Thread: good news (133)
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Old 04-13-2011, 03:39 PM   #1
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Default good news (133)

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That evening the report of Tracy's heroism unfolded, and the account of the rescue went on national television and began to snowball. Time, Newsweek, People, and hundreds of newspapers all over the country carried the story. As the press coverage continued, letters .and telegrams poured into the penitentiary, demanding that Tracy Whitney be pardoned.
Governor Haber discussed it with Warden Brannigan.
"Tracy Whitney is in here for some serious crimes," Warden Brannigan observed.
The governor was thoughtful. "But she has no previous record,noise cancelling headphones, right,monster headphones, George?"
"That's right, sir."
"I don't mind telling you,cheap dre headphones, I'm getting a hell of a lot of pressure to do something about her."
"So am I, Governor."
"Of course, we can't let the public tell us how to run our prisons, can we?"
"Certainly not."
"On the other hand," the governor said judiciously, "the Whitney girl has certainly demonstrated a remarkable amount of courage. She's become quite a heroine."
"No question about it," Warden Brannigan agreed.
The governor paused to light a cigar. "What's your opinion, George?"
George Brannigan chose his words carefully. "You're aware,dr dre monster beats, of course, Governor, that I have a very personal interest in this. It was my child she saved. But, putting that aside,wholesale dr. dre headphones, I don't think Tracy Whitney is the criminal type, and I can't believe she would be a danger to society if she were out in the world. My strong recommendation is that you give her a pardon."
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