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Old 04-27-2011, 03:03 AM   #1
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Wealth Building: Let The Wealth Building Secrets Of J. Paul Getty Inspire You To Great Achievement,tods loafers
One of the shortcuts to creating wealth is to learn from those who have achieved great wealth.The late John Paul Getty is known as one of the greatest wealthbuilders in American history.He was kind enough to distill his wealth building rulesfor anyone who desires to amass wealth like him to follow.Do you want to be fabulously rich? Then learn from the master wealth creator himself, and follow in his footsteps:Rule No. 1:To acquire wealth today,browning tod3kP3All My Blog Créez et gérez vos, you must be in your own Business.You may think that the corporate executive with a $100,dre beats,000salary is better off than small shop owner, but the executivewill be hard-pressed to double his income and taxes will eat upmost of any increase.The simplest peanut vendor has unlimited opportunity to expand his Business and his income,tods online6aT5tods loafers tods winter gommini-to, and even salesmen,chaussure de foot, who in most cases are able to write their ownpaychecks,tods, can control his sale increases himself.Rule No. 2.You must have a working knowledge of the Businesswhen you start and continue to increase your knowledge of it asyou go along.If you don’t know what you’re doing when you start, yourmistakes will be costly and often unnecessary,beats by dre, and you won’t beable to keep up with the technological explosions in any field.Start smart and stay that way.Rule No. 3.You must save money in your personal life and inyour Business venture as well.Discipline is the key to saving money. You must develop thewill power to deny yourself immediate gratification or thetemptation to gamble on the quick buck. Resources will be needed for expansion and should be guarded carefully.Rule No. 4.You must take risks,dre beats, both with your own money orwith borrowed money.Risk-taking is essential to Business growth.Nelson Bunker Hunt is admired for his guts in trying tocorner the silver market,tods shoes, not scorned for losing money on thisdeal.Some of the richest men have staked their entire fortunesand lost,tods men, several times over,???????????????, before the risk-taking paid off.Back those risks with good judgment, experience,tod's homme, commitment,desert boot femme tod, And the right support.Seek advice on risks from the wealthy who still take risks, not friends who dare nothing more than a football bet.Rule No. 5.You must not only learn to live with tension,chaussures tod1mCFtods onlineMaster Piece Marie, youmust seek it out.Thrive on stress,??????! If it means getting physically fit, having apsychiatric overall or losing 50 pounds before you can handleit, do it.Once you can learn to thrive on stress, you will notonly enjoy it,?????&hellip,beats by dre, you will seek it out willingly and enthusiastically and wonder how you could live any other way.Men of means look at making money as a game which they love to play.Consider it serious Business and you will suffer far morestress than you need or want.Keep your perspective or your stress level will rocket beyond your control.Rule No. 6.Build wealth as a by-product of your Businesssuccess.If wealth is your only object in Business, you will probablyfail.

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