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Old 05-03-2011, 03:37 PM   #1
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Default Microsoft Office Pro Plus Articles about apple+net

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Everybody wants to run Apple. It’s an appealing idea, as it’s so easy to see it as “one man’s” company, one that exists only to fulfill his vision of what the next big thing should be. And while there’s always money to be made in trashing Apple, too many wanna-be-Steves… Continue Reading »

Bill Synder over at PCWorld has written an article bashing the usefulness of Apple’s rumored “iSlate” as a business device, even before the product has been seen, let alone announced. As my colleague Bill Stiteler tweeted, “... that’s some good old-fashioned Mac hate ...” And since Mr. Snyder finds it… Continue Reading »

It was almost common knowledge that Apple had something planned for the 27th of January but finally, nine days before the date, they have confirmed it by sending out the usual invitations. There’s always a little piece of text on the invitations that, while not necessarily giving a hint, certainly… Continue Reading »

Rumors of an Apple tablet have been around in one form or another for well over a year now. Are you tired of the speculation? So is Valleywag. The difference between you and them is they’re willing to pay to prove the tablet’s existence once and for all. Pay quite… Continue Reading »

Over the course of CES,Office Professional, TG Daily came upon a rather interesting rumor after talking to various vendors. As it goes, some companies were trying to get 10 inch screens to use with their products but were met with months and months of struggle thanks to Apple. Apparently, our favorite… Continue Reading »

French site Mac4Ever has released a report claiming that the rumored January 27th event Apple will also see the announcement of the iPhone OS 4.0 Beta. This updated version of the software development kit (SDK) will supposedly also include tools for developing on Apple’s new tablet device, which is rumored… Continue Reading »

According to people who were briefed on the rumored Apple event coming up later this month, Apple does plan to announce a tablet later this month. This device would come in a 10 to 11 inch form factor,microsoft Office 2010 keygen, and is apparently slated to be shipped in March. Furthermore, the sources… Continue Reading »

From the latest reports and rumors flying around, it’s possible to make this conclusion. If various sources can be trusted, Apple should release a touch-screen tablet device on January 27th. Of course, this is still simply a collection of rumors, but it’s not just a single rumor that keeps making… Continue Reading »

iTouch, MacBook touch, the Apple Tablet…it’s been called a lot of names, all except perhaps a currently available product,Windows 7 Professional, but there’s reason to believe Apple may have decided on a name for our much wanted device. Sounds like we might be calling it the TabletMac…well maybe. A company called Axiotron… Continue Reading »

Another day, another rumor about the “impending” Apple Tablet. Today,Microsoft Office Pro Plus, the internet was on fire with talk about a leaked picture of what could be the SIM card tray for the rumored Apple Tablet. And if that wasn’t quite enough to get you to stop yawning, Bill Keller, executive editor… Continue Reading »
MobileNavigator GPS Giveaway
has kindly offered Appletell two free downloads of the MobileNavigator North America GPS app for iPhone, and suggested we pass them to along to you. So, we shall. You just need to tell us where in the U.S. or Canada you'd like to visit, and you're entered for your chance to win.
iPhone App Reviews
iPhone Apps. They were great when the App Store was first announced and we could all pick and chose what we wanted,Windows 7 Keygen, but the number is now overwhelming. Here at Appletell, we'll detail the great iPhone apps we find, and steer you clear from those that aren't worth it even if they're free.
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