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Old 05-10-2011, 07:34 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 74
ivamclshn is on a distinguished road
Default if you go I will not stay after the

Tell you why why why go sterling silver jewelry
said sub-kai
Do not delay, please do not ask you to say
weak reason to separate but you drag drag drag drag when
If you go but why do not you stay
drag drag drag
loud say it hurts you to hurt me a jolly juicy couture clothing, if you go I will not leave me never mind the future and then we said

clear enough word I will not go if you stay I never mind how much pain after the
so sorry that not more talk about why you love the more sad why do that why you go to separate

Do not delay paul smith travel bags, please do not ask you to say
weak reasons for separation ed hardy bags, but you also drag drag drag drag when
to go but why if you do not stay
loud drag drag drag to say
pain hurts you to give me a jolly juciy couture sacs, if you go I will not stay after the
I never mind a word and then we make it clear enough
If you go I do not never mind I will stay after the
so sorry not much more pain herve leger store, more love, then do not even say sorry and then remain silent as
even friends did not have what
then tell people that actually still love you Even if I had it bad
for me I will not go if you stay I never mind the future and we make it clear that word

enough I will not go if you stay I do not how to manage pain after
so sorry that not more upset the more love
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