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Old 04-13-2011, 08:28 AM   #1
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HOUMA ― Arthur and Linda Eschete stand by their si

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HOUMA ― Arthur and Linda Eschete stand by their si

HOUMA ― Arthur and Linda Eschete stand by their sign.
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It's the one that says “Ladies must have A WHOLE SHIRT on Designer Prom Dresses,” followed by rules against bare feet, alcohol cheap prom dresses, smoking and profanity 2011 prom dresses, planted in front of the Sea-Go seafood store on Grand Caillou Road. And if some customers are offended by the sign, feel it discriminates against women or balk at orders to leave if the Eschetes find their clothing too skimpy cheap short prom dresses, the couple is convinced that enough of their regular clientele support the sign to make it worthwhile.
“These are my principles and my beliefs,” Arthur Eschete said. “I appreciate my good customers and if people don't feel they can adhere to my dress code there are other places to go. It is nothing personal. ... We had to implement a dress code.”
Some women who are offended by the sign or were shown the door during past visits to Sea-Go because of attire deemed improper are taking it personally A-Line prom dresses, however.
“I felt like he was trying to make me into something I am not. If I am going out to a club I will dress differently. I am picking up crawfish for my family and I am told I can't go in because of my shirt. I don't have a tank top prom dresses, I have a sleeveless shirt showing no cleavage. It is not improper at all cheap grad dresses,” said Missy McElroy long prom dresses, 45, a homemaker, grandmother and mother of four who lives near Coteau Road.

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