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Old 04-22-2011, 12:14 AM   #1
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Default mart Tods -. Gaahh

OKAY, who another fancies being weird and amazing? No misdemeanour meant, but if Joanna, and Wendy, and Kathi, and Simone, and Anina, and Anna, and Zoe,shop Tods, would like to pick up the medal it's all yours. In truth, if anybody another wants it go knock yourselves out. I'll happily give it to you at all times you share how weird you are (weird is good, scatter the weird).
Numbers freak me out. I detest math of entire kinds. I timid away from act most all amounts, and I don't count my alteration in marts (when the cashiers count down the change for me it all goes over my head meantime I laugh favor a moron) . It took me 4 offers apt obtain my basic math cert (GSCE for it's known in the UK) and namely was equitable so I could get into Uni. In the end (at elderly 24) I needed to pay as private tuition to get me through the math examination that namely designed for a 16 yr antique! And here I am sprinting a commerce?!?? If it wasn't for my numerate hubby, I'd be stuffed! I dislike dress shopping. Some of you may know this yet, yet what I've never mentioned namely that it's gotten to the point where going out is constantly a real head pain for me because I genuinely have naught to dress and I mean that literally. Every time fair before I go out I rifle though my wretched closet and I think to myself 'this is insane, I MUST go dress shopping (alternatively seam loads of lovely clothes'). But being short in the UK makes for pathetic clothes shopping so I studiously avoid it. I might have too numerous 'favourites'. I understand lots of us have fave craft tools and a fave mug (1 for coffee, and different for tea) etc., but I too have fave cutlery,discount tods, crockery, pans,tods online shop, knives, appliances, dining table area, side of mattress, place on sofa,Tods women, pens, pencils, washing up fluid. At home I'm irritatingly uncompromising about these asset and I have been known to query banquet guests to surrender their (my fave) cutlery to me because it's mistakenly been given to them to use (I mean, actually!) I eat things in a weird direction. I'm very prescriptive almost the direction I eat decisive things and I can't seem to stop, for example: corn on the cob: eaten in straight stripes from fat end to skinny and then behind another,Tods Outlets, prawns: eaten in 3 bites from pate end to tail (I don't eat the brain itself), fowl wings: rind side eaten first before underside, jacket potato: lots of butter mashed into potato, then potato scooped out of skin and eaten before eating skin last,..there are numerous more samples, but I already sound weird enough.... I am ridiculously lightly diverted. This drives me up the walls, for instance: whilst manuscript this post I have: made myself a glass of tea and a ham and lettuce sandwich, bought a calendar from ebay, replied 5 emails, and chosen what cloth I am going to use to make my next bag (which ambition be Amy Butler's Kimberly Bag). Gaahh! It's amazing I get anything done! You should see my WIP carton...I don't ambition to talk about it. I am a shy exhibitionist - like Jo I'm very merry in my own enterprise, but when I'm out I enjoy socialising. That said I'm really quite shy while meeting current folk (I don't beverage or cloud so I don't get anyone social lubricant and nothing for my hands to fidget with). I do administer, it's no like I hike around hiding backward my fringe, it's just that the mostly I'm variety of maladroit in new company. This isn't at all weird in itself, the object that is weird is that I'm a ridiculously confident dancer (I didn't say agreeable, whereas I have been told lots of times that I am. Heh!). I'll be first above and last off the dancing ground and if there was a pole in the middle of it I'd probably shimmy up and down that also.
Thanks Sweet Jo for cerebral that I am both weird and amazing; I'm happy to take either as a praise :) So in return for my kooky award I'm supposed to account 7 weird things about me...
Here are some cool sewing tunes, this time it's all fab feminine vocalists. Please feel free to help yourself to Dusty Springfield, or Feist, or Amy Winehouse. Enjoy!
I tin be weird, perhaps even unbelievable...

Tods Gommini - Now 2008 namely here

Tods driver shoes -

tods ballet flats -

Channeling the ever-appealing hipster style, Barneys’ New York styles top models Viktoriya Sasonkina and Karlie Kloss in edgy designs for Barneys CO-OP. The CO-OP is a stand-alone department of the famed retailed that offers offers casual apparel and accessories catered to a younger market.
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