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Old 04-29-2011, 02:38 AM   #1
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Default changing the design of the glove a lot.

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Although the basics of the game have stayed the same,, there have been some amazing changes in baseball equipment from the early days.
The catcher behind the home plate is expected to take his lumps and not complain. Even in early times catchers tried to protect them selves which were met with jeers from an unhappy crowd.
Over time the face mask,laurent sandals sale,, gloves and chest protector came to be standard equipment for the catcher. The shin guard was the final piece of protection for the backstop completing his armor.
The first catcher to appear with protection wore thickly padded shin guards and looked more like a goalie then a backstop. The crowed reacted faster than the poor ump could yell youre out. Their distaste and unhappiness was loudly heard in their jeers and boos which were launched like fast balls. The first catcher took an awful lot of insults from the fans about his manhood.
The founder of the Red Socks went on to invent the mouth guard. This mouth guard was made of rubber and it resembled the mouth guard of the boxer. It proceeded the face mask.
In 1876 the face mask came was adapted from the design of the fencing mask. This face protection was called the rat trap. It gave excellent protection right from the first game it was used.
Before 1886 the catcher tried to hide their chest protection on the inside of their jersey because they did not want the crowds to think them weak or scared of the ball.
Stories say that it was the wife of the Detroit Tigers catcher Charles Bennett who devised the first chest protection to be worn on the outside of the jersey. She designed this to protect her husband during baseball games.
The first players to wear a glove while playing had to sneak onto the playing field. The fans felt they werent very manly or worthy if they needed a glove.
The very first pair of gloves used for baseball appeared in 1877. They were leather padded with the fingers cut out. Spalding recognized the market for this glove and quickly took the idea and began to market it via their mail order business. They envisioned big sales from these gloves. Catchers were among his first clients. The safety catchers mitt was introduced by Harry Decker in the 1890s. The mitt was a glove stitched to the back of a round pad that covered the palm of hand. The glove was flat and the pocket was broken in on the field behind the plate at the expense of the catchers palm.
The catches mitt is used to catch the ball which is thrown from the pitcher towards the batter. He also uses the glove to catch tips off the batters bat. The fielders and the infield players also throw the ball to the catcher. A catcher will tag out a runner as he attempts to tag home plate.
The infielders,cheap jimmy choo boots, second baseman,,louboutin slingbacks, short stop,christian louboutin pumps, and third base mens job is to catch a ball the batter hits. They also tag out players as they try to run from home plate around first,cheap manolo blahnik, second,,cheap manolo blahnik, and third then back to home plate. Their gloves are webbed and have a pocket to catch the ball.
The first baseman and the out fielders gloves are a little different because they have deeper pocket that hold the ball better when the ball is caught.
Over the years the baseball glove has seen many changes since the first pig skin fingerless gloves. In only forty years since the 1960s there have even been great changes because of new technologies,christian louboutin D'orsay, changing the design of the glove a lot.
The baseball gloves of today actually have less padding in them than the baseball gloves of the 50s or 60s. The newer gloves are designed to help the player to catch the ball and hold on to it with just the gloved hand,jimmy choo slingbacks sale,, freeing up the other hand to through to ball faster.
The one handed catch has seen dramatic increases in the speed of the game. This change is seen on the field when we see a fielder jumps up and sometimes over the fence catching the ball with one hand and seldom dropping it. Even when the out fielder runs crashing into the out side wall,jimmy choo sandals sale, if he has caught the ball it remains in the glove.
The new baseball glove designs are now taking in to account the rotation of the ball and how it effects the players ability to catch the ball. Some fast balls rotate at a speed of 1800 RPMs. The designer s are trying to develop a glove that will counter this high rotation.
Baseball equipment has changed plenty and is still ever changing today. These changes have made the game more interesting and will continue to provide years of exciting games to watch.
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