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Old 04-25-2011, 03:31 AM   #1
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Default Hindus volunteer apt wash up reli dr dre headphone

New York (CNN) -- Volunteers toiled for hours above Friday cleaning mostly man-made debris from a New York coastline, the spread religious offerings from a growing Hindu population in Queens.

The group has drawn concern among local conservationists behind leaving offerings -- clothing, sculptures, plastic flowers and additional items -- forward the Gateway National Recreation Area approach Jamaica Bay.

"I was appalled to see the condition of the area," said New Yorker Nagassar Ramgarib, a practicing Hindu. "It was truly disgustingly filthy."

Many vindicate the practice, thought a divine Hindu tradition. Millions of worshippers quit offerings apt the gods by India's Ganges river every year.

"There are times when we feel that we absence to come to the sea, to offer flowers and of lesson ... material things because we feel that flowers, they just go," said Esther J. Ramdeen, a spokeswoman for the East Elmhurst temple, Shiva Mandir, who helped systematize Friday's clean-up. "We see God in the sea," she said.

What remains is a standoff between those who insist on practicing their faiths unfettered and environmentalists who are trying to preserve the area for regional navy life.

Affected by the buildup and inspired by a park ranger who helped clear debris with him several years earlier, Ramgarib returned to his temple to encourage executives and its members to visit the park and see the dispose.

"It is the sea. It is something that we as Hindus adore," he told them, "It is the media that we use from this life to the after-life."

Ramgarib warned that whether the place was continually polluted, his people could be banned.

Kathy Krause, a supervisory park ranger of the Gateway National Recreation Area who heeded the clean-up, agrees the religious practices have put definite oppression on the bay.

"It's a rich biodiverse ecosystem yet it's definitively suffering some important environmental issues," Krause said.

These surplus items left on the bay are one of its biggest menaces for Jamaica Bay,dr dre headphones, a citizen park that's family to more than 325 species of birds, invertebrates and sea life, Krause said.

"They unlock nutrients into the gulf that don't belong there, and it exacerbates the water pollution problem we have," she said.

Volunteers picking below rocks and via grass Friday fraught waste bags of bottles, coconut shells, figurines and yards of fabric, always of which the team says they ambition attempt to recycle.

Ramdeen said the fabric, dragged and occasionally ripped from beneath the shoreline, is fair different portion of the material estates offered to the gods.

"You discern that the colors we're electing up are quite pretty colors," she said "and we for Hindus think that we should give God the best."

The stuff collected by Ramdeen's organization namely cleaned before creature sent behind to India as clothing.

"So it was kind of a recycling process," she said of their efforts.

"It's extraordinary," Krause said of the group's exertions. "This just shows such wonderful turnout from the local community."

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