, I feel like I have really achieved something, I created my first animation project. Now that everything is completed during the animation, I might like to make the parts that are now done moving, be turned into buttons. Do I have to re-create the entire project and make each part a button? Can't I just add it on the end? Please help if anyone is able. Thanks
Buttons Buttons On Mx 2004 I haven't touched flash in ages and I new the bare minimums. My problem: I tried creating a button from just a text I typed out. I converted into a symbol. Made a rectangular hit area. When I export the document...the button is useless and just turns out to become plain text... HEEEEELLLP!!!
Xml And Buttons Not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question, but if not I'm hoping some one will point me within the right direction. I have a client that wants me to create a flash movie with buttons that they can change the type (on the buttons) and the links (of the buttons) on the fly via XML. Is this posible? I know I can build certian text areas to hold "dynamic text" but I'm thinking buttons add a whole layer of complexity that will make it imposible, espcially gien rollover states and such. Please advise if you can - any comments would be appreciated. thanks - Dave
Buttons In Mx What from the world would cause a button to be in a different location than where I've placed it ? When I export it to view it it's off to your right and looks like it' slightly smaller too. (Flash MX) TIA Amelia
Buttons Something simple I hope ... I'm new to DW and on my homepage I simply want
an image of a rollover button that you click to take you into the main webpage. The problem I have is that having greated a new layer and inserted the
button if I change the size of the browser window from say ordinary size to
maximize, the button shifts position. I use IE 6 btw. What can i do to
lock the button in position? TIA
Buttons When you make buttons in fireworks are they always png? I've just made a button but it's 37kb which is far too big. I couldn't find anyway of saving it as a gif or jpg.
Buttons Hi guys I too am new to this but unlike some of the posts i have browse, i
have done the lesson's But what i cant seem to do is give each button during the same scene a diffent
sound to play but when i put a new layer in for the one button, the same
layer goes into all the other buttons what am i doing wrong ? -- Regards
Buttons thanks for all the help i got but i sorted it now From: "Pete" <>
Subject: Buttons
Date: 21 July 2004 14:03 Hi guys I too am new to this but unlike some of the posts i have go through, i
have done the lesson's But what i cant seem to do is give each button during the same scene a diffent
sound to play but when i put a new layer in for the one button, the same
layer goes into all the other buttons what am i doing wrong ? -- Regards
Buttons Within Fw If I create a button in FW that is 120x20 pixels without a stroke but with a fill, is the button really 120x120 or does FW really create a 118x18 button? Seems to get that when I have a 120x20 size button and add a stroke, the button is really 122x22 after it is exported. Opinions?
Buttons I am trying to make a button where when you scroll over it something appears to the right of it (in this case a pair of clothes). Now I've been having a problem with these buttons as, although they do function when you scroll over the button, whenever you scroll the mouse over the top rated of the space where the clothes are meant to get they light up. What Im trying to say is, can someone please tell me how I can get the clothes only to appear when someone scrolls over the button and not the blank space where the clothes end up. If you are having any problems understanding this then please tell me. Thanks
Buttons can someone plz tell me how to make buttons work on a flash.
Need Help With Buttons (Help! Help!) I am trying to create a "return to previous page" button, one that acts like the "Back" arrow on your web browser. I want to add this on my Master page, so that every chapter will have the same button while in the same place with the same result. My manual says that "Return to Previous View" may be a button option. But I can't get it to work. Please help, I need to finish this thing TODAY (July 16)
Help With Buttons Man, I've been stressing like crazy trying to figure this out. I've got one button that directs you to the right scene, but when I utilize the same actionscript and change the scene, it sends me to your wrong scene when I test it. Heres an example of some script: on (release) gotoAndPlay( "scene 2", 1 ); this actually is sending me towards the 6th scene, not the 2nd. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? This is often a late final that needs for being turned in tomorrow. Thanks
Buttons Under An Mc I have a menu where the text on each button is generated by XML, and is inputed into Flash in a dynamic text box. The menu, as it grows will become scrollable. Unfortunately a simple mask can not be used with this because it renders the dynamic text blank. Therefore, I had created a "mask" outside of Flash and brought it into Flash on an upper layer. It works perfect with the exception that the buttons are still able to function under this "mask" which are not visible. Is it possible by way of code or another way to have the buttons become inoperable under this mask once under the "mask"? Does anybody have any suggestions.
Buttons Going No Where. I have created an image where it has two different invisible buttons on it. Neither of the buttons are overlapping each other but I am pretty sure I have some sort of layering error as when I alter the order via "back to front" one button works and the other button takes me nowhere. So with this said, how do I make both of the buttons work. Is there some sort of special layering system or code I am missing... I am using the standard Go to Frame(X) script....
Buttons?? Why is it that when I create a button with text and I do the up, over, down, and hit that when I preview it if you run the mouse inside the hit area it totally works, however if the pointer is right near the text is does not work?? What am I missing here?? Just so you know I am very very new at this, just started learning it last night...Can anyone one offer any help??
Buttons I want to make a button so that it will roll over to a different button.
For example: I want to button to same home to roll over to house.
Is this possible with Fireworks 4.
I am a rookie and need all the help anyone can offer.
Help With Buttons i want to put a button towards the beginning of my flash movie that would start the movie playing, but don't know how to do this. anyone offer me some help? the flash help is so hard to navigate. thanks.
Buttons hello i am new to dreamweaver and i m just starting out so forgive me for asking stupid questions, i am leanring about buttons and have found one i like in dreamweaver the problem i swanna change the colour but cant see how to do it, it wont load in fireworks so not sure how i go about changing it, can anyone help please, thanks, also is there anywhere to download more buttons for free? thanks for any help i get
Help With Buttons i want to put a button towards the beginning of my flash movie that would start the movie playing, but don't know how to do this. anyone offer me some help? the flash help is so hard to navigate. thanks.
Buttons With Css I have text links on my web-site and i want to utilize css to make them look like buttons. Trouble is, the only info i can find is about making flat buttons, or bevelled buttons. I was hoping to make something that looked a bit better. I did look at using the glass flash buttons available in DW but they are not long enough to take my text, and i'm concerned about issues with browsers not being able to display them if the user doesn't have flash enabled. Any suggestions?? Thanks in advance Steve
Nav Buttons Hi all -- I've created a series of navigation buttons in Fireworks, exported them to a Library item, and imported the Library item into a Dreamweaver Template. I'm using Studio MX 2004. What I'd like is for the buttons to stay lit when you visit their corresponding page. For example, when you mouse over the "Contact Us" button, it lights up. If you click the button it takes you on the "Contact Us" page. When you get there, I'd like that button to stay lit. Anybody come up with a solution for this? Thanks, -Keith
Gel Buttons Hi All- Does anyone know of a tutorial to make the famous Gel Buttons that Apple made famous? I've been asked to make them for a website. Sorry, if this request has been asked a million times. Thanks in advanced.
Two Buttons On Top rated Of Each Other? Hi everyone, I am working on a piece that I need to work with two buttons on top of each other. I am working on a calendar, all months are closed except the current month but you can click on the high button which covers the entire month graphic to close the current month and open the new one. But I also want to have buttons that are inside the months that are for holidays that if you rollover will tell you the holiday but this would have to get below the other button. I have all the pieces working but cant figure out how to get the two buttons to work correctly. I might like the best button to become large_btn.onRelease and the other underneath to become small_btn.onRollOver, Is there anyway I can do this or should I just put the holidays (small_btn) on best.
Buttons, Buttons, Buttons I'm fairly ok with Dreamweaver and to spice things up a bit I thought I'd make some Nav Bars in Fireworks. These are very simple buttons in a line, in fact they are only text. The insert button was obviously the first place to start and I've made sure all the text is the same font, size etc. and that the x,y co-ordinates were both 0,Office 2010 Activation,0 (At size 22 the font Hirosh is consitently 30px high) After placing them on a long 30px canvas and making sure all the y co-ords are 0, they all seem for being different heights, by about 1-2px which makes the line real messy. Going back it looks like the active area is wandering about. It's driving me nuts. I can go back and put them all to the right sizes but they all change when they're placed. Am I doing something wrong? Should I try a different technique? But more importantly why is it doing this? *sigh*
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