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Old 04-17-2011, 12:24 AM   #1
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Fuels and Fuel Additives

The Clean Air Act gives EPA using the authority to regulate fuels and fuel additives so that you can minimize the danger to public health from exposure to their emissions. The regulations at 40 CFR Part 79 (from the U.S. Government Printing Office) require that each manufacturer or importer of gasoline, diesel fuel, or a fuel additive, have its product registered by EPA prior to its introduction into commerce. Registration involves providing a chemical description of the product and certain technical, marketing and health-effects information. This allows EPA to identify the likely combustion and evaporative emissions. In certain cases, health-effects testing is required for a product to maintain its registration or before a new product can be registered. EPA uses this information to identify products whose emissions may pose an unreasonable threat to general public wellness, warranting further investigation and/or regulation.
Regulations for term "Substantially Similar" List of Registered Fuels and Fuel Additives Notices Regulations Archived Regulations
NOTE: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, available as a free download, to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more about PDF, and for a link to the free Acrobat Reader.
Regulations for term "Substantially Similar" 1981 Interpretive Rule for the term "Substantially Similar" (PDF) (16 pp, 81K) 1991 Interpretive Rule for the term "Substantially Similar" (PDF) (12 pp,Office Enterprise 2007, 420K) Waiver Summary Document (PDF) (4 pp, 15K)
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List of Registered Fuels and Fuel Additives (Accurate as of March 2, 2011) Alphabetical List of Registered Gasoline and Diesel Additives List of Registered Motor Vehicle Gasolines and Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuels List of Registered Gasoline Additives List of Registered Diesel Additives List of Certified Detergent Additives List of Registered Biodiesel Fuels
Contacts: Jose Solar at 202-343-9027 or, Jaimee Dong at 202-343-9672 or, or Jim Caldwell at 202-343-9303 or

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Notices Partial Grant and Partial Denial of Clear Air Act Waiver Application Submitted by Growth Energy to Increase the Allowable Ethanol Content of Gasoline to 15 Percent; Decision of the Administrator
EPA reviewed the March 2009 application from Growth Energy, available test data and public comments on the waiver request. On October 13, 2010,Windows 7 Key, EPA determined that, subject to compliance with all of the conditions listed in the waiver decision,Office Professional 2010, a gasoline produced with greater than E10 and no more than E15 will not cause or contribute to a failure of certain motor vehicles to achieve compliance with all the emission standards to which they have been certified over their useful lives. Therefore, EPA partially and conditionally granted the waiver request application submitted by Growth Energy for its gasoline-ethanol blend with no more than 15 vol% ethanol. Response to Application for Waiver (PDF) (58 pp, 4.58M, published November 4, 2010) More information about E15

Notice of Receipt of a Clean Air Act Waiver Application to Increase the Allowable Ethanol Content of Gasoline to 15 Percent; Status Update (July 2010)
This is a status update on EPA's review of Growth Energy's waiver request for ethanol blends up to 15 volume percent (E15).
Status Update Notice of Receipt of a Clear Air Act Waiver Application to Increase the Allowable Ethanol Content of Gasoline to 15 Percent; Letter to Petitioners (November 30, 2009)
EPA sent a letter to Growth Energy describing the status of EPA's review of their waiver request for ethanol blends up to 15 volume percent (E15)
Contact: Robert Anderson at 202-343-9718 or
Letter (PDF) (2 pp, 493K)
Notice of Receipt of a Clear Air Act Waiver Application to Increase the Allowable Ethanol Content of Gasoline to 15 Percent; Extension of Comment Period (published May 20, 2009)
EPA is extending the comment period related to a waiver application to increase the allowable ethanol content of gasoline to 15 volume percent. Under the Federal Register Notice, published April 21,Microsoft Office 2007 Professional, 2009 (see below), the public comment period was set to end on May 21, 2009. The purpose of this document is to extend the comment period an additional 60 days until July 20, 2009. This extension of the comment period is provided to allow the public additional time to respond to the legal and technical issues raised in the application.

Contact: Robert Anderson at 202-343-9718 or
Notice | PDF Version (2 pp,Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010, 75K, published May 20, 2009)
Notice of Receipt of a Clean Air Act Waiver Application to Increase the Allowable Ethanol Content of Gasoline to 15 Percent; Request for Comment (published April 21, 2009)
EPA has received a request for a waiver under section 211(f)(4) of the Clean Air Act for ethanol blends up to 15 volume percent (E15). The Administrator must make a decision on the waiver application within 270 days of receipt. Since the application was received on March 6, 2009, it must be granted or denied by December 1, 2009. The Federal Register Notice announces receipt of the request in order to solicit general public comment that will assist the Administrator in reaching her decision.

Contact: Jim Caldwell at 202-343-9303 or
Notice | PDF Version (3 pp, 77K)
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Regulations Proposed Rule: Regulation to Mitigate the Misfueling of Vehicles and Engines with Gasoline Containing Greater than Ten Volume Percent Ethanol and Modifications to the Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline Programs
EPA is proposing a regulatory program to help mitigate potential misfueling of certain engines, vehicles and equipment with gasoline containing greater than E10 and no more than E15. This proposed rule would require all E15 fuel dispensers to have a label if a retail station chooses to sell E15 and seeks comment on separate labeling requirements for fuel blender pumps and fuel pumps that dispense E85. Similar to the prohibition in section 211(f)(1), the proposed rule would prohibit the use of gasoline containing greater than 10 vol% ethanol in vehicles and engines not covered by the partial waiver for E15. In addition, the proposed rule would require product transfer documents specifying ethanol content and Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) to accompany the transfer of gasoline blended with ethanol and a national survey of retail stations to ensure compliance with these requirements. The proposed rule would also modify the Reformulated Gasoline (RFG) program by updating the Complex Model to allow fuel manufacturers to certify batches of gasoline containing up to E15.
Fact Sheet: EPA Announces E15 Partial Waiver Decision and Pump Labeling Proposal | PDF Version (5 pp, 530K, October 13, 2010) Proposed Rule (PDF) (49 pp, 3.39M, published November 4, 2010) More information about E15
Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Revised Definition of Substantially Similar Rule for Alaska (published April 25, 2008)
Discussions with an Alaskan refiner have highlighted the need for an amendment to the substantially similar provision of Section 211(f) of the Clear Air Act for unleaded gasoline to improve cold starting of vehicles in Alaska during the winter months. Currently, manufacturers of gasoline for Alaska may not use a temperature below 41 degrees Celsius when testing the vapor-liquid (V/L) ratio of the fuel and still be within the current definition of “substantially similar.” This amendment will allow manufacturers producing unleaded gasoline for use only in Alaska during the winter months to use a minimum test temperature of 35 degrees Celsius when testing for a maximum V/L ratio of 20 instead of requiring a V/L test temperature of 41 degrees Celsius.

Contact: Jaimee Dong at 202-343-9672 or
Direct Final Interpretive Rule | PDF Version (5 pp, 126K ) Proposed Interpretive Rule | PDF Version (3 pp, 91K)

Fuel & Fuel Additive Registration Rule Summary (PDF) (9 pp, 102K)

Final Rule: Revision to the Requirements on Variability in the Composition of Additives Certified Under the Gasoline Deposit Control Program (published November 14, 2005)
This final rule issues a revision to the requirements on variability in the composition of additives certified under the gasoline deposit control program and addresses comments we received on this revision as proposed in the previous Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and as contained in the parallel Direct Final Rule. (See related rulemakings.) Fact Sheet: Final Rule Revising the Requirements on Variability in the Composition of Additives Certified Under the Gasoline Deposit Control Program | PDF Version (2 pp, 43K, EPA420-F-05-014, November 2005) Final Rule | PDF Version (7 pp, 172K)
Contact: Jeff Herzog at 734-214-4227 or
Revision to the Requirements on Variability in the Composition of Additives Certified Under the Gasoline Deposit Control Program (published November 5, 2001)
The direct final rule issues a revision to the requirements on variability in the composition of additives certified under the gasoline deposit control program. Direct Final Rule | PDF Version (6 pp, 54K) Proposed Rule | PDF Version (3 pp, 42K)
Contact: Jeff Herzog at 734-214-4227 or
Archived Regulations
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