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Old 03-31-2011, 12:45 AM   #1
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Default Ed Hardy Mens Wallets Forgiveness to Heal Your Bro

Reap the benefits of forgiveness - You certainly deserve them!
We know it is not easy to forgive when our parade has been rained on. But do your best to find the silver lining and gain the wonderful benefits of forgiveness. If you want to reunite with your ex, forgiveness will put things back in place, at which point you both have to fix what is broken that caused the pain, and reach for an even more powerful, firm and fulfilling relationship.
Handling an apology
Forgiveness is also a key component in healing from a broken heart. Without forgiveness, you simply cannot completely heal. If you have not forgiven your partner and you get back together, all may seem fine at first Ed Hardy Women Boots, but soon things will turn sour, because deep inside you have not been able to forgive, which will limit your level of patience and understanding in the relationship. Silently, in the back of your mind, you are still holding anger, and whatever issues caused the break up will likely continue to have an effect on you, your partner and the relationship.
When you are in a position where you want to forgive Ed Hardy Mens Wallets, move on, and reunite with your ex keep these points in mind.
If you are the one that has given the hurt you need to admit your mistake and own it. This is adult behavior and the right thing to do whether you want to reunite or not. If you do want to reunite with your ex and you are at fault for the pain caused you will have to correct the way you handle your problems and upsets in life.
Forgiveness is essential in this life. In order to move forward as quickly as possible and gain the benefits of forgiveness, you must be able to forgive yourself and others. If you are looking to reunite with your ex, forgiveness is a must or you won't be able to move on to a better relationship.
- Forgiveness is literally good for the heart. The Journal of Behavioral Medicine found forgiveness to be associated with lower heart rate, blood pressure and stress relief.
One of ways to get things into perspective is to journal about the situation. However, what you focus on while journaling is extremely important to your success.
- Forgiveness has been professionally associated with strengthened spirituality, conflict management and stress relief. All have a significant impact on overall health.
Take Ownership and Put your Pride aside
One of the most common feelings with forgiveness is that often a person thinks if they forgive it will leave an opening for repeat offenses. Forgiveness is not the same as condoning and you must remember that forgiveness benefits the forgiver more so then the one being forgiven. It is so that you can move on, heal, and learn to trust again.
- Journaling about the benefits you've gotten from a negative situation -- rather than focusing on the negative emotions you have, will help you to forgive and move on faster and easier.
Assess your feelings toward the relationship and then toward your partner.
If you are on the receiving end of the pain then forgiveness is what you need to own and to reunite with your ex you need to understand why they did what they did and if you had any part of it. For example: If your ex ended up having dinner with a woman from his past and didn't tell you, leaving you wondering about the rest of the night - was he trying to talk to you about his problem and you were constantly not available? Maybe he felt he needed to talk to someone that would not judge him so harshly and had a better chance of understanding his situation. Or maybe he just wanted to have female company and chat like in the old days. Are you too busy for him? Do you judge to harshly? Do your outings become boring and monotonous?
Safeguard yourself
- Forgiveness not only restores positive thoughts, feelings and behaviors toward the offending party, but the benefits of forgiveness spill over to positive behaviors toward others because it is associated with volunteerism Nike Air Max 90 Men, donating to charity, and other altruistic behaviors.
1. Take Responsibility - First and foremost wherever you find yourself take total responsibility for it. The good and the not so good. Realise that ultimately it was us who sowed the seeds and are now reaping the harvest. This is often the most difficult step but the moment we take responsibility, we also reclaim our power to do something about it!2. Take Control of what you can control - no point trying to control what you can't control like the state of the property market, share prices and so on but there are many things you can control - your state of mind and what you're focussing on in your life, make a list of what you can do - start a new business, do what you've always wanted to do, save even a small amount of money each week in a secure savings account, go the extra mile for your customers, go out there and get more customers. Do something to help someone else. Create a vision for yourself which excites you and take action today to start realising it.
Ask yourself if your relationship is greater than the incident that caused the divide. Is the incident really worth a break up if you truly feel you have the right person by your side? If you want to reunite with your ex and rebuild your relationship you have to answer this question honestly.
When your partner apologizes for the pain he caused do not throw the apology in their face. Do not turn the apology session into an argument. More than likely you have already had that argument, now it is time to regain your composure, and even though you may not be ready to forgive at that time, be honest with your feelings and let your partner know how they have hurt you and how it is affecting you.
Put the incident into perspective.
Safeguard yourself against people in your life who are repeat offenders, as they are usually worth forgiving only once and are not healthy to have in your life anyway. Trying to forgive and letting go of your anger will enable you to forgive without opening yourself up to further abuse. It is not necessary to hold a grudge in order to safeguard yourself.
Now suppose I lose my job or the property and share prices collapse or I become separated? What will people think of me then, especially if I've been manipulating the "system" for my own "profit"? On the surface the job is gone, my shares are worthless and people dont think I'm so successful afterall! However even more important to realise is that underneath the surface the very identity which I based my life has been shattered! And it is this collapse in identity which is the greatest challenge for most people. It is this collapse that can cause people to lose heart, to become depressed, to turn to drink or drugs and in the worse cases to give up on life altogether and commit suicide. And the more we try to hold on to this illusionary identity the more suffering we create in our lives. However if you or someone you know find themselves facing such challenges, take heart, there are things we can do to rise above the doom and gloom and learn these life expanding lessons that life is offering us all.
Often times when we make a mistake that hurts someone we love, it is not intentional but rather a spur of the moment decision in which we were not thinking straight. This doesn't make it any better but keep in mind that maybe your partner just wasn't thinking clearly due to something else that happened that day or something that has been weighing heavily on his mind. Being pre-occupied and not thinking clearly is a common everyday occurrence that life hands us sometimes. Think of it as putting yourself in someone else's shoes.
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