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Old 05-08-2011, 08:04 AM   #1
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Default puma shoes sell -Perspective Role And Contribution

5. Pharmaceuticals
b Drishtee: ???
This service is launched by the RAJASTHAN Government for the premier time for its rural citizens, so that they can deploy the I.T. qualified benefits to its fullest. E- Mitra is State Government started projects, which presently become extremely popular in the region. In year 2002, 2 projects came into existence namely; Lok Mitra and Jan Mitra. ??????
b Rural e-seva:?????
Income generation from Rural India has increased dramatically from past few years. Trends have witnessed twice growth rate of the rural market as compared to the urban markets. According to a McKinsey survey conducted in year 2007, Rural India, with a population of 627 million, (approximately 74.3 per cent of the total population), would become bigger than the total consumer market in countries such as South Korea or Canada in distinct twenty years. Moreover, it would grow about four times from its existing size in 2007, which was estimated at US$ 577 billion. Several sectors are showing their inclination towards the rural market area due to the increased potentiality of opportunities. ??
According to Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), the number of rural households using quick moving consumer merchandise (FMCG) products has grown from 136 million in 2004 to 143 million in 2007.

The Rural Market of India is showing an impressive growth largely due to changing lifestyle patterns, better communication network and rapidly changing demand building of consumers of rural area. With the changing patterns of Rural Market, the role of I.T. has increased from providing only the Networks to set-up the basis of updated technological programs in the rural area. It is watched that the people living in the rural area have mighty purchasing power and have more openness for current technology as compared to the quondam. Evidence of the increase in purchasing power can be painted from the expression of Mr. D. Shivakumar (Business Head - Personal Product Division, Hindustan Unilever Limited) who said that the money available for spending on the FMCG by Rural India is 63,500 Cr., which is much more as compared to Urban India that spends the amount of approximately 49,500 Cr. ?

One of the wi-fi project below which few villages (of UTTAR PRADESH) are connected to internet is Digital Gangetic Plan (DGP). Through the use of DGP telegraph network connectivity is built, this program helped the people residing in villages of India to have the access of internet through which the information on various issues can be collected ad used,MBT M WALK, at the same time the people living in rural India can be updated with the new technological alterations and the innovative changes catching area in the national and the international markets. For instance; Bimari Jankari is a portal through which the information regarding every disease and health related issues is available and Digital Mandi is available as one of the portals where all the information regarding the agricultural commodities are available. This portal provides the information regarding the prices of the commodities and their relative value.??

The program is designed especially for providing the internet way and I.T. Enabled services to the citizens through which the interface among the Government and the Citizens can be setup. These centers join 7 northeast states namely; Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Mehalaya,abercrombie & fitch clothing, Mizoram,puma shoes sell, Nagaland and Tripura. The center helps to gain the connectivity at the time of unsuitable environmental conditions. The centers are usually termed as CIC which are generally situated at the educate, college alternatively any governmental bureau. People can come for the Internet access, and for accessing the internet, a nominal value is charged from the people through which the daily expenses of the centers are maintained. ?
I.T. has varied applications in it, through which the development of the rural area can be feasible accurately. Government had introduced a number of programs through which the people of rural India can come forward and use the I.T. enabled services and work more systematically. Some of the programs escape by the Government are:?
N-Logue is stimulated in South India and due to its avails namely entering into the northern areas. The cardinal momentum came from IIT -Chennai. It is a non-profit organization with the responsibility of providing rural IT based services (including hardware and software) through connectivity and petition always nigh the rural area. It is functional with WLL Technology whose construction and upkeep is costly and the connectivity is also restricted to a decisive area, merely has the facility of providing connectivity with a scope of services as it provides the voice call facility and overcome the problem of turntable up connection errors. N-Logue is beyond patronized at IIT-Chennai, which prepares a diversity of local language software for it in short time for convenience and solace. It has also joined the facility of web-cam through which the remote diagnosis of various problems can be done. Tamil Nadu Government has patronized the functions of n-Logue (especially in its Madurai and Nellikuppam area). N-Logue charges for connectivity and is relatively popular in the southern region due to its easy connectivity featuring and exercising of handling the applications. ??

O TARAvan (distribution of mandates at remote areas)???????????????????????
A survey carried out by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), indicated that the consumer durable goods sector is all set to witness 12 per cent growth in 2008. The rural market is growing faster than the urban markets, notwithstanding the penetration level in rural area is much lower. The rural Indian market, which accounts for nearly 70 per cent of the total number of households, witnessed a 25 per cent year growth while the urban consumer durables market reflected an daily rate of 7 to 10 per cent. ???????????????????????????????????????????????
The face of Indian rural market can be transformed only with the deployment of I.T. The periodical has provided the summarize description of the various services offered in the rural areas of different states of India and simultaneously the advantages these services have. All the services have distinction in degree of connectivity, level of service offered and basic organizational structure. It is apparently seen that the range of I.T. enabled service proportion is increasing at a rapid rate in the rural areas of India. The fact behind it is the increasing amuse of the organizations (advantageous and non-profitable) to capture the rural markets and the increasing level of the education and market interface of the rural people. I.T. enabled services are growing at a fast rate and are providing several services to rural people with the common motive of having increase in the connectivity and accordingly creation of bigger market in the rural areas. ?
b Bhoomi: ????

According to a study, behaved in September 2007, by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on the Indian rural retail sector, opportunities in Rural Retail were estimated to be over US$ 34 billion in year 2007. This diagram is expected to touch US$ 43 billion in 2010 and go up to US$ 58 billion by 2015. The rural markets in 2008 have grown at 25 per cent compared to the 7-10 per cent growth rate of the urban consumer retail market. ?

O TARABazar (for product information)????????????

E-choupal has already become the largest initiative surrounded all internet-based interventions in Rural India. E-choupal is present in 36,000 villages through almost 6,000 kiosks along 9 states. ITC (Indian Tobacco Company) is planning to distend the notion of e-choupal further in 15 states of India.??

Sub Theme:? Contribution and Perspective Role of I.T.?

Drishtee is present in 5 States and is currently available in six districts. It is a private company, which was formerly labeled as Cyber Edge, which has the main work of developing the modules. It is present in Bihar, Haryana, Madya Pradesh, Punjab and Rajasthan. It is generally suited in the Panchayat or in the bazaars. They prepare the module for the meager segment of the society who cannot comprehend the multinational language. The modules are devised as the rural and semi-urban zones especially.??
b wi-fi Projects:???????
It was established in January in year 2000. It is an e-governance based module designed for the rural citizens. The project was initially initiated by the Government of MADHYA PRADESH. Gyandoot caters the need of the villagers by providing the information related to the prevailing rates of the agro-based commodities and the rate of land. Each Gyandoot Info kiosks caters to approximately 15 panchayats and 30 villages. The module is designed with the aim to provide cost telling and sustainable delivery model to the people.??
The KARNATAKA Government for nourishing the records related to the land introduced it. The Department of Revenue in Karnataka has computerized 20 million records of land ownership belonging to 6.7 million peasants of the state. With the introduction of the agenda, the farmers are free from giving the bribe and are defended from the persecution. Framers can accessible get the Records of Rights, Tenancy and Crops (RTC) by depositing a minimal fee of Rs. 15. ???

b Aksh: ?????


Lok Mitra is an urban electronic Governance Project which was fired in Jaipur metropolis in year 2002, which helps the citizens of Jaipur (immediately other cities also) to pay their bills online (land, Water, Bus Tickets and BSNL) leadership the citizen to save the waiting time. This service also ensures people that their money is going directly to the Government and provides a feeling of security related to their bills payment.?
? It is mostly athletic in Northern India, it is a fiber optic wire corporation with its gist competence in lay down and maintenance if cable. Aksh has the authorization to lay down the cables in the rural areas. It initially has collaborated with Drishtee for maintenance of kiosks, but with the changing times; Drishtee and Aksh have separated in different service offerings. While Urban Area has witnessed a penetration of cable T.V., rural areas have left un-served. The fact backward the cheap class of cable T.V. proportion in rural as likened to urban area is due to the fact that in rural area there are a finite number of houses which can furnish cable T.V. The bandwidth delivered by Aksh supports a colossal variety of services (including video interactions) which ambition guide to mushroom the class information exchange in between the people living in several areas of rural India.?

A large number of studies have shown that even today around 70% of Indian Population lives in Rural Areas. Today, Rural Development is important for the development of the Indian Economy. Indian Government has achieved the role of the rural development and the contribution of I.T. in the development of Rural Markets. A large number of projects are introduced in the rural area with many upcoming projects in pipeline; which are presumable to be introduced by the Government in the short span of time. Rural Literacy is ranked at the topmost rank of precedence. Trends signify that rural markets are coming up in huge way and growing double as faster as urban markets. According to a study by NCAER (National Council for Applied Economic Research), the number of medium and high-income families in rural India is anticipated to grow from 80 Million to 111 Million by the end of year 2007 as compared to Urban India that is neighboring 59 Million. ?

In a report by market research tight AC Nielsen, in April-May 2008, it was observed that rural market has shown a quick rate of growth. The FMCG sector in rural areas is projected to grow by 40 per cent against the 25 per cent growth in urban areas. ??

According to a report, 'Insurance in Next 2 Years', by The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), in May 2008, the insurance sector size was estimated at US$ 12.8 billion, and it is threaten to see an unprecedented growth of 200 per cent, touching US$ 51.2 billion by 2009-10. Rural India may offer a business chance value US$ 23 billion for the warranty companies if the segment can be wooed with innovative saving schemes at affordable bonuses?
4. Automobiles

* Source: IBEF Report, August 21, 2008?


With the increasing popularity of the project, Government of India has resolved to introduce the project in additional chapters of the nation too, namely: Kerala,abercrombie and fitch hoodies, West Bengal, Sikkim, Tripura, Punjab, Haryana, Madya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Gujrat, Assam, Orrisa,nike dunks mens&womens shoes, Rajasthan and Pondicherry. ?

Perspective Role And Contribution Of Information Technology In Rural Markets In India
b E-Mitra: ???????

3. Retail
In Rural India, Government has already provided Info-kiosks (a rural edition of cyber caf��) which provide basic communication facilities like internet connection and telecommunication services. Modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT's) were found apt have great potential to endow. The projects of Info- Kiosks are very popular in the region of Andra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujrat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Madya Pradesh, Rajasthan Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh and have shown a affirmative rejoinder in the development of the rural area. ??

The Indian Automotive Industry currently has a turnover of US$ 34 billion. However, the car market remains untapped in rural India that has a strong buying power. Nearly 50 per cent of the Indian rural market, which includes 220 million households, is potential motorcar buyers. Two-wheeler penetration in rural belts is still very low with less than 10 per cent households owning a two-wheeler.?

b Gyandoot: ?????

The Indian Pharmaceuticals Market is regarded as an of the fastest growing in the world. In 2006-07, this mart was valued at over US$ 7 billion with the rural segment having a remarkable share of this market. Industry estimates observed that while small towns contribute 20 per cent to the country's pharmaceuticals market, rural areas account for 21 per cent. In 2006-07, the rural Indian market was estimated at around US$ 1.4 billion, having grown at almost 40 per cent in 2006-07 against 21 per cent in the before year. ?

b e-choupal: ????
b Community Information Centers:???????
and numerous other services are also provided.??
Where Jan Mitra is an integrated electronic platform through which the citizens of Rajasthan can avail the benefit if getting the desired information regarding any Governmental Department at kiosks which is very approach to there doorstep. These Initiative program of Rajasthan administration have no only helped the Government by reducing the burden of attending each call, it has depressed the waiting time for the service and has lead to provide comfort to the citizens also, as follows the inception of this service they can easily get the information required at their doorstep.??????
2. Insurance

National Informatics Centers (NIC) through which the software online copies of the land records are obtainable amplified the software of Bhoomi. By giving an online apply, farmers get an online enrollment number through which further processing can be done. In the software, the connectivity is through the LAN through which all the clients are connected to the hubs.???
The increase in the services provided to the rural people (in terms of various services offered) will outcome in the overall betterment of the society aboard one side by enriching the people with updated market information and providing latest scientific developmental news and organizations on other side by creating more market opportunities for them and correction of the market amounts. ?

O TARAdak (connect to relatives at distance)????????????
b n-Logue ???????
Government is taking serious treads for the development of the rural market, under which the activities related to the development of the rural infrastructure, subsidized edible availability and rural employ schemes are at the priority. I.T. melodramas a important role in precise implementing these developmental programs in the rural area. Government has set up various centers which are spreading the I.T. web in the rural area through which people can be benefited and exploit the resources available efficiently.

O TARAdhaba (for providing connectivity)????????????

It was initiated by ANDRA PRADESH Government. It was initially implemented in West Godavari District to deliver e-governance facility. The centers are designed with the outlook to provide better governance facilities to the folk of the Rural India. The popularity of e-seva can be estimated from the truth that in the annual 2003, extra than 400 million rupees was collected merely for the electricity remittance. With the success of the e-seva in electricity bills payout, Government is seeing amenable for introducing it in the areas of collection of telephone bills and local Governmental Bills. E-seva is gaining popularity with passing days as it helps the citizens to avail the behalf of getting the certificates by their doorsteps; which is both relaxing and reliable.?
For development of the rural areas proper development of the IT Communication and Infrastructural services are essential onward with the utilization of the fiber optic networks. I.T. services need to be developed in reference to the present rural infrastructure. Internet based services blended with customer support services ought be provided in the rural areas, which can increase the approval rate of the services by the rural people. ??

It was developed by an NGO (non-government organization); with the vision to bring internet facility to the rural India. It is a franchisee based affair model that attempts to produce revenues by focusing on the marketing services through the module (especial focus on the local applications). It was initiated in the region of PUNJAB with the introduction of different centers called as Kendra's which are connected to every other through the dial up internet connection facility. These Kendra's have power export also; in circumstance, the electricity afford is interrupted. The info kiosks provide online and offline services information on schooling, preponderating opportunities in the market and other serviceable information for the villagers. TARAkendra's are very popular in between the local population as it provides the information in the local language and the portal is designed in such a pattern that semi literate population can also understand it without any hardship. Different services that TARAkendra's provide are:????????????
O TARAguru (assists in mentoring and consultancy)????????????
b TARAhaat: ????

It is designed especially for the farmers of India. Through e-choupal, farmers who are alive in the remote area of the country and cannot administer to have straight adjoin with the client can come forward to have a direct contact. It provides an e-procurement system through which the farmers can access the latest and updated information (local, citizen and international) relative to different ploughing practices. It provides real time information and customized knowledge to the farmers through which the farmer can take better decisions and can have direct adjoin with the purchaser, reducing the amount wasted by moving through the delivery outlet of intermediary.? ??????
O TARAgyan (teach rural teens on various issues)????????????
6. Consumer durables

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