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Old 04-20-2011, 03:40 PM   #1
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Default Microsoft Office 2010 Product Key Fragile and Conf

HighlightsFinancial Crisis and Fragile and Conflict-Affected CountriesAn Inclusive & Sustainable Globalization by Bank President Robert ZoellickIDA'S Work in Fragile and Conflict-affected Countries
Around 600 million people live in countries impacted by fragility and conflict. Poverty rates average 54 percent compared with 22 percent for low-income countries as a whole. These countries which are defined by weak institutions and the impact of warfare constitute a protracted development challenge where results are hard to achieve. As the Global Monitoring Report shows, achieving the Millennium Development Goals remains a distant hope for many fragile and conflict-affected countries.
While the risk of failure in these countries is high,Microsoft Office 2010 Product Key, the risk of non- action is even higher: the annual global cost of conflict is estimated to be around $100 billion. Aside from the lives lost and damaged due to conflict and the scale of human suffering it creates, conflict also destroys assets and institutions. Recovering and rebuilding takes many years and the efforts don’t always succeed, 40% of post-conflict countries relapse into conflict within 10 years. The WDR 2011 will investigate further the challenge of conflict-affected Countries.
The example of countries that have achieved reductions in poverty suggests that development depends on a state that delivers core services such security, rule of law, and other public goods effectively. Countries at the end of conflict often need help to build an effective state. Such assistance needs to be comprehensive and requires the integration of security, diplomatic and development efforts.
Multimedia:Videos on our work in fragile environments:
The World Bank provides such state-building support to a large number of fragile and conflict-affected countries. This support involves all sectors ranging from public administration, community development, and infrastructure to demobilization, health, education and social services. The Bank also plays an important donor coordinating role administering multi-donor trust funds in countries such as Afghanistan, Timor-Leste and Sudan. We continuously seek to improve our knowledge through in-depth research to guide our interventions in these challenging environments.
The Bank’s capacity to provide financial support to fragile and conflict-affected countries was enhanced in the 15th Replenishment of IDA agreement. The Bank’s State and Peacebuilding Fund compliments the IDA support by providing financing for countries in arrears and for small and urgent activities not easily funded under regular IDA credit or grant operations.
In fragile and conflict-affected countries it is particularly important that aid is provided in an integrated fashion. To ensure international coordination the Bank fosters strong partnerships with the United Nations Agencies, the United Nations Peace-Building Commission, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and its Development Assistance Committee (OECD/DAC), other multilateral development banks, and bilateral donors.
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