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Old 03-31-2011, 05:21 AM   #1
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Default Cole Haan Mens Shoes Keep Your Designer Handbag Cl

Handbags are women's main accessories which would be used almost everyday. A handbag which is clean and properly used should dictate a woman's general appearance.
Proper cleaning and maintenance is essential to a handbag. Here are few tips you have to pay attention to. Avoid carrying heavy stuff with your handbag Louis Vuitton Neckalce, this will make your handbag not durable and easy to distort. Handle your handbag with clean hands, remember don't handle it after you applying beauty products, face foundations or hand creams, be sure to wash your hands first. Avoid contact with ink for it is not easy to clean especially for handbags in light colors. Store it in a dust cover or a soft pillow case when it is not used. Don't clean your handbag by yourself if it is dirty or stained. This would damage your handbag. Try to find a better way by asking experts' advice. So be sure to hand-clean the bags and refresh them in a proper way.
Have you ever considered buying a "used" purse? I've asked some friends about this and I get mixed reactions. To some it's too Eeeww, too personal. To others, it's not a big deal, why not?
This article is not meant to convince you that buying used is the way to go. I know for some gals (or purse boys) it's just too personal an issue and will NEVER buy used. But if you're open to the possibility, buying "used" makes sense.First, let's change our paradigm - it's not used it's previously loved. I know several purse lovers and I can tell you many, many purse lovers baby their bags. Some more than others, but most do care for their purchases and clean them often with leather cleaner and moisturizer or baby wipes.
Ravena scratches the kitten's chin, and he closes his eyes in ecstasy, his snowy throat rumbling. "You should name him Re, after the Egyptian Sun God," she muses, "for his ivory fur and the Light he brings to this house.""The last thing I need is a new man in my life." Savannah groans. "You know that better than anyone.""Yes," Ravena says, her jade eyes twinkling, "but we all need Messengers of Light from the Goddess and the Fey."Savannah moans and waves her hands in surrender. "Okay, I give up," she concedes. "What did the cards say?"Ravena lifts the kitten and kisses his rosy nose. "Do not turn away this Messenger of Light," she says, softly. "He could be a faery of good fortune in disguise."
In fact, the fashion bags you use will greatly influence your physical appearance. Even if you wear nice clothes and accessories, the improper handbags you use will greatly break the whole look, especially handbags in wrong sizes. People pick the size of their handbags according to their desires. And a great handbag should flatter you and hide some of your flaws. For example, if you have a curvy body, a fashion handbag would help you show it off. However, too small or too big handbags are not worth to try, for they might shift the attention of people from your curves to your handbag. Your handbag should not control your outfit, but you can control your handbag, and it can be used as a distraction when you want some parts of your body hidden. For instance, if you are not satisfied with your hips, use a short-strapped handbag to hide your flaw. Especially for people who are over-sized, do not use small handbags Christian Audigier Beach Pants, or you'll look even over-sized. In addition, clunky handbags will only weight you down and emphasize your size. Somehow Cole Haan Mens Shoes, different handbags suit different women. For those tall and thin women, they better choose oversized and baggy inspired handbags. So if you are tall, use your advantage and exploit it using big handbags. On the contrary, smaller handbags work for smaller women, because big bags will make one look smaller.
So be sure to use your designer handbag properly, that will play a positive role in your dressing.
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