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Old 04-08-2011, 09:54 AM   #1
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Default Office Pro 2007 Switch the Property Sheet on and o

Today's guest blogger is Pavlo Pedan of ARGO Business Corp. He has 15 years of experience with Access and has a great site of tips  at When you open a form or report in Design View, the Property Sheet is either displayed or hidden based on its state the last time you left Design view. However, you might want to ensure that the Property Sheet is always displayed (or hidden) when you switch to Design view. You might think to use the following command: DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdProperties Unfortunately, this command only works after the form or report is already open in Design View. To ensure that the Property Sheet is always displayed or hidden when you switch to Design view,Office 2010 Standard, use the function below. The function can be executed while starting an application (for example in the AutoExec macro), attached to the Close event of the form or report, or whenever necessary. For example,Microsoft Office 2010 Pro, you might use the function to suppress the blinking of the Property Sheet when creating a form at a run-time using the Application.CreateForm method and opening it in a Form view. Here's the code, which has been tested in Access 2007. '----------------------------------------------------------------' Module : modSwitchPropertySheet' Author : Pavlo Pedan' Date : 31/07/2009' Purpose : DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdProperties only toggles Property Sheet in' : Form/Report Design View on/off. Use function below to turn it' : on or off'---------------------------------------------------------------- Option Compare Database Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "User32" Alias "FindWindowExA" _ (ByVal hwndParent As Long, ByVal hwndChildAfter As Long,Office 2010 Standard, _ ByVal lpszClass As String, ByVal lpszWindow As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "User32" (ByVal hWnd As Long,Office Pro 2007, _ lpRect As RECT) As Long Private Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As LongEnd Type Function fSwitchPropertySheet(blnON As Boolean) As Boolean'----------------------------------------------------------------' Procedure : fSwitchPropertySheet' Author : Pavlo Pedan' Date : 31/07/2009' Purpose : switch Property Sheet in Design View (blnON = False to turn off)'---------------------------------------------------------------- Dim frm As Form Dim hWnd As Long Dim rectControl As RECT ' create temp form Set frm = CreateForm ' find handle for Property Sheet window hWnd = FindWindowEx(Application.hWndAccessApp, 0, "MsoCommandBarDock", _ "MsoDockRight") If hWnd > 0 Then ' get coordinates of the window GetWindowRect hWnd,Windows 7 Starter Key, rectControl ' determine action If blnON Then ' if window width is 0, switch it ON If rectControl.Left = rectControl.Right Then DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdProperties 'returns True if action made fSwitchPropertySheet = True End If Else ' if window width is not 0, switch it OFF If rectControl.Left <> rectControl.Right Then DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdProperties 'returns True if action made fSwitchPropertySheet = True End If End If End If ' close temp form without saving DoCmd.Close , , acSaveNo End Function   Send your Power Tips to Mike and Chris at <div
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