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Old 04-15-2011, 09:21 PM   #1
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Default Bridal forklift fleet street to the traffic polic

users send pictures show , dressed in a white dress of the bride and the groom wore a suit , standing arm in arm forklift bucket , the bucket around the bar on the ribbons and balloons ,男子站阳台数小时未动弹 儿子细看才知其已死亡, like a Floats . Behind them , five new yellow forklift formed a Time for the morning of October 23 8 pm .

Zhangzong Jiang said the wedding car with a forklift to do , the most important is to save money , the other is feeling more personality. At first,考生在答题处贴上百元钞票 老师给零分(图), his wife does not agree ,失恋女博士列车上疯狂砸电脑 下跪恳求家人谅解, then just agree to do the work ,
Yesterday, the reporter linked to the groom Zhang Zongjiang . Wife surnamed Ye, Shaanxi people.

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