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Old 05-01-2011, 09:43 AM   #1
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Default Cheap Gucci Sunglasses A Guide to What to Wear at

Coloursfest is Scotland's longest running dance event back for its' 9th year. The enormous 6 arena event is a favourite amongst DJs and clubbers alike. 10, 000 party people will descend upon the River Clyde to dance the night away to the best DJs the world has to offer. Clothing will have a strong presence at this event as this will be a chance to promote the brand to the youths of the nation as well as offering these people the chance to check out the latest collection of T shirts, jeans, shoes and jackets. Clubbers will use this opportunity to wear a vast range of t-shirts and sweats to an extent where we could see a festival draped in colourful casual tees.
Choosing the outfit to wear to this event is an extremely important and time consuming process with many factors taken into consideration. As clubbers will be on their feet most of the night, flat shoes are highly recommended. Leave the heels at home. For guys, jeans are a must as this is a casual event along with a casual T shirt as these shirts are designed specifically for this kind of environment. You want an outfit that will let your skin breathe and keep you cool throughout the night. Entering the festival in sweats and hoodies is perhaps too casual and can make the clubber feel uncomfortably warm over the course of the night. The range of clothes typically worn by those going to the event, shows that you do not necessarily need to wear clich��d fluorescent outfits to clubbing events. Bright, vibrant colours are recommended as this coincides with the theme of colour. There is a sizeable range of men's and women's casual T-shirts and stretch denim jeans to fit the needs of every individual; unfortunately they do not sell any whistles.
Coloursfest takes place at Braehead Glasgow Buy Oakley Sunglasses Italian Designer Shoes_840, on June 5 featuring star names such as Mauro Picotto, Seb Fontaine and Dave Pearce. Tickets have sold out for the past 6 six years so you better order them fast. Good luck and I will see you at the front!
Festival season is just round the corner; soon hundreds of thousands of people will be hitting the road to soak up all the year's best music, drink and atmosphere. The time is approaching when dusty tents will be dragged down from attics, wellington boots will be put through the wash and prayers will be said for particular festivals to be swathed in sunshine. One festival no doubt prayed for more than others is Coloursfest in Scotland - victim of Scotland's temperamental weather on many an occasion. Perhaps more important than the weather forecast is the attire that the average clubber should wear to this annual event.
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A tall order but not impossible. There are things you should do and things to definitely avoid. Your email subject heading should (a) stand out, (b) engage the recipient's interest Cheap Gucci Sunglasses, (c) relate closely to the body of the message and (d) not look like hype.To make your email marketing campaign stand out, you can indent the subject by using ">>>>>>>>" or "__________" or "********" but don't be tempted to use exclamation marks or all capital letters. These will catch the human eye but they will also attract the scrutiny of the filterbots who will most likely gulp the email down without even bothering to look further than the subject line. Don't be tempted to put L@@K in the subject heading of a business email, that sort of thing is fine if you are writing to a friend but it does not convey a professional image.
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