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Old 04-16-2011, 02:10 PM   #1
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Default Office 2010 Sale Wealth Acknowledgment Systems - P

From P2P Foundation
Money is a indicates to acknowledge prosperity, but you'll find other ways than money to generate this sort of acknowledgements.
The Prosperity Typology teaches us that not all prosperity may be measurable, and that not all measurable prosperity is tradeable. Only the latter is well suited for dollars.
one Discussion one.1 Why a Wealth Acknowledgement Technique is necessary
1.two Towards an Open Cash system for prosperity acknowledgement 2 A lot more Information
3 See Also Dialogue
Author is Eric Harris-Braun.
Why a Prosperity Acknowledgement Program is critical
"When I barter a dozen of my eggs for any pound of your carrots, prosperity acknowledgment occurs within the act of haggling: It can be exactly where we determined the number of eggs for what number of carrots. When I shell out you a coin for ones carrots rather (due to the fact you do not want my eggs), the coin by itself is the acknowledgment with the wealth transfer. The advantage is the fact that the wealth-acknowledgment token, the coin, is redeemable elsewhere from the local community. And when communities start off employing paper notes as wealth-acknowledgment tokens as opposed to treasured metal, the volume of transactions is no lengthier restricted by the sum of steel offered. When communities invent wealth-acknowledgment tokens for investment, like stock certificates sold by entrepreneurs, they even more unlock the likely for growth of wealth.
These examples display how the evolution of wealth-acknowledgment techniques prepares the floor for the expansion of wealth. Additionally they present how wealth-acknowledgment techniques are adopted by communities to reduce their danger in producing transactions. Bartering just isn't dangerous since the wealth is instantly exchanged, but what if I do not want your carrots? Accepting a token enables me to present with no quickly obtaining prosperity in return, because I do know I can use the token to obtain prosperity later. Stocks and bonds perform similarly in higher-risk scenarios. As a result wealth-acknowledgment techniques evolve in a feedback spiral with social cohesion and rely on. They demand some degree of rely on and cohesion to perform, but they generate significantly greater cohesion and trust, which makes it possible for new wealth-acknowledgment techniques, and the loop continues.
Grant-making, endowments,Office Standard, charitable trusts, and donations (what we call philanthropy), are all efforts to improve measurable or acknowledgeable wealth. Organizations that look for to improve measurable and acknowledgeable prosperity in communities virtually always experience the lack of cash. To boost our ability to cultivate these ranges of prosperity, we need a wealth-acknowledgment system that moves beyond money."
Towards an Open Money program for prosperity acknowledgement
Why do we need open dollars?
1. Modern-day money is inefficient and unfair. Because communities can't create their very own currencies they're beholden to, and fundamentally managed by,Office Pro, whoever does,Office 2007 Ultimate, just as customers of coins had been limited by the amount of precious steel accessible. When communities can develop their own currencies, they don't should export their own prosperity to get money to make use of for trade. They are able to start off buying and selling proper absent and export later on if they so select.
2. "Money can not buy me enjoy." The structure of your modern day monetary program is depending on assumptions of opposition & resource scarcity. Though these assumptions might be applied to tradable prosperity, they blind us when we apply them to only measurable or acknowledgeable wealth. To cultivate the kinds of wealth that correspond with overall systemic health and inter-system resonances, in which the assumptions of scarcity and competition no lengthier apply, we need a new wealth-acknowledgment system.
3. Our culture and our planet are falling apart. Humanity has grown so large and complex that cultural methods that once maintained the health of our communities no lengthier can. Equally, the effects of humanity on the planetary ecosystem are outside of the ecosystems capacity to self-repair. Humanity must take responsibility itself, but currently has no tool and no capacity sufficient to the want for collective action.
How does open funds work?
You treasure what you measure, and you measure what you treasure. Open dollars provides the tools to implement this maxim. What should we be treasuring in our culture and on our planet that we so far have no way to measure?
Throughout history, prosperity acknowledgment evolved by becoming far more abstract and less substantial. Open money follows this same pattern by being a meta-currency technique, not just a new single kind of cash. It enables the creation of numerous new types of money. It puts currency creation directly within the hands of communities so that they can generate wealth-acknowledgment techniques for tracking all types of wealth--tradable, measurable,Microsoft Office 2010 Key, and acknowledgeable--and so that they will tailor the tracking to fit their precise needs.
Open money works by providing a unified platform for that interchange of all these different kinds of prosperity acknowledgment,Office 2010 Sale, just the same way that the Internet provides a unified platform for that interchange of all kinds of information. Just as the great shift with the Internet was in not specifying what kind of data can flow across it (unlike the phone network), the great shift of open cash lies in not dictating which new form of wealth-acknowledgment people should use. Instead it provides the basic building blocks for communities to develop new types of wealth-acknowledgment techniques themselves.
Right off the bat, communities can use open dollars for simple things like Local Exchange Trading Programs (LETS), Time Banks, barter networks, carbon-emissions investing programs, baby-sitting co-ops, reputation tracking systems, business loyalty programs, etc. But the interesting stuff will happen when communities apply their creativity to invent new currencies that solve wealth-acknowledgment problems we do not even have names for yet."
Far more Details
See the graphic explaining Ranges of Prosperity
See the graphic explaining wealth acknowledgement at
Related graphic 'The Future of cash, new lenses of wealth', at
See Also
Financial Reform
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